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From pricing to rating structured credit products and vice-versa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Quentin Lintzer
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI - Master 2 2007

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.2 Modelling risk factors

Moody's Monte-Carlo approach requires risk factors to be modelled and simulated. The complexity of the task for rating DPPI products comes from the fact that risk factors are numerous and can depend on each other. We assume that the DPPI's portfolio is initially composed of long CDS positions on N obligors. The 5Y CDS mid-spread and the rating of each obligor n, n ? {1, .., N}, are known at the deal's inception and are equal to (sn(0),Rn(0)).

3.2.1 Credit spread processes influenced by defaults and ratings

Moody's assumes that individual 5Y CDS spread processes follow a generalized Vasicek diffusion process specific to rating groups. The 21 available rating categories are grouped into 8 rating groups {Aaa, Aa, A, Baa, Ba, B, Caa, Ca/C}. Let j ? {1, .., 8} denote the rating group's index. Then (S(t) = (S1(t), .., S8(t)))t?[0,T] is the associated 8-dimensional spread random process. We then give the stochastic differential

equation ruling the spread process (S(t)), where (á, â, ã = 1, ó, ó, ADR, ADR, a, b, p)
are historically calibrated parametres of the diffusion process and t0 is equal to 1 year:

?j ? {1, .., 8}, ?t ? [0, T], dSj(t) = á(â - Sj(t))dt + min(ó, óSãj (t))dW (j)



? ?????


â = â min (ADR,max (ADR, aADR(t) + b)) if t = t0

PN n=1 Ln(Nn(t)--Nn(t--t0))

ADR(t) = PN if t = t0

n=1 An

â = â if t < t0

?(i,j) ? {1, .., 8}2, d (W(i), W(j)) t = pijdt


and Sj(0) = Sj,0

Equation (3.1) is remarkable for several reasons. First, given that ã = 1 and that the
spread process is continuous, it doesn't allow credit spreads to be negative. Second,
it models a dependency between the spread process itself and default events through

the parametres (ADR, ADR) and the variable ADR(t): the idea is to make the current long term mean 3 depend on the portfolio's Average Default Rate ADR(t) such that 3 is stressed for a limited time period equal to t0 after any event of default and tightens in default-free environments. Third, it accounts for a dependency between the obligor's rating and its spread process: whenever an obligor's rating group changes, its associated spread process is updated accordingly. Fourth, the random noise source (Wt = (W1(t), .., W8(t))) is a correlated 8-dimensional brownian motion.

Such dependency relationships are far from being flawless though: one could argue that they do not account for default events occuring outside the portfolio's pool of obligors. One could also demonstrate that individual spread processes are not driven by their belonging to a rating group, but more by marketwide, firm or industry specific events that are not necessarily reflected in a rating change.

In order to simulate a CDS spread for any tenor, Moody's assumes that the term structure of spreads is deterministic, calibrated on historical data and specific to each one of the 8 rating groups defined above. Though such an assumption may seem highly questionable at first and lead to obvious arbitrage opportunities, Moody's solves the issue by requiring stress scenarios to be run with a flat term structure while preserving a stressed Moody's Metric level.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote