3 The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: the general
3.1 utility-based pricing
3.1.1 Introduction
By using the complete market argument, the standard financial
theory can valuate a contingent claim by replicating its future payoff via the
use of risky and riskfree stocks in the market. The derivative security price
found is unique.
However in the incomplete market case, the future payoff
cannot be replicated since the agent's environ- ment is constrained and thus
there are not enough assets in the market that allow the fully replication of
the terminal payoff.
This issue can be solved by considering the utility-based Pricing
Suppose that the agent has a utility function dependant on her
risk aversion parameter and her initial wealth. Then by founding an optimal
trading rule which involves the investment of her wealth between risky and
riskfree assets we can find a price p which makes the agent indifferent between
having a stock option and paying p or paying nothing and not having the
derivatives. In the economic literature, p is called indifference price or
private price.
Given the general formulation of the Excutive Investment Problem
(17) we can formulate the indifference price idea via the definition
The main problem in this approach come from the technical
difficulty to find an explicit solution. Thus a set of assumptions is imposed
to the utility function form. Because the optimization program , technically
speaking is hard, it is supposed an exponential form of the utility function in
order to allow an easy variable separation.
By this way we can formulate the Executive's Optimal Policy in
its general form through a general method.
3.1.2 The general form of the EIP with 1 unit of ESO
By assumption, the ESO's holder is not allowed to sell her
option or to trade her company stock. Therefore, it is central to consider her
risk aversion. The general result found on the Merton Problem allow us to
generalize it in the case where the Executive is endowed by 1 unit of ESO.
Assume all constraints imposed in the previous section hold
(recall: the Executive is allowed to trade only in the risk-less asset and the
Market Index) and Mt = M (The Market Index price at t is M).
The aim of the Executive is to maximize her expected utility
among all trading strategy before the Terminal time T.
Then at time u E [0, T], the EIP associated to the value function
G(u,X,M) is defined by:
G(u,X,S) = sup
= sup
EP [U(T,XT + (ST - K)+)| Xt = X,St = s]
EP [ ]
-e-ã(XT +(ST -K)+)er(T _ u)e - (T _u)
2 ( u_r
ó ) 2 | Xt = X, St = s
Here we have reformulate the EIP general form by introducing only
1 unit of ESO.
Remark : It can be easily formulated this EIP with n identical
ESO by putting n as factor before the derivative's payoff.
3.1.3 Private Price of 1 unit of ESO
The second step of this methodology consists of finding the
Private Price p. To achieve this objective we are going to use the Private
Price definition.
( G(u, X, S) = sup EP ~U(T, XT + (ST - K)+)
| Xt = X, St = s
è?È0,T (19)
G(u, X - p, S) = G(u, X, 0)
Using the Bellman dynamic programming principle, G(u,X,S) have to
satisfy the following Partial Differential Equation:
sup LG = 0 è?È0,T G(u, X - p, S) = G(u, X, 0)
Where L define the inifinisetimal generator of (X,S) under the
historical probability measure P: D
L = + [9(sa - r) + rX] D DX + (í - q)S D DS +
1 2(9 ó)2 D2
DX2 + 1 2(çS)2 D2
DS2 + (ñçó9S) D2
DSDX (20)
Remark :
1. the differential operator L is not linear in 9. Then if we
focus us on the optimization problem we are face on a non linear
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. By 1.11 argument we are allowed to linearize
it by introducing a power transformation;
2. given that G(u,X,S) could be written as G(u, X, S) =
e_ãr(T_u)XG(u, 0, S) we can reduce the dimension
of the original problem (18)
Remark : By using the Girsanov's change of measure argument we
know that G(u,X,S) is a martingale under the optimal strategy 9*
define by equation (17). And moreover this martingale is MEMM by 1.10
According to the last argument we can define the MEMM P0 relative
to the historical probability P such that the Utility process is a
[{ ó )2T )} ]
e(_ u-r
ó WT _ 1 2 ( u-r
P0(A) = E IA, A?FT (21)
The last argument point out that all other strategy are not
optimal and define a supermartingale.
Given G(u, 0,S) = p 1-ñ2 and using the
Bellman dynamic programming principle and the 1.11 argument,
p have to satisfy the programming system:
With the following boundary conditions:
p(T,X,S) = e_ã(1_p2)(ST_K)+ p(T,X,0)
= 0 The simplest form of the PDE is:
Lp(t, s) = 0 (23)
Where L is the infinitesimal generator of the process (St) under
L = D + (í - q - sa - r D 2(çs)2 D2
DS +
çñ)s (24)
Dt ó DS2
Proof. We can rewrite the stock price diffusion process (St)
under P0 as:
dSu = (í - q)Sudu + çSudW u
= (í - q)Sudu + çñSudW
u By Girsanov argument (cf.1.9)
= (í - q)Sudu + çñSu(dW P0
u - u_r
ó du)
= (í - q - u_r
ó çñ)Sudu + çñSudW

Now we can write an explicit form for the intermediate function
p(t, S).
By Feynman & Kac argument the PDE (23) has the following form
under the measure P0:
1-ñ2 (27)
]p(t, S) = EP0 [
e_ã(1_p2)(ST _K)+ | Xt = X, St = s(26) And with
this expression we deduce the form of the value function G(t,X,S):
G(t, X, S) = -e_ãXer(T -t)_ (T -t)
2 ( u-r
ó )2EP0 [ e_ã(1_p2)(ST _K)+
| Xt = X, St = s
Now by using the system (19) we can deduce the Private Price of 1
unit of ESO:
Proposition 3.1. Executive Indifference Price
The Executive's indifference price for her ESO according to 1.5.1
as the following form:
2)(S-K)+ | St =S,Xt = x])
p(t, s) = P° [-ã(1
ã(1 - ñ2) log(Ee
Or equivalently
G(t, x, s) = V (t, x)e-ãp(t,s)e-r(T-t) (29)
Proof. By definition the Executive's Indifference Price is such
G(t, x - p, s) = G(t, x, 0) = V (t, x)
Then by separation variables argument we get:
G (t , x - p, 0)p 1- P2 = G(t, x, 0) = V (t,
-e-ã(x-p)er(T-t) e- 2
(T-t)(ur) 2 }
EP° [e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ |Xt = X, St = s
1 1-P2
= V(t, x)

teãper(T-t)V(t, x)} EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+| Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2 =
V(t, x)
teãper(T-t)} EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2 = 1
(Since V(t, x) =6 0)
eãper(T-t) = EP ° [e
-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2
ãper(T-t) =-1-1ñ2 log(EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ Xt = X St = s])|
log(EP° [e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+|Xt = X, St = s])
p =-ã(1-- ñ2)
Now we can deduce the PDE of the private price.
3.1.4 The Partial Differential Equation of the Private Price
From the Private Price's expression we know that p(t,s) have to
satisfied the following PDE (which has been defined in the equation (23)):
e-r(T -t)
p(t, s) =-ã(1 - ñ2) log(p)
By Feynman-Kac argument p solves:
Lp= 0
With the boundary conditions:
f /3(T, s) = eã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+
1 p(T, 0) = 0
And where L defined by (24) is the inifinitesimal
generator of the company's stock price process under the MEMM P0.
Thus the Private Price p(t,s) satisfies the following Partial
Differential Equation:
Lp(t, s) - rp(t, s) -
1 T --t 819(4 s) )2
ã(çs)2(1 - ñ2)er( ) = 0
With boundary condition:
p(t, s) = (ST - K)+
Proof. By equation(23) we have:
-- r1
pt(t, s) + (í--q ñ)sps(t, s) +
2 (çs)2
.73ss(t, s) = 0
· pt =
ap at
· ps = a p
· fIC.1
s s = p
p(t, s) = --
y(1 -- ñ2) log(p(t, s)) ? p(t, s) =
pt(t, s) = --y(1 --
ñ2)e-r(T-t)e-ã(1-ñ2)p(t,s)e-r(T-t) (pt(t, s) -- rp(t,
· ps(t, s) = --y(1 --
ey(i p 2)e--r(T--t)ps /
· /3ss(t, s) = y(1-- --pss(t,
s)) p s (t,s)
Then we get the following PDE in term of p after divided each
part of the equation by:
--y(1 --
for ñ =6 1 and y =6 0
pt(t, s) -- rp(t, s) + (í -- q -- u-r
óçñ)sps(t, s) + 12
(çs)2 (pss (t, s) + y(1--
ñ2)e-r(T-t)p2s(t,s)) = 0
By grouping we get: (32)
Lp(t, s) -- rp(t, s) -- ã2 (ç
s)2 (1 --
ñ2)e-r(T-t)p2s(t, s) = 0
