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The morphosyntax of ghomala' verbs: focus on inherent complément verbs and serial verb construction

par Corrine Minette FOKO MOKAM
Université de Yaoundé 1 - Master 2020

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1.3.3. Aboh's refinements

Aboh (2009) doesn't deny the VP-shell approach to SVCs. He rather argues for an extended VP-shell wherein the object merges as complement of V2. Unlike Collins (1997, 2002) who stresses on control and posits the argument sharing hypothesis (ASH) as a necessary condition on verb series, Aboh puts forward object movement in SVCs.

In Clause structure and verb series, Aboh strongly argues that the ASH is not a condition on verb series since it is freely violated by series where V1 and V2 don't share an internal argument such as (8) below. He therefore claims that object sharing doesn't and can't exist in syntax.

(8) S?ìsiìnuì kuÌn moìtoÌ ceÌ s?ì aÌdoì
Sesinu drive car 1SG.POSS hit wall

«Sesinu drove my car hit the wall» ( Gungbe, Aboh 2009:5)

Aboh proposes an unified analysis for V1-XP-V2 and V1-V2-XP series built from Kwa as well as Khoisan empirical data. He claims that the space between V1 and V2 holds more syntactic positions than previously assumed because in some serializing languages such as Edoì some constituents namely middle-field adverbs appear between the object and V2 as in (9).


(9) OÌzoì duÌnmwuìn èmaÌ [ gié!gié] khién Ozo V1-pound yam quickly V2-sell

«Ozo pounded the yam and quickly sold it» (Edoì, Stewart 1998:34)

From this rationale, Aboh, analyzing instrument and comitative series in Kwa, noticed that V1 and V2 don't form a complex constituent neither in syntax nor at the LF interface. There are some I-type functional projections between the two verbs, V1 and V2 belong to two different fields of the clause structure. This observation leads to the conclusion that V1 heads a projection (AspP) in a higher functional zone, whereas V2 merges in the lexical field within the VP-shell. The V1 being merged in a functional projection (AspP) doesn't have an internal theta-role to assign but selects for complement within which the object is being licensed. In the SVC with one internal argument below, the V2 moves from its merged position to the lower Asp° and the EPP feature under this head triggers the movement of the object as illustrated below:

(10) a. AÌsiìbaì 4à lésiÌ 4ù
Asiba cook/prepare/make rice eat

«Asiba cooked/prepared/made rice and eat» (Gungbe, Aboh 2009: 8)


In the SVCs with two internal arguments, it is the first internal argument which is introduced by vPAPPL that raises to the specifier position of the lower AspP as shown below:


(11) a. Sésiìnuì kuÌn moìtoÌ ceÌ s?ì aÌdoì

Sesinu drive car 1SG.POSS hit wall

«Sesinu drove my car hit the wall» ( Gungbe, Aboh 2009:5)


From these empirical facts, Aboh claims that crosslinguistic variation in SVCs derives from the interaction between object movement, which is triggered by EPP licensing, and verb movement that leads to V1-XP-V2 or V1-V2-XP series. Thus, he concludes that the serializing parameter deals with the lexicon rather than with core syntax as it has been claimed by some scholars.

After having given a brief presentation of approaches to SVCs, the next section focuses on some literature on ICVs.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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