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The political brand, it's brand capital and the voter

par Marius Souyogoto GUEDOU
Rome Business School - Master marketing politique 2017

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Master in Political Marketing

Academic Year: 2016/2017

Final project by:

GUEDOU Marius Souyogoto



Rome, June, 12, 2017

The political brand, its brand capital and the voter

Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to propose a conceptualization of political brand and political brand equity based on a perceptual approach (Keller, 1993). Eventually, the development of a measure method of political brand equity must allow to better understand the relationship between the political brand and the voter.

Keywords: Brand, political brand, brand equity, political brand equity, congruence


For decades, many authors have advocated extending the marketing of commercial enterprises to all types of non-commercial organizations and adapting marketing theories and concepts, particularly to the field of politics (eg Kotler and Levy, 1969, Kotler 1975 Shame, 1975, Newman, 1983, Smith and Saunders, 1990, Wring, 1997, Reeves, de Chernatony and Carrigan, 2006). Kotler (1975: 761) considers that «The very essence of a candidate's interface with the voters is a marketing one and always has been ". An argument regularly invoked to justify this position is that one of the often cited objectives of marketing is not to sell anything to anyone but to satisfy the needs of individuals (eg Kotler and Levy, 1969; Reeves, de Chernatony and Carrigan, 2006): " Political marketing is, in general, a force for good within society, given that political marketing is concerned with the satisfaction of the electorate "(Reeves, de Chernatony and Carrigan, 2006, p. 419).

Other authors, on the contrary, are opposed to this intrusion and this marketing vision of politics. Many criticisms are made: a form of propaganda, even manipulation, the danger that the political parties attach more to form than to substance, that they follow public opinion more than they guide it, the idea that politics is not a product, that political parties and politicians cannot be assimilated to "soaps" put up for sale...

Our purpose in this research is not to judge the use of marketing in the political sphere. On the contrary, we have chosen to adopt a scientific approach, by transposing and adapting several concepts - including brand and brand-name concepts - from the marketing literature to the policy domain. The originality of our research lies in the perspective adopted: we want to better understand and analyze the relationship between the voter and the political brand. The ultimate goal of our research is to test our conceptualization of a three-dimensional model of the relationship to the political brand based on the measurement of its brand equity. To test the research model that we have developed, a method of measuring the brand's brand equity will be developed in order to better understand the relationship between the political brand and the voter. But beforehand, it is necessary to define precisely what we designate as political brand and political brand capital.


The research presented here is placed on a conceptual level. Its main objective is to propose a conceptualization of the political brand and its brand capital according to a perceptual approach (Keller, 1993). To do this, we rely on the literature in marketing and political marketing.

The conceptual contributions and theoretical contributions of this study are at several levels:

- in relation to the research carried out to date, it is necessary to justify and demonstrate that the

concept of a brand applies to the political field (and in our opinion to the candidate as to the

political party), in other words That the political brand is conceptually valid,

- show the interest of this conceptualization,

- identify the specific features of the political brand, which make it specific,

- better understand the concept of a political brand as it exists in the elector's memory: what does

he perceive as a brand?

- through a literature review of the main authors who have assimilated the politician and / or the

party to a brand, propose a definition of what a political brand is in a perceptual approach,

- justify the choice of the concept of brand capital (and not that of other close concepts),

- propose a definition of the political brand capital based on a perceptual approach.


The theoretical framework of our research is structured around two concepts: the political brand and the branding capital of the political brand.

Applied to the political domain, the marketing literature on the concepts of "brand" and "Brand capital" helps us to define the concept of political brand and that of political brand capital. The operationalization of the concept of political brand through political brand capital must enable us to determine the value of the political brand for the voter.

This study is composed of three parts, each aimed at answering a specific research question. First, why is it appropriate to apply the brand concept to the policy area? In witch way ? To answer this question, it is necessary to show that the concept of a brand can be applied to the political field, the interest of this conceptualization while identifying the specificities of the political brand.

Second, what does the concept of a political brand mean to the voter? What does it perceive as a brand? To what extent does the candidate as a person merge with the political brand? To answer these questions, it is necessary to study the political brand as it really is perceived by the voter. Finally, a third part seeks to answer the following question: what is the value of the political brand?

1. The political brand: justification, contributions and specificities of the concept

It is necessary to consider:

- the relevance of the brand concept applied to the policy area: in other words, how can the candidate and the party be considered as brands?

- the interest of transferring the concept of brand to the political domain: what does this assimilation bring? What interest can it represent for candidates and parties?

- the specificities of the political brand, which make the management of this particular brand.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui vivent sont ceux qui luttent"   Victor Hugo