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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch( Télécharger le fichier original )par Gédéon niyoduenga UR-CBE - AO 2016 |
REFERENCESBooks 1.Clack E.Cochman(1993),Poverty strives, 3rd Ed W.M.C. Brown publishers, New York 2.Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr. (1992) Basic marketing research 2nd Ed Dryden press, New York, USA. 3. Kenneth D. Bailey, (1978) Methods of social research, 4th Ed Longman publishers, Third Avenue, New York. 4. Marguerite (2002) Micro Finance Revolution : Sustainable microfinance for the poor , Washington DC, U.S.A 5. Michael P, Todaro (1994) Poverty Indicators. Washington Dc in U.S.A. 6. National Bank of Rwanda (2003) Instructions no 06/2002 of NBR on Micro Finance activities, Kigali. 7. Richard M Grinnell Jr (1998), Essential Quantitative methods; A guide for Business, New York 8. Sharif I(1997) « Poverty and Financial in Bangladesh. A new Policy Agenda» in who needs credit ? Poverty and Finance in Bangladesh(Editions ), G.D.Wood and I. Sharif University Press Ltd, Dakar , 1997 and Zed books UK. 9. UNDP(1997) Micro Finance and enterprise development in Rwanda «UNDP October in 1997, Kigali Rwanda. 10. Uwanyirijuru J.B (2002) Inventaire des Intervenants en Micro finance au Rwanda, Kigali Reports and Journal 1..Zihiga A(2001), The Role of Micro-Finance in Poverty Alleviation in Rwanda, Kigali , Rwanda. 2.Yunus Muhammad (1996) Credit for self-employment. A fundamental Human Right Grameen Bank, Dakar. 3.UNDP (1997) Rebuilding a new Rwanda, Kigali. Electronics resources 1. MINECOFIN, 2013Micro Finance practice accessed on http// www.Micro Finance gateway.Org 2. Available at http// www.grameen- info.Org/ microcredit/accessed: 2006 3. MINECOFIN, 2012, Microfinance Policy accessed on. www. Minecofin. Gov.rw 4.http://www.coopedu.rw/spip.php?rubrique6
APPENDICES QUESTIONNAIRE GUIDE TO THE MANAGEMENT STAFF AND EMPLOYEES OF COPEDU Ltd This questionnaire is to be filled by the staff members of COPEDU Ltd. Its purpose is to facilitate research work-study on the role played by COPEDU Ltd in poverty alleviation in rural areas. Kindly, answer the questions that follow and information provided will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. Request by SINDAHERA Olivier Please tick, mention or answer the questions below in the spaces provided: 1. What is your name? Name (Optional).................................................................................................... Sex Male Female 2. Age of the respondents a) Below 20 b) 20-29 c) 30-39 d) 40-49 e) 50-59 f) 50-60 g) 60-above 3. Marital status a) Married b) Single c) Widowed d) Divorced/Separated 4. What is your formal education level? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Vocational training d) University level e) No formal education 5. What post do you hold in COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch? a) Branch manager b) Accountant c) Credit officer d) Cashier e) Others, Specify please ..................................................................................... 6. What amounts of loans COPEDU Ltd gives to its clients? a) 100,000 - 500,000 RWF b) 500,001-1000,000 RWF c) 1,000, 001-10,000,000 RWF d)10,000,000 and over 7. Does COPEDU Ltd decide for its clients how to use the loans granted? a) Yes b) No c) If no, give reasons........................................................................... 8. Does COPEDU Ltd fixes payback period to the loan it gives its clients? a) Yes b) No c) If yes, how long? ............................................................................................. 9. Does COPEDU Ltd offer technical training skills to its clients? a) Yes b) No c) If yes, which................................................................................ 10. What fundamental conditions does COPEDU Ltd give its clients so as to be granted the loan? a) Complete identity b) Personal honest c) To be in an association Others, (Specify) ............................................................... 11. Does COPEDU Ltd offer grace period to its clients? a) Yes b) No If Yes, (Specify) for how long.................................................................. 12. Does COPEDU Ltd charge interest rate to the loan given? d) Yes e) No f) If yes, for how long?................................................................................................... 13. How has COPEDU Ltd benefited its clients? ......................................................................................................... 14: How is capacity building programs undertaking byCOPEDU Ltd to alleviate poverty in rural areas? 15: How micro finance institutions are helping the Rwandan rural poor population? |