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From pricing to rating structured credit products and vice-versa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Quentin Lintzer
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI - Master 2 2007

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.3 The semi-analytic approach: one factor Gaussian Copula model

2.3.1 Copula functions: basic properties

Copula functions are useful tools for modelling dependency between random variables, for they allow to separate the univariate margins and the dependence structure from the multivariate distribution.

Theorem 1. Sklar's Theorem

Let F be a joint distribution function with margins F1, .., Fd. There exists a copula function C such that for all x1, .., xd in [-8, +8],

F(x1,..,xd) = C(F1(x1),..,Fd(xd))

Conversely, if C is a copula function and F1, .., Fd are the margins of respectively X1, .., Xd, then the multivariate function F of the vector (X1, ..Xd) is such that, for all x1, .., xd in [-8, +8],

F (x1, .., xd) = C(F1(x1), .., Fd(xd))

If the margins are continuous, then the copula function C is unique.

We shall need another key result in order to ensure copula functions are flexible enough to model joint loss distributions:

Proposition 1. Invariance

Let C denote the copula function of continuous random vector (X1, .., Xd). Let
f1, .., fd be strictly increasing functions defined respectively on the support of X1, .., Xd.
Then C is also the copula function of the continuous random vector (f(X1), .., f(Xd)).

We then recall the cumulative distribution function Ö of a standard gaussian variable and that of a multivariate standard centered gaussian vector with correlation matrix R:

x 1

Ö(x) =



x1xd11T 0-1y · dy1..dyd ÖV xd) "

f8- f e2y

Definition 1. Gaussian Copula

Let (X1, .., Xd) be a gaussian vector with correlation matrix R, zero mean and unit variance. We can then express its copula function CR as follows:

CR(u1, .., ud) = Ö`V/)-1(u1),..,Ö-1(ud))

Given the invariance property of copula functions seen in proposition (1), CR is also the copula function of any gaussian vector with correlation matrix R.

2.3.2 The one factor gaussian copula model

Let (ô1, .., ôN) define the random vector of default times among the N obligors of
our reference portfolio. Given equation (2.1) and under deterministic assumptions
for recovery rates, determining the joint distribution of (ô1, .., ôN) is equivalent to

determining the joint loss distribution L(t) for all t = T.

We further assume that each default time random variable ôj, j = 1..N, follows an exponential law of parameter ëj. In other words, the cumulative distribution function Qj of ôj can be expressed as:

?t ? [0, T], P(ôj = t) := Q(t) = 1 - e_ëjt

We now wish to model the dependency between those default time random variables. The current market standard for doing so is to use the gaussian copula function CR where its correlation matrix R is defined as follows:


? ? ? ? ?




1 p ... p

p 1 ..

.. ..

... ...

. .. p

p ... p 1

Applying Sklar's reciprocal theorem, we can then exhibit the resulting cumulative distribution function Q of the random vector (ô1, .., ôN):

P(ô1 = t1,..,ôN = tN) := Q(t1,..,tN) = CR (Q1(t1),..,QN(tN))

A convenient way to simulate the random vector of default times (ô1, .., ôN) related together by a gaussian copula is to use an auxiliary random vector (X1, .., XN) modelled upon a single factor approach. We assume that all Xj, j = 1..N, depend respectively on a common standard gaussian factor Z and on an idiosyncratic standard gaussian factor Zj, where all Zj are mutually independent and independent from Z. Conditionnally on the common factor Z, all Xj, j = 1, .., N are therefore independent.

?j ? [1,..,N],Xj := vpZ + /1 - pZj

Proposition 2. The random vector (X1, .., XN) is a gaussian vector with correlation matrix equal to R.







0 vp



. ..



. .. ..











(X1, .., XN) = (vpZ + v/ 1 - pZ1, .., vpZ + 1 - pZN) vp -v1 - p 0 ... 0



. .. .. -v1 - p

0 vp

0 . . .

We have expressed (X1, .., XN) as an affine transformation of the gaussian vector (Z, Z1, .., ZN). Hence, (X1, .., XN) is a gaussian vector itself. The general term of its correlation matrix (pij,1 = i, j = N), is given by:

Cov (vpZ + v1 - pZi,vpZ + v1 - pZj) pij = V ar(Xi)V ar(Xj)

= äij(1 - p) + p

Hence, the correlation matrix of (X1, .., XN) is also R.

Applying invariance proposition (1) to the random vector of default times (ô1,.., ôN) Law = (Q-1

1 (Ö(X1)), .., Q-1

N (Ö(XN)), we conclude that both vectors share the same gaussian copula function.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus