The conceptualization of political brand and political brand
capital from a voter's point of view based on a perceptual approach (Keller,
1993). As far as political brand-capital is concerned, this is to our knowledge
the first formal definition that has been proposed. Finally, our research must
present two other conceptual contributions: on the one hand, on the relation
between the political brand and the voter, and on the other, by its
contribution to the conceptualization of Keller (1993).
After having sought to demonstrate the relevance of the brand
concept applied to the political domain, we have justified in this work a dual
conception of the political brand (Phipps, Brace-Govan and Jevons, 2010). We
believe that there are two distinct brands: the personal / personal brand of
the candidate and the corporate brand of the political party. These two brands
are, in our view, the political brand that the elector chooses on the day of
voting, other elements (such as the program) that relate to one or both of
these brands. Another important element must also be taken into account: the
level of congruence between the two brands. In our view, this concept can help
clarify the way in which the political brand is structured between these two
components. Concerning the managerial implications of this research, we believe
that the concept of political brand can help politicians and parties to develop
their reputation, build, manage, measure and control their brand capital ... To
do this, the construction of a method Measurement of the brand's brand equity
and each of its components will constitute a certain managerial contribution.
The development of a measure of political brand capital will offer the
possibility for a candidate, a politician, a political party, to measure its
political brand capital and thus allow a real management of the political
brand. At the conceptual and methodological level (calculation of the political
brand capital and its two components, the congruence between the candidate's
personal brand and the brand
The party's "assimilation" to the brand makes sense and can
contribute much to the
understanding of the relationship between the political brand and
the voter (trust, attachment and identification with The political brand).
At this stage of our research, two main limitations can be
On the one hand, our work is based at present on a theoretical
framework. The empirical studies currently conducted should allow us to quickly
compare our conceptualization of the political brand and its brand capital with
the reality on the ground.
On the other hand, the choice of a research field - the
presidential elections of 2012 - will allow us to study and compare several
political brands but in a given context. As noted by Phipps, Brace-Govan and
Jevons (2010), the perception of voters of the political brand and its two
components is influenced by politicians and by the parties themselves
(Including their structure and mode of Functioning), but also by the type of
election considered (eg a national election versus a local election), the
country, the electoral system, whether in an election or on the contrary An
election ... It will therefore be necessary in the future to carry out studies
on various fields of research in order to study the influence of these factor
Contextual "on the brand equity of the political brand (and more precisely on
the relative importance of the individual brand capital of the candidate and
the corporate brand capital of the party).
What type (s) of relationship does the voter and the political
brand maintain?
In order to better understand the relationship between the
political brand and the voter, a three-dimensional model of the terms of the
elector-political brand relationship according to the brand-brand of the
political brand has been conceptualized. This model is based on a dual
justification, based on the marketing literature and more specifically on the
functions of the brand for the consumer and on the literature on political
science and economics, precisely on the great explanatory paradigms of
political behavior. Beyond the attitudinal variables, other elements were also
considered in this model in order to better understand the decision-making
process of the voter.
A quantitative study must enable us to test the model of the
relationship to the political brand that we have developed based on the
measurement of its brand equity. The aim is to show that the capital-political
brand has a significant influence on the variables of the relationship to the
political brand retained in the model and ultimately on the intention to
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