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Project selection and management in international development organisations

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par Landry Iragi Mugaruka
University of Hertfordshire - MSc. Project Management 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2. Literature Review

This Literature review is aimed at improving our understanding of both the theoretical and practical concepts that constitute Project Portfolio Management. The review is divided into two parts: the first part looks at Portfolio Management with a focus on the project selection process, the different tools and techniques that can be used and the frameworks that can be used to select projects for a portfolio. The second part of this literature review looks at International Development Organisations and what makes them different from traditional organisations.

2.1 Project Portfolio Management

2.1.1 What is Project Portfolio Management

Project management can be defined as a process by which projects are defined, planned, monitored, controlled and delivered (APM, 2006). The aim of this process is the achievement of well-defined objectives. How is project management different from project portfolio management? Different authors have tried to answer this question to show the gap that portfolio management aims to fill. Levine (2005) argues that project portfolio management is the bridge between portfolio planning and portfolio management within a traditional organisation. Project portfolio management therefore links the organisation's strategic objectives to its project selection process by ensuring that individual project goals are in line with the portfolio's goals. LaBrosse (2010) on the other hand argues that project portfolio management is a way companies can collectively manage a group of projects to reap benefits that would not be available if the projects were managed individually. The two authors put emphasis on the benefits that linking an organisation's strategic goals and objectives to its project selection process can bring for that organisation. This dissertation as explained previously focuses on the project selection process as part of project portfolio management therefore a good understanding of an organisation's strategic goals and objectives is crucial in order to make its project selection process more effective. Dye and Pennypacker (1999) argue that project portfolio management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a collection of projects as opposed to a single project's activities to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of an organisation's investment strategy. Project portfolio management is therefore not only about linking strategies and goals to the project selection process but also about applying the existing knowledge and tools to

University Of Hertfordshire (2014)


the project selection process. The PMBOK (2010) refers to project portfolio management as the selection and support of project investments that are guided by the organisation's strategic plan and the available resources. The resources available within an organisation have an impact on the way the project portfolio is selected. Cooper et al (1998) suggest that project portfolio management has the following three objectives: maximising the value of the portfolio, linking the portfolio to the strategy; and balancing the portfolio.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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