Tab10. Propose online test
Case name
Propose online test
User authenticated
The user clicks : <propose test> button The system
presents a form to be fill by teacher
The teacher fills the form (indicating test information)
The system asks the user to give the file location The user
clicks on <browse> and select the file path The system retrieves the
path The user clicks on import The system downloads the files from the
local machine to the server
The system executes the command to creates the exam in the
database The system displays a message indicating the success of the file
importation. The system create a new link for downloading the file in the
library space
The administrator announce concerned students by e-mail
Post condition
The system add the exam in the database space
The teacher enters a wrong file / not permitted type
There is no compatibility between concerned class and exam
date The system sends an error message
Fig13. Sequence diagram:
propose online test
2.7.2 Register for training
Student must be registered for training following these steps
and according to some constraints.