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Developing EFL students' communication skills through collaborative visualisation: an analysis of teachers and master one students' attitudes in the department of english at Mouloud Mammeri university of Tizi-Ouzou

par Lamia Hadjem / Thilelli Hammar
Université Mouloud Mammeri - Master 2 2019

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II. Communication Skills

1. Definition of Communication 15

2. Types of Communication Skills 16

3. Communicative Competence 17

III. Attitudes

1. Definition of Attitudes 19

1.1. Importance of Attitudes to Study 19

IV.Theoretical Framework

1. G. Erkens' Coordination Process Theory (2005) 20

Conclusion 22

Chapter Two: Research Design

Introduction 23

1. Context of the Investigation and Sample Population 23

2. Research Methods 24

2.1. Data Collection Procedures 24

2.1.1. Description of the Students' Questionnaire 25

2.1.2. Description of the Teachers' Interview 25

2.2. Data Analysis Procedures 26

2.2.1. Quantitative Data Analysis 26

2.2.2. Qualitative Data Analysis 26

Conclusion 27


Table of Contents

Chapter Three: Presentation of the Findings

Introduction 28

1. Presentation of the Results of the Students' Questionnaire 28

2. Presentation of the Results of Teachers' Interview 42

Conclusion 46

Chapter Four: Discussion of the Findings

Introduction 47

1. Discussion of Students' Questionnaire Findings 47
1.1. Students' Attitudes towards the Use of Collaborative Visualisation in the Department of

English 47
1.2. Students' Attitudes towards Developing Communication Skills through Collaborative

Visualisation 52

2. Discussion of Teachers' Interview 56

2.1. Teachers' Profile 56

2.2. Teachers' Attitudes towards Collaborative Learning 56

2.3. Teachers' Attitudes towards Developing Communication Skills through Collaborative

Visualisation 59

Conclusion 62

General Conclusion 63

Bibliography 65


Appendix 01: Students' Questionnaire Appendix 02: Teachers' Interview

General Introduction


General Introduction

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je ne pense pas qu'un écrivain puisse avoir de profondes assises s'il n'a pas ressenti avec amertume les injustices de la société ou il vit"   Thomas Lanier dit Tennessie Williams