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Elaboration of a communication strategy for promoting the polytechnique language centre INPHB

par Oumar KANTÉ
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur Grade Licence professionnelle 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II.5.5. Choose means of communication

The choice of media is made jointly with the creation. The media selected must make it possible to convey the message in all its characteristics and to enhance it. To assess the media, the following criteria can be used :

- geographic selectivity : The communication campaign can be national, regional, local. The billboards, the cinema and the press allow the finest geographical selectivity. The national daily press, periodical press and television are adapted to national campaigns. Radio offers many possibilities thanks to the existence of radios with national coverage and radios with local coverage ;

- the power : It is the ability to hit the entire target. For a general public campaign that wants to reach as many individuals as possible, television, especially at times of larger audiences and billboards, are very suitable ;

- socio-demographic selectivity : It is the ability to precisely hit the chosen target. The periodical press is the medium6 the most selective, while television is not ;

6 Means of communication or set of media.


- the target's desired reaction to the message : This reaction can be understood in terms of speed, the media acting on the target at different speeds, or in terms of duration, depending on the desired effect. To quickly create traffic in a point of sale, you have to act on the behavior register. Local radios make it possible to quickly move a large number of listeners to the point of sale. The effect will be immediate, short-lived and will not create loyalty. On the other hand, to improve the memorization of a product or a brand, it is necessary to act on the cognitive register and to be registered in the long term. The periodical press favors a greater remanence of the message ;

- the target's control of the time spent with the message : Television, radio and the cinema do not allow us to linger or reconsider the message. This is the advantage of the display and especially of the press. The selection of media results from the choice of the criteria to be privileged according to the objectives and the communication strategy.

II.5.6. Budget determination

The intensity of the advertising communication, the forms it will take are closely linked to the budget that the advertiser will allocate to this position. A very low budget does not allow communication to be seen or heard, to pierce the wall of indifference. The most widely used method is to set the amount of the advertising budget based on sales : as a percentage of turnover (past or expected) or as a lump sum per unit sold. This method is based on the implicit assumption that there is an arm's length relationship between advertising spending and revenue. This hypothesis has no real basis. On the contrary, a decrease in turnover may require an increase in advertising pressure. But from a theoretical point of view, a certain dependence between advertising costs and turnover has been shown. This is measured by the elasticity of advertising spending7. The budget should therefore be set according to other criteria and in particular according to the communication objectives that the company has set.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius