4.3.3 Selection Criteria
Unlike organisations in other sectors which use different
financial models when selecting projects for their portfolios, the analysis
found that International Development Organisations use a scoring and ranking
models when selecting projects. The projects are scored then ranked according
to their alignment with the organisation's strategic objectives and their
cost-effectiveness. Other factors considered when selecting projects are the
availability of resources within the organisation and the managerial capability
of the organisation requesting funding when it comes to ad-hoc projects and
partnerships. Information regarding the selection criteria used was not clear
even though all the five organisations mention the presence of Programme Teams
which are in charge of selecting programmes and projects.
Table 2 Summative table of the Analysis and
Priority Areas
Programme /Project Management Framework
Sources of
Action Aid
Women Rights, Education, Poverty
Accountability, Learning and
Africa, Asia, Latin America and
Alleviation, Food, Conflict Resolution
Planning System (ALPS)
International Development, European
Union, World
Bank, UNICEF, World Food
Programme and United
University Of Hertfordshire (2014)
Development Programme.
Food, Water, Health and Education, Women Rights, Climate
Performance Framework (GPF)
Department of International Development
Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe
Education, Health, Water and Sanitation,
Health, Children Protection
Performance Accountability and Learning
System (PALS)
of International Development, European Union, World Bank,
World Food Programme
Africa, Latin America and Asia
Christian Aid
HIV/Aids, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Climate change,
Information and Management
System (PROMISE)
of International Development, European Union
Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East
Water Aid
Children Protection, Health. Water and Sanitation, Women, Social
Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH) Sustainability Framework
Department of International Development
Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe
University Of Hertfordshire (2014)
5. Recommendations
Each of the International Development Organisations studied has
developed its own project selection and management framework which incorporates
a monitoring and evaluation system and these frameworks have proven to be
highly effective in most cases. However, as it was explained in earlier
chapters, the aim of this dissertation is not to propose a framework that will
force organisations to do away with the ones they currently use but instead to
propose an alternative framework based on some of the principles of project
portfolio management that can be used for programme and project selection. This
recommendations section therefore proposes certain general changes to the
current practices in International Development Organisations in the form of
multilevel framework resulting from the discussions in the literature review
and what has been observed in the Analysis section. The aim of this framework
is to help International Development Organisations select sustainable projects
that will offer greater value for money and support their strategies.