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L'Union européenne et Chypre: autopsie d'un succès inachevé

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Meriem JAMMALI
Université Paris IV Sorbonne - Master Enjeux, conflits, systèmes internatinaux à l'époque moderne et contemporaine 2006

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

IV. Extraits de la Résolution (353) de l'ONU suite à l'invasion turque

« ...deeply deploring the outbreak of violence and continuing blodshed,

Gravely concerned about the situation which led to a serious threat to international peace and security, and which created a most explosive situation in the whole Eastern Mediterranean area,

Equally concerned about the necessity to restore the constitutional structure of the Republic of Cyprus, established and guaranteed by international agreement, etc.

1. Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus;

3. Demands an immediate end to foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus that is in contravention of the previous of paragraph 1 above;

6. Calls upon all parties to co-operate fully with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus to enable it to keep the Secretary-General informed;».

V. Extraits de la Résolution 573 du Conseil de l'Europe suite à l'invasion turque

1. «Recalling that the aim of the Council of Europe is «to achieve a greater unity between its Members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress, and to promote peaceful co-operation among all nations;

2. condemning the coup d'etat carried out Cyprus by officiers owing allegiance to the Greek military dictatorship;

3. Regretting the failure of the attempt to reach a diplomatic settlement which led to Turkish government to exercise its right of intervention in accordance with article 4 of the guarantee Treaty of 1960.

4. Bearing in mind the resolution passed by the UN Security Council on july 1974, the reaction of the countries directly involved in the conflict, which have agreed to meet in Geneva, and the Common position adopted by the Member States of The EC and the NATO Council;».

VI. Extraits de la Résolution 541de l'ONU suite à la proclamation de la RTCN

18 novembre 1983

1. «Deploring the declaration of the Turkish Cypriot authorities of the purported succssion of part of the Republic of Cyprus;

2. Considers the declaration referred above as legally invalid and calls for its withdrawal;

7. Calls upon all States not to recognise any Cypriot state other than the Republic of Cyprus;

8. Calls upon all States and the two communities in Cyprus to refrain from any action which might exacerbate the situation; etc.»

VII. Extraits de la Résolution 974 du Conseil de l'Europe suite à la proclamation de la RTCN

3. « Deploring the unilateral proclamation by the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community of the session of a part of the Republic of Cyprus;

4. considering that this unilateral decision, placing the Cypriots before a fait accompli, was premeditated

5. Considering that this act in no way prejudices the future and can in no way result in making the partition of Cyprus official in the eyes of the international community;

6. Recalling its strong support for all the efforts made to foster inetrcommunal negotiations and, in the context, for the successive good offices missions of the Secretaries-General of the UN;»

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui rêvent de jour ont conscience de bien des choses qui échappent à ceux qui rêvent de nuit"   Edgar Allan Poe