Fig23. Management process
package: Class Diagram
TrainingController, QuestionController,
ResponseController, DocumentController, PersonController, KnowledgeController
and knowledgeController.
Each one of them has two private attributes; DataModelItems
declared NULL and SelectedItemIndex. It has also his constructor and nineteen
other operation; getSelected() wich returns an element with the same type of
the Entity class related with, getFacade() returns an element with the type of
session beans package class related to, getPagination(): returns a
paginationHelper type, prepareList(), prepareView(), prepareCreate(),
prepareEdit(), create(), update (), destroy (), destroyAndReview (),
performDestroy (), updateCurrentItem (), getItems (), recreateModel (), next(),
previous () wich all return String Type. And two other methods that returns
SelectItem type; they are getItemsAvailableSelectMany() and
Each class of this package needs these methods to support
interactions between user interfaces and persistence layer.
the presentation layer (View) of our
application, which aims to
simplify the creation and editing interfaces; is
represented by some .xhtml pages that will be shown later.
Functional structure of the