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Influence of an ERP system on the value chain process of multinational enterprises (mnes)( Télécharger le fichier original )par Bosombo Folo Ralph University of Johannesburg - Master in business administration (MBA) 2007 |
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142 APPENDIX A: SELF-ADMINISTERED SURVEY FOR CEOs/CIOsThis MBA Dissertation conducted at the University of Johannesburg attempts to evaluate the perceived technical and strategic influence of an ERP system on the value chain process of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Please complete each of the following questions by ticking the box corresponding to your answer or by filling in your response. The questionnaire will be treated as strictly confidential at all times. Neither your name nor that of your organisation will in any way be connected to the findings of this study. We only wish to establish your views on various issues on the strategy part of IT, the value chain concept, and implementation of the ERP System i.e. SAP software under utilisation within your organisation. SECTION A: Demographics Please answer each question by crossing (X) the number corresponding to your response 1. Specify in which capacity are you completing this questionnaire.
2. How long have you been operating the SAP software?
3. How long has your organisation used the SAP Software?
4. How many full-time employees are in your organisation?
5. In how many countries, excluding South Africa, is your organisation operating? Please enter the number. 143 SECTION B: Your view on the SAP Software and Training
144 SECTION C: Strategic management, SAP system and value chain
Your participation in this research is appreciated. 145 |