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Impact of tax revenue on economic growth in Rwanda from 2007-2017

par Etienne NZABIRINDA
UR - Masters 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.4.6 Concept of Economic Growth

Beardshaw et al (2001) define economic growth as an increase in the overall output of an economy over a given period of time; the overall output of an economy is also called national product. Growth of an economy in a given year is measured by the change in national output as a percentage of the national output achieved in the previous year.

The Keynesian four sector expenditure approach model of determination of national income explains how the equilibrium level of national income is determined by adding up all expenditures made on goods and services during a year. Income can be spent either on consumer goods or capital goods. Again, expenditure can be made by private individuals and households or by government and business enterprises. Further, people of foreign countries spend on the goods and services from other countries. These various expenditures are added up to obtain national income (as shown in Equation 3.1 below).

GDPMP = C + I + G + (X - M) (3.1)


GDPMP = Gross Domestic Product (at Market Prices)

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C = Final private consumption expenditure (expenditure on consumer goods and services by individuals and households).

I = Gross domestic capital formation or gross domestic investment (expenditure by productive enterprises on capital goods and inventories or stocks). This is divided into two parts: Gross fixed capital formation and addition to the stocks or inventories of goods.

G = Government final consumption expenditure (government's expenditure on goods and services to satisfy collective wants).

X = Export expenditure (expenditure made by foreigners on goods and services of a country)

M = Import expenditure (expenditure by people, enterprises and government of a country on goods and services produced in other countries)

The simple Keynesian model of income determination treats government final consumption, gross domestic capital formation (investments) and exports as autonomous expenditures. Private final consumption expenditure and import expenditures on the other hand have a constant exogenous component and that level of expenditure that depends on income (as shown in equations 3.2 and 3.3 below):

C = a +bY .. (3.2)

Where C is private final consumption expenditure; a is autonomous consumption; and b is marginal propensity to consume.

M = ??+mY (3.3)

Where ?? is autonomous imports and m is marginal propensity to import. The equilibrium level of income in a three sector model is thus given by:

Y =a +b(Y -T)+I +G (3.4)

Where T is the lump-sum income tax.

Y -bY = a +bT +I +G


Y = 1-b (a +bT +I +G) (3.5)

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Differentiating equation 3.5 with respect to lump-sum tax T will give us the effect of a change in T on income Y


ST =

A [( 1 (a +bT +I +G ] AT 1-b

-b =





Equation 3.7 shows that tax multiplier, is negative meaning an increase in lump-sum tax by


'will reduce equilibrium income by a multiple.


Incorporating proportional income tax (tax levied as a fixed percentage or proportion irrespective of the level of income) into the three sector Keynesian model of income determination, then proportional income tax would mathematically be expressed as tY where tis the rate of proportion of income which is payable as a tax. In a real economy, proportional income tax may be imposed along with any lump-sum tax. Thus, the total tax

A'can be expressed as A??

T= tY (3.7)

Where t= rate or proportion of income tax and Y = income.

Equilibrium income, Y = a +b(T-Ty) +I +G (3.8)
Y -by+bYt= a +I +G


Y= (a +I +G)


Y= 1 (a +I +G) (3.9)


Equation 3.10 shows that proportional income tax has a negative multiplier effect on income.

Exports less imports (X - M) estimates net exports of a country in a four sector model of income determination. The exports and imports of a country depend to a great extent on the level of economic activity (that is, the level of output and income of a country) in such a way that, as a country's industrial output grows, it will generate greater demand for imported materials and also cause the country's exports to rise provided there is adequate demand for the output in foreign markets.

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The equilibrium level of output in a four sector economy is thus given as:

Y =a +b(Y -T)+I +G+[X -(M +mY)] (3.10)

Where T is constant lump-sum tax.

a +bY -Tb+I +G+X -M -mY (3.11)

Y-by+My= a +bY -Tb+I +G+X -M (3.12)



) (3.13)

1 (a +bY -Tb+I +G+X -M


where the term


is known as the foreign trade multiplier whose value is determined by

marginal propensity to consume (b) and marginal propensity to import (m). Note that change in any autonomous factor of the model such as a, I, G, X andM will cause a change in national

income by the amount of the foreign trade multiplier [1

1-b+M] times the change in the amount

of the factor. Thus, if exports increase by VY = 1-b ** VY.


Incorporating proportional income tax in the four sector model of income determination, then only the term of foreign trade multiplier will change, the other terms of the model remaining the same. Thus, if income tax is of form where is constant lump-sum tax, is the proportion of income that is taken as tax. With the incorporation of proportional income tax, the value of trade multiplier becomes: T= T +Ty where T is constant lump-sum tax, t is the proportion of income that is taken as tax. With the incorporation of proportional income tax, the value of

trade multiplier becomes: ??

1-b(1-t)+m 1= -b+tb+m (3.14)


Where t is the proportional income tax rate. With this proportional income tax, the equilibrium income equation can be written as



1-b(1-0+m (a +bY -Tb+I +G+X -M)



67 =


. (3.16)


Equations 3.16 and 3.17 shows that proportional income tax and constant lump-sum tax have a negative multiplier effect on income.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote