2.4.3 Andersen's recursive formula
The recursive approach described in [1] builds on the fact
that the portfolio loss function can only take a limited number of values. This
set of values depends in turn on the obligors' individual loss given default
levels Ln, ?n ? {1, .., N}. We now assume that all those loss levels
can be expressed as multiples of a loss unit l:
?n ? {1, .., N}, ?an ? N, Ln =
?i ? {0,1, ..,
XN k=1
ák}, P (L = il) = i+8 Pz--z(L(N)
L il)dö(z)
We further assume that all N obligors are ranked. The possible
values for the loss function L are restricted to the following subset:
L ? E ájkl, m ? {1,..,N}, {j1,..,jm}
? {1,.., N} ? {0} k=1
The power of Andersen's recursive algorithm is that it allows
to compute the loss distribution while assuming that the pool of obligors
results from the sequential addition of all obligors upon one specific ranking
order. Let j ? {1, .., N} refer to the first j obligors added to the pool and
L(j) the discretized loss function associated
with that sub-pool. We can then express the loss distribution of
L(j) as a function of L(j-1).
Proposition 3. Andersen's recursive formula
Let j ? {1, .., N} and L(0) = 0. Assume the loss
distribution function L(j-1) conditional on the common factor Z is known. Let
QZ denote the risk neutral probability measure conditional on the
factor Z and pj the default probability of jth obligor conditional
on factor Z. Then we have the following recursive result:
?i ? {0, 1, .., XN ák},
QZ (-0) = il) = (1 - pj)QZ(L(j-1) = il) +
pjQZ(L(j-1) = (i - áj)l)
Proof. Let Dj,j?{1,..N} denote the default indicator variable
of jth obligor conditional on the factor Z. Using the conditional
independence of Dj,j?{1,..N}, we can then write for all j ? {1, ..,N} and for
all i ? {0, .., Ejk=1 ák}:
QZ(L(j) = il) =
QZ(L(j-1) = (i - áj)l,Dj = 1) + QZ(Lj-1
= il, Dj = 0)
= QZ(L(j-1) = (i - áj)l)QZ(Dj = 1)
+ QZ(L(j-1) = il)QZ(Dj = 0)
= pjQZ(L(j-1) = (i - áj)l) + (1 - pj)QZ(L(j-1) = il)

Andersen's recursive formula evaluated at rank N thus provides
the conditional loss distribution L(N). The last step in the
computation of the unconditional discretized loss distribution L is to
integrate the conditional loss distribtion against the density function of the
factor's standard gaussian law: