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Représentations et apprentissage de l'anglais en milieu scolaire francophone au Cameroun: cas des élèves du lycée d'Ebolowa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Charles Lwanga BOUH ma SITNA
Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne - Master 2 recherche 2016

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Annexe3. Observation participante


Observation du discours des apprenants. Mené le 03/12/2015 cours d'anglais en classe de seconde A4 Allemand.

En seconde, la version anglaise d'un extrait du poème d'Homère « The Odyssey » (traduit en prose) avait été lue en classe quelques jours auparavant. Dans cet extrait Odysseus un chef grec et ses hommes sont emprisonnés par un monstre à oeil unique dénommé le Cyclops. Convaincu que ce monstre mangeur d'hommes finira par les manger tous, Odysseus va imaginer un stratagème pour échapper au monstre lui et ses hommes. A la fin de cette leçon de Reading-Comprehension, Il a été demandé aux élèves de préparer pour la prochaine leçon une histoire de monstre populaire dans leur culture et de la raconter en classe. La consigne : ` Tell about a monster in your culture or traditions'. Les histoires de monstres produites par quelques élèves ont été enregistrées en voici la retranscription.


32. Teacher : The name is...

33. Student1 : My name is Student1. The Monster in my village is AKPARA/àkpàrá /

34. Teacher: Where is your village located?

35. Student1 : in départment de la Menoua.

1. Teacher : In Menoua division. That's what we say in English. So the monster in your village is Akpara is


36. Student1 : Yes sir.

37. Teacher : How is Akpara ?

38. Student1 : He bok a mask.

39. Teacher : He bok ? What is bok?

40. Class: [rire des élèves...quelques-uns chuchotent «francamglais»]

41. Student1 : [fait un signe de la main sur la figure]

42. Teacher : Not bok, wears. He wears a mask.

43. Student1 : He wears a mask. In the mask he has three oeil.

44. Teacher : three what?

45. Class: [ les élèves répètent partagés entre `oeil', et `I']

46. Teacher : he has three eyes.

47. Student1 : he bok big clothes.

48. Teacher: he wears not he bok

49. Student1: He wears clothes. He has a long fingers.

50. Teacher: He has long fingers. When you say «a» the word is singular so, he has long fingers.

51. Student1: He has long fingers. He shake very good.

52. Teacher: what is « shake »?

53. Class: [rire des élèves] dance...

54. Teacher: He dances very well. Is that all?

55. Student1 : No. Euh...He is very watt.

56. Teacher : He is very....

57. Student1 : Watt...blanc

58. Teacher : He is light-skinned. We say he is light-skinned.

59. Student1 : When people dance he sow a banana. Banana pousse now now.

60. Class: [rires dans la classe... Certains élève répète `pousse now now now' en riant.]

61. Teacher : He plants a banana tree and the banana tree grows right at the moment.

62. Student1 : yes, sir.

63. Teacher : and people eat bananas.

64. Student1 : yes, sir.

65. Teacher : Ok. And what does he do to people?

66. Student1 : He protect the village.

67. Teacher : so akpara is a good monster. He is not wicked.

68. Student1 : yes, sir.


69. Student2 : The monster of my village is Flapajou. Flapajou is a big monster. He has les cheveux.

70. Class: [rire dans la classe...]

71. Teacher : red les cheveux hein ? ... He has red hair. Yes.

72. Student2 : This monster detest children. He has a long finger. He has a black body.



Teacher : He has a black skin, he is dark-skinned.

74. Student2 : This monster habité in the forest.

75. Class: [un élève souffle... « lives »]

76. Student2 : This monster lives in the forest. The people abandonné the forest.

77. Class:[rires...]

78. Teacher : people abandoned the forest. Why?

79. Student2 : Because the monster will eat the children to kill the children.

80. Teacher : You said Flapajou is a big monster with red hair. What about his face. How does it look like?

81. Student2 : He has a mask with the pic...the corne.

82. Teacher : horns...right ? You said the monster detest children. He can eat children. What else does he do?

83. Student2 : he detest people and animals.

84. Teacher : what does he do to people and animals ? To detest is a feeling. How does Flapajou manifest that feeling? How do you know that he detests people?

85. Student2 : [Pas de réponse]

86. Teacher : Ok ...another monster...


87. Student3 : Kokolo and Menguilingui

88. Teacher : In which village?

89. Student3 : Menyina Zoetele in the South. They are horrible big fishers beside river... And they are terrorism children.

90. Teacher : They are terrorising children.

91. Student3 : They have hair and long and big teeth.

92. Teacher : They have long hair and big teeth. What about the body?

93. Student3 : Monsieur il est comme le poisson.

94. Teacher : They look like fish...ok?

95. Student3 : yes, yes.

96. Teacher : How do they terrorise children? What do they do?

97. Student3 : Monsieur c'est parce qu'il est laid qu'il terrorise les enfants.

98. Teacher : Can't you say it in English ?

99. Student3 : [silence]

100. Teacher : Ok... another one...


101. Student4 : The monster of my village is Nkuissier. She is big.

102. Teacher : Is it a female monster?

103. Student4 : He is big, black, his hair... he are a rasta. He are hungry.

104. Teacher : He... He....

105. Student4 : He is hungry...ugly.

106. Teacher : Hungry or ugly?

107. Student4 : Ugly...laid. His clothes are white. He effraying the people in the bosquet.

108. Teacher : He frightens people in groves., that's all? So, the name of the village is...

109. Student4 : Mbankuop in Foumbot.

110. Teacher : Good...[un élève lève le doigt.] Yes, Student5. Now we are listening to student 5. ELEVE 5

111. Student5 : My monster is Kèmbê.

112. Teacher : Your monster?

113. Class: [rires...]

114. Student5 : The monster in my village is Kèmbê.

115. Teacher : So, How is Kèmbê?

116. Student5 : Kembê is a snake the head is cot /c?t/... [rires dans la classe]...cock... la chèvre. [ les élèves rient de plus en plus]

117. Teacher : The head is...

118. Student5 : cot and snake...cot cot la chèvre.

119. Teacher : it is goat... goat. The head is goat and the body is snake. Ok.

120. Student5 : He lives das forest.



Class: [rires...quelques élèves murmurent]...das c'est déjà l'allemand.

122. Teacher : He lives in the forest.

123. Student5 : He kill the woman when the woman go to find the firewood.

124. Teacher : So the only characteristic of kèmbê is that one part is snake and another is goat.

125. Student5 : Yes, yes, das this. He has four eyes. Four big eyes.

126. Teacher : You say he kills women when they go to find for firewood that's all. The village is...

127. Student5 : Makak.

128. Teacher : Makak is in the centre...More stories about monsters?


129. Student6 : I don't have a monster.

130. Teacher : So, what do you have?

131. Student6 : I have Jean Bivesseu

132. Teacher : What?

133. Class:[un élève s'exclame à basse voix] eeeeeeh... Jean les os.

134. Student6 : Jean Bivesseu. It is a human. He kills people and takes their bones and sell in the market.

135. Teacher : So you don't have a monster but you describe what?

136. Student6 : Jean Bivesseu. He kills people and takes their bones and sell in the market. He is very

137. Teacher : You say he is very beautiful. Do we say that a man is beautiful?

138. Class: No....

139. Teacher : So how is the man?

140. Student6 : good-looking.

141. Teacher : good-looking or handsome.

142. Student6 : He lives in cocoa fields. He always has a machete. Jean Bivesseu has one foot.

143. Teacher : He is cripple

144. Student6 : Il a un pied et demi.

145. Teacher : Yes, we say he is crippled. So, Jean Bivesseu is a real person.

146. Student6 : he has died now.

147. Teacher : the story is now a legend.

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Et il n'est rien de plus beau que l'instant qui précède le voyage, l'instant ou l'horizon de demain vient nous rendre visite et nous dire ses promesses"   Milan Kundera