1.8 Importance/value and benefits of the study
Much of the research done before was based mainly on ERP
system project implementation, but not on the technical aspects of the system.
Therefore, it is imperative that a study be conducted to determine the
technical influence, requirements and compatibility of ERP software related to
the value chain approaches within an MNE's value chain, its configuration and
architecture. The possible benefits of this study could include:
· The provision of a literature framework related to the
value chain theory since most ERP architecture on the market is based on that
of the value chain concept;
· The formulation of a methodical approach that facilitates
ERP software selection and evaluation; and
· Clarification for any researcher, corporation and MNE
management on the strategic framework of how to evaluate ERP software that will
integrate, strengthen and enable the MNE's value chain processes to operate
beyond national boundaries with a competitiveness impact.
1.9 Limitation of the study
The research was limited to the analysis of ERP Axapta
software in the qualitative study. SAP software was studied in the empirical
study due to its popularity as established in the preliminary interview. Due to
budgetary constraints, the study was limited to MNEs in Gauteng.
For ERP software project implementation to succeed within an
organisation, it has to be seen as a strategic IT tool through the use of a
strategic IT plan. However, for ERP software to integrate an
MNE's value chain, it has to be grafted with ERP system
software architecture and configuration in alignment with the MNE's strategy.
In addition, such ERP software has to meet the fundamental requirements of the
value chain concept and reflect itself as a value chain system associated with
the global ERP system requirements and characteristics configured with
e-business mechanisms. Furthermore, the employees and employers have to know
how to manage and use it through education and training. In this study, the ERP
system, i.e. Axapta software, was analysed on the basis of the different topics
covered in the different chapters, and the empirical study focused on SAP
1.10 Demarcation of the study
The dissertation is arranged in the following chapters: