1.1.2 Hölder Continuity
We recall that according to the Kolmogorov criterion [13], a
process X = (Xt)t?R admits a continuous modification if there exist constants
á = 1, â > 0 and k > 0 such that
E [|X(t) - X(s)|á] = k|t -
for all s,t E R.
Theorem Let H E (0, 1). The fractional Brownian
motion BH admits a version whose sample paths are almost surely Hölder
continuous of order strictly less than H.
Proof. We recall that a function f : R -? R is Hölder
continuous of order á, 0 < á = 1 and write f E
Cá(R), if there exists M > 0 such that
|f(t) - f(s)| = M|t - s|á,
For every s, t E R. For any á > 0 we have
E ~|BH t - BH s |á] = E [|BH 1 |á] |t -
Hence, by the Kolmogorov criterion we get that the sample
paths of BH are almost everywhere Hölder continuous of order
strictly less than H. Moreover, by [1] we have
~~BH ~~
= CH
tHs/log log t-1
with probability one, where CH is a suitable constant. Hence
BH can not have sample paths with Hölder continuity's order
greater than H.
1.1.3 Path Differentiability
By[9] we also obtain that the process BH is not mean
square differentiable and it does not have differentiable sample paths.
Proposition Let H E (0, 1). The fractional Brownian
motion sample path BH(.) is not differentiable. In fact, for every
t0 E [0, 8)
~~~~ = 8
BH t - BH t0
t - t0
With probability one.
1.1.4 The Fractional Brownian Motion is not a
Semi-martingale for H =6 1 2
The fact that the fractional brownian motion is not a
semimartingale for H =61 2 has been proved by several authors. In
order to verity BH is not a semimartingale for H
=61 2, it is sufficient to compute the p-variation
of BH.
Definition Let (X(t))tE[0,T ] be a stochastic process
and consider a partition ð = {0 = t0 < t1 < ... < tn =
T}. Put
8p(X,ð) := Xn |X(ti) -
The p-variation of X over the interval [0, T] is defined as
Vp(X, [0, T]) := sup
8p(X, ð),
where ð is a finite partition of [0, T]. The index of
p-variation of a process is defined as
I(X, [0, T]) := inf {p > 0; Vp(X, [0, T]) <
We claim that
I(BH, [0, T ]) = 1H .
In fact, consider for p > 0,
Yn,p = npH_1
Xn i=1
~~'~~ p ~BH ( i n) - BH .
n )
1.1.5 Fractional Integral and Fractional Derivative of
Since BH has the self-similarity property, the
sequenceYn,p, m ? N has the same distribution as
eYn,p = m-1
Xn i=1
~'Ip . ~BH i - BH i-1
And by the Ergodic theorem [3] the sequence eYn,p
converges almost surely and in L1 to E [~~BH ~~p] as n tends to
infinity. It follows that
Vn,p =
Xn i=1
~~'~I p
~BH ( i n) - BH (i_1
n )
converges in probability respectly to 0 if pH > 1 and to
infinity if pH < 1 as
n tends to infinity. Thus we can conclure that I(BH,
[0, T]) = H . Since for
every semimartingale X, the index I(X, [0, T]) must belong to [0,
1]?{2}, the
fractional brownian motion BH can not be a
semimartingale unless H = 2.