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Enhancing learner's autonomy in efl context the case of secondary school students in Algeria

par Salhi Tahani, Bouamine Rayane
Pre-service Teacher’s Training College Bouzareah - Algeria - Secondary School Language Teacher 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

I-Literature review on learner autonomy in education

Therefore, technical preparation into their use is required for all participants, so that learners can get benefit from the technical potential these tools provide. Moreover, continuous teacher's support needs also to be available to help learners use digital resources effectively and sustain their interest and motivation into their use, thereby creating a learning environment which is likely to induce positive perceptions towards using technologies in language learning.

It follows from this, that teacher's role cannot be denied in autonomous language learning. For this reason, teacher-based approaches have been advocated.(Djoub,2017:118).

5-3-Teacher-based approaches

These approaches «emphasize the role of the teacher and teacher education in the practice of fostering autonomy among learners» (Benson, 2001, p.111). In effect, within these approaches,learners have control over their learning while the teachers' role changes into counselors. Being autonomous teachers who are reflecting continuously on their practices are also required within these approaches to develop students'autonomy.(Djoub,2017:118).

Furthermore, in addition to raising learners' awareness of their own responsibility and helping them develop the strategies and use tasks and materials which they need for their autonomy, Sturtridge (1992) refers to assessing learners' progress and supporting their monitoring which is among the counseling tasks he puts forward as follows:

· Helping learners to recognize their own responsibility for their own learning

· Helping learners to know their individual language level on entry

· Helping learners to decide upon their own individual objectives

· Helping learners to recognize their own individual strategies and to make suggestions

· Directing learners to particular materials or activities

· helping learners to become aware of what particular exercises are really teaching them

· Making suggestions about more efficient ways of practice or monitoring

· Making ratings of progress and comparing them with the learners' own ratings. (Djoub:2017:119).


I-Literature review on learner autonomy in education

5-4-Learner-based Approaches

These approaches which are also called learner development, aim at observing the production of behavioral and psychological changes that will enable learners to take greater control over their learning (Benson, 2001). They have come from educational trends of self-directed language learning (SDLL) and learner strategies in language learning (LSLL) in Europe and North America (Wenden, 2002). Within these approaches emphasis has been put on teaching language learning strategies and training learners into their use. Besides, considering affective factors related to learning has been seen as a goal to achieve learner development towards autonomy.(Djoub,2017:126).

These learning strategies have been defined as «behaviours or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable» (Oxford, 1989, cited in Ellis, 2008, p.704). Indeed, Oxford (2001) indicates that the effective use of these strategies can facilitate learning and help learners become autonomous since they are related to features of control, goal-oriented, autonomy and self-efficacy. Likewise, Boekaerts (1997) considers them

as crucial not only to guide the learner's own learning during the formal education, but also to educate the learner in order to update his or her knowledge after leaving the school.(Djoub,2017:126).

The two most cited taxonomies are those of O'Malley and Chamot (1990) and Oxford (1990). The first taxonomy makes a distinction between:

? Cognitive Strategies: These strategies involve thought processes which learners use to deal with tasks and materials such as memorization, guessing the meaning of words, etc.

? Meta-cognitive Strategies: in which learners attempt to regulate their learning through planning, self-monitoring, evaluating and thinking about how to make this process effective. ? The Socio-affective Strategies: help learners to interact with other speakers of the target language, to collaborate on tasks and ask for correction. These strategies aim to enhance self-confidence, motivation and lowering anxiety.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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