Significance of the study
This study enables the researcher to acquire deeply knowledge
concerning the effect of implementation of e-procurement in Rwanda Hospitals
especially in Kabaya District Hospital;
This research will help the researcher in partial fulfillment
of the requirements of attaining a Master's degree in science in procurement
and supply chain management and also enabled him to gain more knowledge about
the effect of implementation of e-procurement on effectiveness of Rwanda
Hospitals especially in Kabaya District Hospital.
The study is intended to encourage the policy makers to
closely examine the effect of implantation of e-procurement on effectiveness of
Rwanda Hospitals.
Scope of the study
The boundaries of the study of analyzing the effect of
implantation of e-procurement on effectiveness of Rwanda Hospitals especially
in Kabaya District Hospital, are the content, time and geographical
1.6.1 Content scope
This study will only look at the effect of implantation of
e-procurement on effectiveness of Rwanda Hospitals especially in Kabaya
District Hospital.
1.6.2. Time Scope
Findings of this study will be based on the analysis of the
views of respondents during the period of 2019-2020.
1.6.3. Geographical Scope
This research will be carried out in Kabaya District Hospital
located in Ngororero District and covers a selected sample size of staff and
Interest of the study
The interest of the study of analyzing the effect of implantation
of e-procurement on effectiveness of Rwanda Hospitals especially in Kabaya
District Hospital, has personal, social and scientific interests.
1.7.1. Personal interest
This study will enable the researcher to acquire deeply
knowledge concerning the effect of implantation of e-procurement on
effectiveness of Rwanda Hospitals especially in Kabaya District Hospital.
Due to this study, the researcher will find the marks and
obtain his Master 's degree in science in procurement and Supply chain
1.7.2. Social interest
The population will know more about the effect of
implementation of e-procurement on effectiveness of Rwanda Hospitals especially
in Kabaya District Hospital.
1.7.3. Scientific interest
This research is helpful to other researchers because it
motivates to conduct a research on this topic.The research will also help other
students who do their researches in other domains.
1.8 Chapter outline
The research work is divided into five main chapters.
v Chapter one is composed of the background of the study,
statement of the problem, objectives and research questions of the study,
significance of the study, scope of the study and interest of the study.
v Chapter two covers the definitions of terms and concepts,
theoretical review and Conceptual framework of the study.
v Chapter three is concerned with the methodology to be used
in carrying out this study. Research designs, techniques of data collection and
methods used.
v Chapter four focuses on research findings, analysis and
interpretations of data collected, these findings were interpreted and edited
in relation to objectives of study while
v Chapter five deals with summary of findings, suggestions and
conclusions of the study and areas of further research.