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Enhancing learner's autonomy in efl context the case of secondary school students in Algeriapar Salhi Tahani, Bouamine Rayane Pre-service Teacher’s Training College Bouzareah - Algeria - Secondary School Language Teacher 2020 |
III-Data Collection , Interpretation ,Findings and SolutionTeachers are sticky to their manner to teach by not accepting any different answer outside of the model, this is clearly shown in Q19 with 54,1% of them. And maintain their professional relation with learners (75,7% in Q20). And keep distance from their learners regarding their personal information (62,2% in Q21). 4-4-Outside of classroom Teachers believe that choosing learners stream is due to parents with 54,1% and to people around them at 27% in Q22 and then this wasn't their own choice. And don't let learners using other resources thinking that they are not able to study alone (56,8% in Q23) and that the knowledge presented by teacher is enough sufficient at 48,6% of their response in Q24. 5-Findings When relying on discussion of various categories where learner autonomy had been explored, we can conclude that Algerian secondary school learners are not autonomous in learning English and that result confirms our main hypothesis, because of: -teachers themselves are not supporting learner with the right manner even they are stimulated to do so and because the previous learning in middle education stage failed in teaching them language and self-learning principles; -learners themselves are not trying to be autonomous and those of the scientific streams are the best ones on that matter because of their future need to it; -the classroom is still teacher centered and getting outside program is still prohibited; -the outside of the classroom had a negative effect on choosing learner stream as it takes into consideration only the main matter such as : natural sciences, mathematics and never the learner English language competencies or skills. -68- III-Data Collection , Interpretation ,Findings and Solution6-Enhancing learner autonomy As the applicable methods in English Language Teaching failed to produce autonomous learners and as regard to other good concepts and methods such as Fitts and Posner 3-stage learning model and the CEFR assessment grid and Cooperative Learning, we can present a combined solution that we see to be able to enhance learners autonomy under the teacher supervision, which we call the separate autonomy goals method as follows: ? teachers must focus their endeavor on the learner listening skill as the most important skill to develop; ? teachers then must also focus on the spoken production skill even by imitation; ? teachers then must focus on spoken interaction by known words to learner; ? teachers then must focus on reading skill; ? teachers then must focus on writing skill. All this in a Cooperative Learning between learners and using ICT, that is to say, good learners can transmit easily their skills understanding to their peers in small groups within the classroom. This seen method can surely allow the best assessment of each skill apart and can give an actual overall autonomy level. We notice that the CEFR assessment grid seems to be the application of the Fitts Posner 3-Stage Model as presented in table 2 (most right column) but that assessment grid had omitted the most important level in learning which the level 1, corresponding to the learner first contact with a foreign language, that we can call the «anchor» to learning because of its importance to motivate or demotivate learner in language skills acquisition. -69- General Conclusion In chapter One we have made a very large investigation of learner autonomy and its related concepts and in chapter Two we gave a general overview on the Algerian Educational System and its main objectives on English Teaching and we gave also some other interesting methods such as Communicative Language Teaching and Cooperative Learning and use of ICT. In chapter Three, we presented our specific practical part beginning by the survey addressed to teachers via a questionnaire and then we waited for their perceived responses. When interpreting result by categories of learner autonomy we concluded that Algerian Secondary School learners are not autonomous confirming our made hypothesis. And as autonomy context is very complex, we presented a solution that deals with each skill apart and we consider that this method can allow a good assessment of learner autonomy by increasing it in each of academic year. Finally, our suggestions go to make special researches on how to increase each language skill apart by Master Students and the overall learner autonomy by Doctorate ones. -70- Bibliography Bibliography 1-Books Cotterral S. & Crabbe D.(1999).Learner autonomy in language learning: defining the field and effecting change. Peter Lang. Frankfurt. Germany. Jiménez Raya M. & Sercu L. (2007). Challenges in Teacher Development: Learner autonomy and intercultural Competence. Peter Lang. Frankfurt. Germany. Little D.(1991).Learner autonomy : 1-Definitions, issues and problems. 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Sino-US English Teaching, ISSN 1539-8072, Feb. 2010, Volume 7, No.2 (Serial No.74), USA 3-Internet Sites 3-1-Authors Online Teacher's questionnaire : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-g3JolLVOdDeb-oiIDYhGuqJ0uyV zpmz-rn3bT4wyE/viewform?edit requested=true (06/06/2020) - email : tahani.salhiyoucef@gmail.com 3-2-Lizzie Pinard webpage : https://reflectiveteachingreflectivelearning.com/ (06/06/2020) 3-3-Fig. 2 (06/06/2020) 3-4-Table 2 https://www.psia-rm.org/download/resources/fall training/PSIA-RM%20&%20Fitts%20&%20Posner%20Stages.pdf (06/06/2020) 3-5-Kazinori Nozawa - Enhancing Learner Autonomy through Technology Enhanced Language Learning. https://fr.slideshare.net/engedukamall/1-plenary-nozawakamall2014 -72- Appendix