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The role of the use of improved agricultural practices in ensuring food security in Rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Emmanuel Eng. NSENGIYUMVA
Institut d'enseignement supérieur de Ruhengeri - Engineering Degree Ao in Statistics 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.1 Conclusion

The research entitled «The role of the use of improved agricultural practices in ensuring food security in Rwanda» the research was conducted under three objectives:

4. To find out how the use of fertilizers has improved food production in rural area of CYANIKA Sector

5. To analyze the contribution of the use of improved seeds in promoting food security trough the increase in food production in rural area of CYANIKA Sector

6. To find out how the use of pesticides has helped to increase production in rural area CYANIKA sector

In collecting data, the researcher used a qualitative method and these techniques were useful: documentary sources, observation, and interview. After analyzing and interpreting data from different interviewees, we note the following:

In general, all inputs that emphasized in this study have played a big role in increasing food production and food security situation in CYANIKA Sector in the period of 2012-2013

There was a remarkable improvement on the food production based on use of fertilizers and improved seeds where the rates was shifted from 89.28% to 92.50% for fertilizers and from 85.89% to 89.81% for the use of improved seeds respectively in the year 2012-2013 while looking at the pesticides, the rate kept constant that means there was no considerable effect on food production made by farmers in the same period

It was revealed that 56.25% took two meals (lunch and supper). Apparently, number of people who took one meal per day seems to be poor (36.45% of respondents) while only 7.29% took three meals per day. Again 25% reported that the market prices are high around CYANIKA market which impedes them to purchase food while 75% reported to be satisfied with the market price.

Looking at HH food satisfaction, almost 70% said that they are satisfies themselves in food while 30% are not which means there is a significant availability and accessibility of food and evenly its use. This shows a very important improvement on people's living conditions So, the researcher found out that agricultural inputs played a big role in reducing food shortage and food security problems faced by CYANIKA Sector

Food insecurity in Rwanda is still affected by seasonal patterns where food consumption of households is better in March than in September due to the availability of food stocks from the season A harvest compared to September as it was indicated by FNSMS round 3, 2011. In this study, out of the sample selected, 30.2% of households living in CYANIKA could be considered to be food insecure because they reported to be not satisfied in food that affiliated to small land and relying only on one activity and this contribute much to low food consumption.

Compared to other areas of CYANIKA sector, Kagitega cell followed by Kabyiniro cell, reported a higher percentage of households that are not satisfied in food (82.35% and 81.2% respectively) and out of the HH reported to be not satisfied in food, 63.2% said that it is due to small land and 45.3% rely only on one activity

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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