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Enhancing learner's autonomy in efl context the case of secondary school students in Algeria

par Salhi Tahani, Bouamine Rayane
Pre-service Teacher’s Training College Bouzareah - Algeria - Secondary School Language Teacher 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II-The Algerian Educational System and approaches to English Teaching

This kind of assessment helps teachers in identifying their pupils' weaknesses in language leaning and programming a remedial work if needed. In addition, it seeks to make learners more autonomous since it gives them the opportunity to evaluate themselves and their learning as well. As it is stated in the Teachers' Handbook:

«Finally, it is strongly recommended to provide the learner with sufficient autonomy in order to enable him to assess by himself his own weaknesses ..., this will make him responsible for his learning in identifying and correcting his own mistakes.»(2004:12)

In fact, the «Learning Log» is an important assessing and motivational tool for both EFL teachers and learners, but we cannot ensure their awareness of its usefulness in language learning since not all of them are using it in our middle schools.

4-3-The Competency-Based Approach

As it is mentioned in the Teacher's Handbook (first year middle school), a competency

«is a know-how which integrates and mobilizes a number of abilities and knowledge to be efficiently used in problem solving situations that have never been met before .» (2004:4).

In other words, it refers to the individual's ability to use appropriately the acquired knowledge, skills and capacities in order to face the challenges and hindrances which encounter him along his life. Unfortunately, most schools and universities failed to instill within learners such ability and to form competent adults able to relate what they have learnt to their real-life situations. In this regard, Slavin claims that:

«Students must receive specific instruction in how to use their skills and information to solve problems and encounter a variety of problem-solving experiences if they are to be able to apply much of that they learned in school.» (Slavin, 1998: 241)


II-The Algerian Educational System and approaches to English Teaching

For Slavin, education should help learners in applying what has been acquired at school in extra school contexts; otherwise this education should be reconsidered.

The CBA was first applied in USA military field. Then, it has been extended to the educational field which was suffering from various difficulties and obstacles in USA and many countries around the world. The competency-based approach seeks to bridge the gap between the classroom and everyday real life through putting together all the knowledge, know-how, abilities and attitudes acquired at school for the solution of real life problems. In other words, this approach aims at supplying learners with a set of competencies which help them reinvest their learning outcomes in situations that are commonly encountered in extra school settings.

According to the U.S. office of Education, the competency-based approach is defined as a performance based process leading to demonstrated mastery of basic and life skills necessary for the individual to function proficiently in the society. Whereas Richards and Rodgers (2001), agree that CBA focuses on what the learners are expected to do rather than on what they are expected to learn about. It is mainly based on the outcomes of learning that students should possess at the end of a course of study. However, Schneck (1978) considers the CBA as an outcome based instruction that is adaptive to the needs of students, teachers and the community. This outcome is derived from an analysis of tasks typically required of students in life role situations. On the other hand, Nunan (1988) views that the CBA is typically a learner- centered approach. For him, this approach aims at attaining the following objectives:

- To provide learners with efficient learning strategies.

- To assist learners to identify their own preferred ways of learning.

- To develop skills needed to negotiate the curriculum.

- To encourage learners to set their own objectives.

- To encourage learners to adapt realistic goals and time frames.

- To develop learners' skills in self- evaluation. (Nunan, 1988: 13)

Basing on the above mentioned objectives, it is obvious that the CBA and learner autonomy share nearly the same aims; both of them support the learners' involvement in learning situations which make them at the center of learning and help them acquire solid methods of learning and develop a sense of responsibility and independency.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Piètre disciple, qui ne surpasse pas son maitre !"   Léonard de Vinci