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The role of the use of improved agricultural practices in ensuring food security in Rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Emmanuel Eng. NSENGIYUMVA
Institut d'enseignement supérieur de Ruhengeri - Engineering Degree Ao in Statistics 2014

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.2 Recommendations

After analyzing and interpreting the findings, some recommendations were suggested to all people who work in the field of agriculture, stakeholders, NGOs and both public and private institutions should work hand in hand to reduce food shortage and food security problems due to the low production through strengthening the use of agricultural input

5.2.1 Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendation can be formulated:

- CYANIKA sector authorities need to strengthen but keeps improving the use of fertilizers among farmers because it helped them to increase their production

- CYANIKA sector authorities should increase the awareness campaign among the farmers to also use pesticides since 53.12% of the respondents said that they don't have access to pesticides and this impacted negatively the production

- CYANIKA sector authorities should ensure the good organization and quantity distribution of improved seeds among farmers of CYANIKA Sector since it is among the major driving factor that increase the HH food production

- CYANIKA sector authorities should increase the awareness campaign among the farmers on the land use consolidation program since 63.2% said that food shortage is due to landless and also HH with little land (<1ha or even none)

- Scaling up the livelihoods activities to avoid household living only on one activity rather practice a combination of activities. since this is among the major component that cause a HH food shortage especially in case of changes of weather condition

- CYANIKA sector authorities should increase the awareness campaign among the farmers on the land use consolidation program since 63.2% said that food shortage is due to landless and also HH with little land (<1ha or even none)

5.3 Future research

This research has concentrated on «the role of the use of improved agricultural practices in ensuring food security in Rwanda» but did not manage to cover the entire Rwandan agricultural sector

This has therefore paved away for future researchers to investigate the opportunities, constraints, challenges and government's role in straightening the Land consolidation program, agricultural input distribution and different measures that put in place for climate change protection

It is hoped that the information generated in this study can be of further help for researchers, investors, planners and government authorities of CYANIKA sector in particular

5.4 References

International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development, 2010, EVALUATION REPORT ON CROP INTENSIFICATION PROGRAM REPORTS, Kigali, Rwanda




Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources and National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, (2008), NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SURVEY, Kigali, Rwanda

National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, 2012, COMPREHENSIVE FOOD SECURITY VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS Kigali, Rwanda

National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, 2013, COMPREHENSIVE FOOD SECURITY VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS (CFCVA) Kigali, Rwanda



My name is Emmanuel NSENGIYUMVA I am a student at INES RUHENGERI in year five, faculty of Applied Sciences, department of Statistics Applied to Economy

I am doing a research on «the role of the use of agricultural inputs in ensuring food security» this research is for Academic purpose and it will only be conducted in CYANIKA sector. Your household has been selected randomly and I wish to interview only one member of the household. What we are going to discus shall never be published on your name instead, it will be mixed we others with a high level of confidentiality for all participant of this survey.

So don't hesitate to provide the true information on what you wish to say and in case you feel there is any question you don't want to reply, feel free there is no direct consequence to be applied


ü Please provide information according to the question asked

ü If it Yes or No, put a signal (X) in the box provided

This booklet is made up by four sections

1. Section one: This section contains the information about Bio-data of Respondent

2. Section two: This section contains the information about agriculture productivity in rural areas of CYANIKA Sector

3. Section four: This section is for suggestions of farmers to the use of improved inputs in rural areas of CYANIKA Sector

For more information and details on this study, please contact


Tel: (+250)783392621


SECTION A: This Section is intended to get information about Bio-data of Respondent


Number of questionnaire

a) Place of residence



b) Sex

o Male

o Female

c) Level of education

o Primary School

o Secondary School

o University

o Other

o No education

d) Age group

o Between 18-25

o Between 26-35

o Between 36-50

o Beyond 50

e) Head of household

o Men

o Women

o Elder (over 60 years)

o Non married

o Child under 18

g) Livelihood Activities

o Agricultural activity

o Livestok activity

o Both activities ( Agricultural & Livestok)

o Daily labour

o Other

SECTION B: Information about agriculture production in last two years

1. Did you use Fertilizers in the last two years in your agricultural activities?

a) Yes No

b) In which year did you start using Fertilizers?

2. Which of the following crops did you grow before using Fertilizers?

a) Maize Beans Wheat Irish potatoes Sorghum Bananas

b) What was your harvest (in kilograms) before using Fertilizers?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

3. State the crops grown after the use of Fertilizers

a) Maize Beans Wheat Irish potatoes Sorghum Bananas

b) What harvest do you get (in kilograms) after using this Fertilizer?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

4. Do you market your output?

a) Yes No

b) What is the amount in kilograms of output do you sell?

c) What is the amount of output do remain with? (In kilograms)

d) How long is this output you have remained with, last? (In months)

5. Where does your household get food to consume?

a. Own production

b. from market

c. Aid

d. Other (specify)

6. Generally, what is the market price of food crops in the market around you?

a) At low price At high price Medium price

7. By introducing the use of Fertilizers, what was the size of your land (plot)?

a) Between 0 -1 ha Between 1 -2 ha Between 2 -3 ha Other specify

8. Does your family satisfy themselves in food?

a. Yes No

9. How many times do you get food per day?

i. 1Times/day

ii. 2Times/day

iii. 3Times/day

10. Did you use improved seeds in the last two years in your agricultural activities?

a. Yes No

b. In which year did you start using improved seeds?

c. What was your harvest (in kilograms) before using improved seeds?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

d. What harvest do you get (in kilograms) after using this improved seeds?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

11. Did you use insect killer in the last two years in your agricultural activities?

a. Yes No

b. In which year did you start using insect killer?

c. What was your harvest (in kilograms) before using insect killer?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

d. What harvest do you get (in kilograms) after using this insect killer?

Between 0-100 kg Between 100-300kg Between 300-500kg

Between 500-1000kg (1tone) Above 1000kg (1tone)

12. What was the main cause of low productivity for you output?

a. Low level of using Fertilizers

b. Small land

c. The use of traditional tools

d. Low level of using improved seeds

e. No use of Pestsides (insect killer)

13. Are you a member of any farmer cooperative?

a. Yes No

b. Are you allowed to harvest at any time you want

c. Who decide to sell or to consume your production?

- Head of cooperative

- Public authorities( Village, cell, sector, etc)

- Head of household

d. Is it possible to choose the buyers you want other than selling it to cooperative?

- Yes No

SECTION C: This section is for suggestions of farmers on the use of agricultural inputs

14. What would you think the government can do to help farmers of this area of CYANIKA sector so as to increase agriculture production and become food secure?

a) .............................................................................................

b) .............................................................................................

c) .............................................................................................

15. Which challenges did you meet in the process of applying agricultural inputs in your agricultural activities?

a) .............................................................................................

b) .............................................................................................

c) ..........................................................................................

***thank you for your kind collaboration ***

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway