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Impact of tax revenue on economic growth in Rwanda from 2007-2017

par Etienne NZABIRINDA
UR - Masters 2019

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This study was divided into five chapters: Chapter one is general introduction and it is composed by the background of the study, Statement of the problem, Research hypothesis, Objectives of the study, Rationale of the study, and the Scope of the study, crucial definition of taxation and finally organization of this study.

Chapter two presents the literature in relation to the topic under study, this chapter deals with the historical background of taxation in general and Rwanda context, Conceptual framework, Theoretical framework and studies related to this study.

Chapter three briefly highlights the various research methods, simply this chapter indicates Data Collection, Sources of Data, Data Collection Procedure, Data Processing and Data analysis. Chapter four presents data analysis and interpretation of the results. It shows the index of data analysis in a scientific way using software and various tools such as tables, graphs, charts, etc.

Chapter five revealed summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations. In this study, researcher will combine, both qualitative and quantitative, so as to gain an insightful analysis of the relevant facts and figures in explaining impact of tax revenue on economic growth in Rwanda.

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The study observes the ideas or views of various authors who took keen interest in the subject matter. Basically, the review was done on the following sub-headings of historical background, conceptual framework, theoretical framework, related case studies and summary of the literature reviewed.



Taxation is said to have come into existence «from time immemorial» without a specific mention of when exactly it evolved. However, the origin of tax levies can be traced to the ancient cities of Greek and Rome in modern literature; but from the Bible account, it has been as old as the world. In these so called cities of Greek and Rome, taxes were levied on consumption, saving, investment and properties (Abomaye-Nimenibo, 2017). From the account of St. Mark's gospel (chapter 12:14-16), a disciple of Jesus Christ precisely St. Peter was reported in the Holy Bible was confronted by the tax authorities and he met Jesus Christ who commanded him to get money with which Peter paid for himselve and the Lord Jesus Christ. St. Mathewgospel chapter 17:24-27 of the Holy Bible, stated that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself paid tax. Furthermore, in Matthew 19:21 we see tax money having its functions to perform in the society which enables government authorities to use in providing social services that will be enjoyed by all the citizens of a country. Such social services include the provision of health and education, maintenance of law and order, provision of basic amenities and infrastructures etc. Tax payment is therefore part of the price to be paid by sound members of an organized and orderly society

In Rwanda, The history of taxation in Rwanda indicates that the first tax legislation was inherited from colonial regimes. This tax legislation included the Ordinance of August 1912, which established graduated tax and tax on real property. There was another Ordinance on 15thNovember 1925 adopting and putting into application the order issued in Belgian Congo on 1stJune 1925, establishing a profits tax. This law was amended by law of 2nd June 1964 establishing Direct tax on profit. A substantive law governing customs was ratified on 17th July 1968 accompanying the Ministerial Order of 27th July 1968, putting into application the

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Customs Law. This law was amended from time to time in order to comply with the changing economic environment. Such other legislative instruments include the 1973 law governing property tax, the tax on license to carry out trade and professional activities, the Law No. 29/91 of 28th June 1991 on sales tax (turnover tax) now repealed and replaced by the Law No. 06//2001 of 20/01/2001 on the Code of Value Added Tax (VAT). In 2005, the parliament adopted law number No25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, amending Decree-Law of December 28, 1973 relating to Personal Tax, Law No 06/2001 of January 20, 2001 on the Code of Value Added Tax and Law No 9/97 of June 26, 1997 on the Code of Fiscal Procedures. Similarly, Law No 16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 2005 on direct taxes on income was adopted replacing Law No 8/97 of 26/6/1997 on Code of Direct Taxes on Different Profits and Professional Income, and Law No 14/98 of December 18, 1998 establishing the Rwanda Investment Promotion Agency, especially in its Articles 30, 31 and 34.

The parliament also adopted Law No. 21 of 18/04/2006 establishing the customs law, replacing the Law of July 17th 1968 concerning the Customs law as amended and completed to date. However, on July 1, 2009, Rwanda adopted the EAC Customs Management Act 2004, An Act of the Community to make provisions for the management and administration of Customs and for related matters

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