Programme: MSc. In Financial Mathematics Minor: Banking
and Finance
Name: Agborya-Echi Agbor-Ndakaw
Candidate Number: 59990
Title: Financial Regulations, Risk Management and Value
Creation in Financial Institutions: Evidence from Europe and USA.
Supervisor: Dr Michael Barrow
Date: 02/09/2010 Number of Words: 18,651.
The present global financial crises resulted in a near
collapse of the world banking system. Some financial institutions and financial
markets could continue operations only upon reception of public rescue
packages. It also brought to light the inadequacies of the financial model both
at the national and international levels. This study brings out the need for
revising these financial regulations hence. This study also revealed how
behavioural finance greatly contributed to the out break of the present crisis
and therefore suggests the licensing and supervision of financial institutions
at all times.
The principal aim of this study is to investigate how the
relationship between financial regulations, risk management and value creation
alongside other behavioural factors influence the process of investment
decision-making by investors. Some of the behavioural factors revealed by this
study include overconfidence, gambler's fallacy and availability bias. In
addition to these, this study also revealed that some assets (CDOs and CDSs)
within the financial industry also influence the investment decision-making
This study focuses on the role of risk management within
financial institutions thereby establishing a framework for efficient and
effective risk management. The goal of such an activity is that of achieving
the highest value added from the risk management procedure being undertaken
thereby restoring the trust and confidence that has been lost in financial
institutions and banks as a result of the present crisis.
The completion of this study would not have been possible
without the help and support of some people. Firstly, I will like to express my
gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Michael Barrow for his professional guidance and
advice. His suggestions and critical remarks to the realisation of this study
have been inspiring.
I will equally wish to acknowledge the support of the rest of
the program instructional team, the entire staff of the University of Sussex in
general and the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in particular for
making my stay here memorable. I will also like to thank my classmates for
their help and support.
My sincere gratitude also goes to my family and friends for
their abundant love, support and encouragement throughout the study period.
Success is better when it is a result of teamwork.
Finally and most importantly, I thank God for making it possible
for me to be here.
List of Figures 5
List of Tables 5
1.1 Background 6
1.2 Rationale of Study and Gaps in Existing Research .13
1.3 Research Questions 15
1.4 Aims and Objectives 16
1.5 Hypotheses 17
1.6 Summary of Methodology 18
1.7 Summary of Chapters 18
1.8 Summary of Chapter One .19
2.1 Introduction 20
2.2 Definition and Meaning of Risk ..20
2.3 Definition and Meaning of Return ...23
2.4 Relationship between Risk and Return .24
2.5 Types of Risks within Financial Institutions 25
2.6 Definition and Meaning of Risk Management ..28
2.7 Reasons for Risk-taking in Financial Institutions 32
2.8 Definition and Meaning of Financial Regulations 33

2.9 Definition and Meaning of Value Creation 38
2.10 The Decision-Making Process 41
2.11 Behavioural Factors Influencing Investment Decision-Making
2.12 Assets Influencing Investment Decision-Making 46
2.13 Conclusion 60
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Philosophy
3.3 Research Approach
3.4 Choice of Method
4.1 Purpose of Chapter
4.2 Description of Findings
4.3 Discussion of Findings
4.4 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overall Assessment of Aims and Objectives Attainment
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
List of Figures
Figure 1: Capital Market Line 7
Figure 2: Security Market Line 7
Figure 3: The UK Bank Rescue Package 11
Figure 4: Risk Management Procedure 31
Figure 5: Estimated Global CDO Market Size 37
Figure 6: Global CDO Market Data for 2006-2007 48
Figure 7: A Summary on How CDS Works 53
Figure 8: Increase in CDS Markets 57
Figure 9: Factors Influencing Investment Decision-Making 65
Figure 10: Summary 72
List of Tables
Table 1: Estimated Size of the Global CDO Market by the End of
2006 37
Table 2: Global CDO Market for 2006-2007 47
Table 3: The ISDA Market Survey for CDSs 56
1.1 Background
The relationship between financial regulations, risk
management and value creation is the brain behind the investment
decision-making process especially within financial institutions. This
relationship is such that forms the general idea on the understanding of how
financial institutions work with regards to investments and the investment
decision-making process. To successfully establish this relationship between
financial regulations, risk management and value creation, it will be ideal to
pinpoint the fact that financial institutions can stand a better place in
creating value and restoring the trust and confidence that has been lost in
financial institutions and banks as a result of the outbreak of the 2007-2009
financial crises.
Economists have proven that there exist a number of classical
financial theories which support the opinion that risk and return trade-off
play an important role in arriving at investment-making decisions. Some of
these theories include the CAPM, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMP). This can be proven using the Capital and
Security Market Lines whereby both portray a positively sloping curve implying
that the higher the risk the higher the expected return.
Figure 1: Capital Market Line. Figure 2: Security Market

Looking at the above graphs (indicating that the higher the
risk taken the higher the expected return), and according to Haslem, 2003,
investors should be compensated for taking very high risk in the hope of
expecting higher returns. Never the less, investors are adviced to create a
market portfolio(a portfolio consisting of all securities / assets whereby the
proportion invested in each security corresponds to its market value) which is
located on the efficient frontier (describes the relationship between the
return that can be expected from a portfolio and the riskiness of the
portfolio). The fact that risk and return form the foundation in classical
finance especially when investment decision-making is concerned has led to the
birth of many schools of thought and authors amongst which we have Angelico et
al (2000) and McMenamin (1999) . They are all bring out the point that risk and
return lay the foundation for very important and rational investment decisions
to be taken. There are number of assumptions associated with these classical
financial views. Some of these include:
· The fact that risk is an objective measure which is
quantitative in nature hence can be calculated using historical as well as
statistical data (Beta and Standard Deviation) (Levy and Sarnat, 1972).
· The opinion that investors are generally rational in
their decision-making and are generally risk-averse in their attitude as far as
risk is concern (Pratt and Grabowski, 2008).
· The point that higher risk will always be rewarded with
higher return also known as the risk-return trade-off.
Owing to these assumptions, it is evident that investors when
faced with investment decision and considering risk and return remaining
constant, all investors will definitely choose the investment that will result
to a less risky alternative though at the same level of the expected return
(Friedman and Sevage, 1948). Critically looking at the assumptions of the
finance, it is evident that all investors and everybody in
the financial market think in the same direction. This goes to confirm the
point that whether they are expert professionals, institutions or indidvaidual
investors, there is actually no difference in investors' behaviour.
Contrary to the above, the behavioural finance school of
thought differs from the classical school of thought. This is to say, within
the behavioural financial content, they try in explaining investors' behaviour
in decision making process. They do so by looking at the socio-psychological
factors point of view that influence investors when making their decisions.
Some behavioural finance economists including Statman (1995, 1999), Tversky and
Kahneman (1974), Thaler (1994) stress on the fact that based on these
sociopsychological factors, there exist sufficient evidence in support of the
repeated patterns of irrationality and inconsistence when investment
decision-making is concern especially when there is a choice of choosing from a
situation of uncertainty. Behavioural finance school of thought views risk as
being a subjective measure hence investors are bound not to only exhibit a
risk-averse attitude towards risk but they can as well be risk-seeking or
risk-neutral. This therefore implies investors will not only seek the risk's
highest level of return but will like to as well maximise the risk's expected
return hence wanting to maximise the satisfying strategy (Sortino, 2001).
According to Frankfurter et al (2002), «Behavioural
finance has looked at risk in greater depth and found that attitudes towards
risk are not logical.... Real individuals usually have to address risk in
situations that they have never encountered before and will never encounter
again, for which statistical techniques are largely irrelevant.... There is
clearly much more to risk than finance has begun to consider, and much of it
involves how people form images of the events of which they are expected to
assess the risk»(p. 456).
The human decision-making process as claimed by the
researchers of behavioural finance, is subject to a number of cognitive
illusions which can be grouped into heuristic decision processes
(overconfidence, anchoring, gambler's fallacy and availabilty bias) and the
prospect theory (loss aversion and regret).
Regarding the arguments surrounding how risk and return
greatly influence investment decision, it therefore calls for concern to find
out the extent to which the relationship that exists between risk and return
help in influencing the investment decision-making process.
In the last three years or so, the cry of the day has been
that of the global financial crisis. Most writers and businessmen say this is
the greatest global financial crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s
which could be traced as a failure in financial regulations to keep pace with
an out of control financial system (Krugman,2008). The causes of today's
financial crisis such as inefficient risk management, inadequacies of the
global model of banking regulations, are not different from the causes of the
Great Depression in the 1930s, no doubt Krugman describes it as the return of
the Depression.
The root cause of the most recent global financial crisis can
be traced back as a result of the failure of the US Treasury allowing Lehman
Brothers- a major Wall Street investment bank, to default sometime around
September 2008. This resulted to a lot of panic with so much consequences felt
in the financial sector as the prices of most financial assets had a massive
turndown. As if that was not enough, there was also the freezing of most
inter-banks' loans thereby resulting to `insecurity' and doubts in the banks
shares as well as the banks' balance sheets. This was a clear evident that the
crisis has brought to light so much focus on the inadequacies in the present
regulations in financial institutions, no doubt, there was the need of
restructuring these financial regulations specifically within financial
institutions. This is because the initial phase of the present financial crisis
almost led to the near collapse of
Northern Rock, a UK medium size mortgage provider. Moreover,
the high and incontrollable risk-taking of some big hedge funds and the
building role they played in this crisis has resulted in it being the centre of
discussion as far as global finance regulations are concerned.
This was done with the US, the UK together with some EU
countries putting together pieces of bank rescue packages together. These
rescue packages were centred on bank recapitalization where by the states had
to purchase most of the bank shares in a bid to reestablish that investors'
confidence in financial institutions. These rescue packages introduced were to
an extent temporary no doubt there was some part-nationalisation of some banks
whereas, in some cases there were out right purchase of these bad loan assets
by the state. For instance, the US at one point in time had to grant state
guarantees of some bank assets so as to stabilise the inter-bank connections
and businesses. The above mentioned points are enough evident for the need for
financial regulations to be implemented for the sake of these financial
institutions to be operated orderly as well as avoiding the outbreak of any
other financial crisis in the nearest future. The diagram below summarises the
UK bank rescue package.
Figure 3: The UK Bank Rescue Package

Source: HM Treasury 2008-9 Near-Cash
The above UK rescue package is aimed at putting the British
banking system on a better footing. This is because it is hoped that the deal
will get money moving again thereby assuring the future of the banking system
once more. Looking at the diagram above, it is seen that £250billion from
the Treasury and the Bank of England is being injected into the economy through
commercial banks. By implication, there is up to £250billion in the form
of loan guarantees to be available at commercial rates so as to encourage banks
to lend to each other as well as to individuals and small businesses. From
here, banks can easily lend money to other banks, individuals and small
businesses whereby these individuals and small
businesses will repay the borrowed money plus interest to the
banks and the banks to the Bank of England (UK Central Bank). But bear in mind
that, in order to participate in the scheme; banks will need to sign an
agreement on executive pay and dividends.
In order to put into effect these rescue packages, some banks
especially commercial and investment banks began utilizing the prevailing
atmosphere made up of excessive liquidity and financial innovation in acquiring
huge exposures in the global credit markets. With the use of these of
alternative investment schemes, massive amounts of assets and liabilities were
moved off the balance sheet resulting to the so called shadow-banking (banking
system referring to any unregulated activities carried out by regulated
financial institutions). Although the risks associated with these positions
were unpredictable, yet there were some financial institutions which enjoyed
some reasonable amount of government guarantee and ended up adopting very
casual attitude towards risk controls. To an extent, it is evident that one of
the root causes of the present global crisis is as a result of this attitude
towards risk hence resulting to most rescue packages being directed to
universal banks especially in EU and Switzerland.
Some international investment funds such as the hedge funds
were of the highly leveraged institutions and as such, they were to a larger
extent of regulatory oversight. Thanks to their active participation in the
global credit market, they were constantly increasing in size and number. As
such, some economists have argued that one of the causes of the present global
financial crisis was the unregulated nature of the practice of shadow-banking.
As if that is not enough, the nature in which the shadow-banking sector was
operated coupled with the absence of the global regulation framework especially
for international investment funds, greatly contributed to outbreak of the
present global crisis thereby bringing the global financial system into a near
1.2 Rationale of Study and Gaps in Existing
Although there are numerous conceptual evidence on the
validity of classical financial theories such as the CAPM, MPT and EMH, in
trying to provide insights and explanations to the general idea of the
investment decision-making process, there is a need for reviewing the existing
literature revealing that very little attention is being given to the
behavioural aspects influencing the entire process. The classical finance
school of thought seeks in portraying investment decision-making processes as
processes which can be studied and applied properly in real life. With
investors bearing this in mind, they will be allowed to be able to predict as
well as beat the market hence the issue of human error and irrationality will
not arise.
On the other hand, behavioural finance has proven to have
very strong implications especially when seeking to provide cover for the
lacuna done by the classical finance school of thought when trying to stress on
the investment decision-making process. Behavioural finance researchers try in
providing detailed explanations for the existence of irrationality and human
errors as far as investment decision-making are concerned so as to reduce risk
if it cannot be avoided. It is evident that the behavioural finance scholars
always try to stress on the fact that in order not to avoid any investment
mistakes caused by human beings, then the practitioners (financial) should
always try to understand the factors of finance brought out by the behavioural
finance scholars. This is because these scholars try to provide an adequate
understanding of the application of socio-psychological factors in the
investment decision-making processes. This can successfully be done by looking
at the way individual investors are influenced by certain cognitive illusions
especially as they try to arrive at a decision. As these behavioural finance
scholars struggle to provide an adequate understanding into the investment
decision-making processes, they have as well failed to look at the proposed
sociopsychological factors in details alongside with the classical finance
scholars thereby resulting in a gap in the entire investment decision-making
processes which therefore calls for concern.
Nevertheless, it has been argued that the theories of
classical finance such as CAPM are based on many assumptions some of which are
obviously unrealistic?.... «The true test of a
model lies not just in the reasonableness of its underlying assumptions but
also in the validity and usefulness of the model?s prescription. Tolerance of
CAPM?s assumptions, however fanciful, allows the derivation of a concrete,
though idealized, model of the manner in which financial markets measure risk
and transform it into expected return.» (Mullins, 1982).
This then implies that such important classical finance
theories should never be underestimated or disregarded when trying to provide
explanations for other factors influencing investment decision-making
Judging from the above mentioned points, it can be concluded
that the main reason of this research is filling that gap left by the financial
researchers by way of critically analysing the process of investment
decision-making. That is finding out if the different financial scholars'
factors have been assimilated by other different scholars influencing the
decision-making process. This therefore leaves us with the question of
determining the extent to which the behavioural as well as the classical
factors influence the investment decision-making processes thereby giving room
to actually understand the domain of finance and investment and how the
investment process works as a whole.
1.3 Research Questions
From a general point of view, there always exist some
research questions to help in achieving the aims and objectives of any
research. This therefore implies that it is not only important but very
imperative in identifying some key questions for which the answers will be
sought through out the research. It is assumed that when questions are well
defined and precise, it is easier and helps the researcher in determining the
scope of the study thereby remaining focus on this scope (Porter, 2003). It is
evident that these research questions help the researcher in
writing the literature review, tailoring the study framework
as well as setting up what techniques to apply and their analysis. In this
regard, this research aims at answering the following questions:
Question 1: What types of risks affect financial performance
of financial institutions?
Question 2: What financial regulations methods can be used
and how will they be implemented?
Question 3: How financial institutions manage risks and
create value?
Question 4: What are the key factors affecting preferences
for managing risks, financial regulations and value creation?
Question 5: What is the perception of managers regarding risk
management, financial regulations and value creation approaches used?
Question 6: What value creation strategies are to be used
in financial institutions that will fully incorporate risks management and
financial regulations and how successful will these strategies be?
1.4 Aims and Objectives
Specifically, this research aims at critically analysing how
financial institutions deal with financial regulations, risk management and
value creation, hence the research aims at achieving the following
. Explaining the meanings of financial regulations, risk
management and value creation.
. Reasons for financial regulations, risk management and
value creation.
. Methods of financial regulations, risk management and
value creation.
? Identifying and determining risks that affect financial
performance of financial institutions.
? Examining financial regulations, managing risks and value
creation approaches of financial institutions.
? Identifying key factors hindering financial regulations,
risk management and value creation strategies
? Examining the perception behind managers behaviour towards
financial regulations, risk management and value creation approaches
. Recommendation of the importance of financial regulations,
risk management and value creation in financial institutions.
1.5 Hypotheses
According to Lind et al, 2005, a hypothesis could be defined
as a statement made with reference to a population parameter which is developed
for testing purposes. Although, Zikmund, 2003, looks at hypothesis from a
different point of view where he sees hypothesis as an unproven proposition
that explains certain facts tentatively and these facts can be tested
empirically. Hypotheses are usually expressed in two forms: the null and the
alternative forms (the exact opposite of the null hypotheses),whereby the null
hypothesis is usually a more naturally conservative and dogmatic statement
about the status quo which is tested using statistical evidence and helps in
rejecting any contrary propositions not tied to it. The null hypothesis is
usually denoted by (Ho) with the alternative denoted by (H1).
Therefore for the purpose of this research, the hypotheses shall
be stated as follows:
Ho: Financial Regulations, Risk Management and
Value Creation are the main factors influencing investment decisions in
financial institutions.
H1: Financial Regulations, Risk Management and Value
Creation, are not the main Behavioural Factors influencing investment decisions
in financial institutions.
Researches in behavioural finance show that the process of
decision-making is subject to a number of cognitive illusions which are grouped
into heuristic (overconfidence, gambler's fallacy as well as
availability bias) decision processes and the prospect theory (regret
and loss aversion). These behavioural factors equally play an important role
when the investment decision-making process is concern.
1.6 Summary of Methodology
The research methods to be used will be the secondary and
tertiary methods. This will entail the reading of textbooks and financial
websites and journals. With the information collected from these methods, the
researcher will be able to know the extent to which the notion of financial
regulations, risk management and value creation influence investment decisions
in financial institutions and whether there exists other factors that influence
these investment decision-making process and how these factors act up with
financial regulation, risks management and value creation as far as investment
decision-making is concern in financial institutions.
1.7 Summary of Chapters
This research will be made up of five chapters with chapter
one being based on providing justifications for the study and bringing out
the general idea about the entire research, stating
the objectives and the hypotheses of the study ,as well as
the rationale of the study and its implications though from different
Chapter two brings out the theoretical as well as the
empirical literature on financial regulations, risk management and value
creation and the role they play in investment decision-making. In this chapter,
all the key terms will be defined as well as looking into the relationship
existing between the key terms. The last part of this chapter is dedicated to
the investment decision-making process and how behavioural factors as well as
some financial assets influence the investment decision-making process within
the financial sector.
For the purpose of our research, chapter three will be based
on providing arguments on the methods used in carrying out the research as well
bringing out the short comings of the methodology.
Chapter four will be responsible for the analysis and discussion
of the findings.
Chapter five will be dedicated to the conclusion and proposition
of a frame work (recommendations) which can be of help for future research
1.8 Summary of Chapter One
The back bone of this chapter is the provision of a general
background and a justification for the research. This chapter contains the
research questions, hypotheses, aims and objectives of the study. It has as
well as provided a summary of the methodology to be used through out the
2.1 Introduction
This chapter centres around the existing literature on
aspects relating to financial regulations, risk management and value creation
with regards to investment decision. There exist different scholars with
different theories and arguments in relation to this study. This chapter aims
at examining secondary as well as tertiary data collected from textbooks,
journals, magazines and internet websites/sources.
2.2 Definition and Meaning of Risk
It is evident that everything done in our normal day to day
activity involves some aspect of risk-taking. This is to say from getting out
of bed to going to sleep, driving a car to merely crossing a road or making an
investment decision, all centre on an aspect of risk-taking. Fortunately, the
whole idea on risk is very interesting because while some risks might be out of
control others are not.
Many schools of thought claim that the word risk is thought
to have originated from either the Arabic word `risq? or the Latin
word `riscum?, with `risq? signifying something given by God
from which a profit can be drawn thus having either a fortuitous or favourable
outcome (Merna and Al-Thani, 2008).
Economists claim that the Latin word `riscum? refers
to barrier challenges presented to a soldier. Although it has a fortuitous
connotation, it is more likely linked to unfavourable events. This word was
first ever used in English around the mid-seventeen century with it featuring
in insurance transactions in the eighteen century although it has also been
used in
both French and Greek with both resulting to positive and
negative connotation. Amazingly, throughout the years, the common usage of the
word in English has changed though statistics has proven that every aspect of
our daily life involves some degree of risk-taking. Hence as a result of this,
in today modern day English, there is literally no generally accepted
definition for the term risk.
There is a wide range of descriptions that have developed
over time as different schools of thought and authors including Slovic (1964),
Payne (1973) and Webber (1988) came up with different meanings and
descriptions. It has been revealed that just within the field of accounting and
behavioural finance, there exist more than 150 unique accounting, financial and
investment measurement still under investigation and these have up to date
remain as potential risk indicators, (Ricciardi, 2004).
Owing to the above mentioned points, it is clear that the
definition of risk can be looked at from different perspectives with every
particular discipline coming up with its own definition and meaning of risk.
According to Lane and Quack (1999), risk can be defined as
follows:«...a state in which the number of possible future events
exceeds the number of actually occurring events and some measure of probability
are unknown can be attached to them. Risk is thus seen to differ from
uncertainty where the probabilities are unknown. Such a definition is beholden
to mathematically inspired decision theory and the rational actor?
model, and does not sufficiently consider the complexity of risk in
business.»( p.989).
Owing to the point that the definition of risk is being
looked at from different perspectives, Brehmer, (1987) brought to light the
fact that the different definitions of risk differ significantly regarding the
specific activity, situation and circumstances. This opinion was further
supported by Rohrmann and Renn, 2000 where it was explained that with regards
to disciplines such as engineering, physics and toxicology, a definition of
risk may be based on
the probability as well as the physical measurements of the
negative outcomes. In the social sciences, risk is looked differently again
with attention being paid to the qualitative aspects of risk which are seen as
crucial facets of the concept.
Reading from Kaplan and Garrick (1981) risk is looked upon as
a combination of Uncertainty and Damage. As if that is not
enough, Frank Knight (1921) tries to provide a meaning to the word risk
explaining the notion of risk differentiating it from uncertainty.«...
Uncertainty must be taken in a sense radically distinct from the familiar
notion of Risk, from which it has never been properly separated. The term
«risk,» as loosely used in everyday speech and in economic
discussion, really covers two things which, functionally at least, in their
causal relations to the phenomena of economic organisation, are categorically
different... The essential fact is that «risk» means in some cases a
quantity susceptible of measurement, while at the other times it is something
distinctly not of this character; and there are far-reaching and crucial
differences in the bearings of the phenomenon depending on which of the two is
really present and operating.... It will appear that a measurable uncertainty,
or «risk» proper, as we shall use the term, is so far different from
an unmeasurable one that it is not in effect an uncertainty at all. We ...
accordingly restrict the term «uncertainty» to cases of the
non-quantitative type». (Damodaran, 2008).
According to Knight (1921) risk/certainty can be separated
with reference to two different points of view (a) knowing the future outcome
and (b) knowing the probability that a future outcome will occur is known.
Looking at the various definitions of risk, it can be concluded that the
definition and meaning of risk can be summarised as the potential recognition
of an undesirable consequence that is to happen to anybody. Therefore there
exists a relationship between danger and opportunity whereby
there is a need to strike a balance as to when to expect higher returns/rewards
which comes with the opportunity as well as the risk involved that has to be
born as a consequence of the danger. No doubt, Haslem (2003) attempts in
defining/explaining risk from the financial point of view by
introducing the notion of return to the definition of risk by stating
that:«Risk is the other side of return. Returns comprise of two
elements, the periodic payment of interest or dividends (yield) and change in
asset values over a period of time (capital gains/losses).»
Judging from all the definitions of risk mentioned above, it
is evident that risk is not very simple especially as it is being looked up to
by different schools of thought. This then boils to that fact risk itself is
subjective and will be very difficult in attempting to manage it.
2.3 Definition and Meaning of Return
The definition of risk provided by Haslem, 2003 whereby risk
was defined from a financial perspective point of view leads us to the notion
of return. Return, basically is the reward to risk, even though very little has
been written about return unlike risk. Never the less, from the normal day to
day usage, the word return has so many meanings and definitions provided it is
used within the proper context.
According to the Webster's New English Dictionary and
Thesaurus (2002), return is defined as: «to come or go back; to repay;
to recur. to give or send back; to repay; to yield; to answer; to elect,
something returned; a recurrence; recompense; yield, revenue; a form for
computing (income) tax.»(p502).
Risk and return are mostly referred to as the different sides
of the same coin because in finance and looking at Haslem's definition of risk,
return can be considered as the exact opposite of risk. Most economists refer
to return as the investors' expected outcome for the risk they are taking and
this return is made up of the periodic interest payment (yield) and the change
in assets' values over a given period of time (capital gains/losses).
Return is just as risk because it is a double sided coin
since return does not imply gaining all the time but sometimes losing. A gain
or lost arises from either appreciating or depreciating an asset. As a result
of these, investors always try to implement all forms of investment appraisal
methods so as to try to be sure that the return at the said stage will only be
referred to as the expected return. Note that all projects have a life cycle
and it is at the end of the life of any project that the actual return is known
which can turn out to be either a lost or a gain or just break-even. This
merely lays the foundation for us to know that return must not always be looked
at to imply profits since that will just be misleading because sometimes,
expected return might show some possibility of profit while the actual return
might not thereby taking us back to the idea of danger plus
2.4 The Relationship between Risk and Return
Because risk and return are very important aspects in
finance, it calls for concern to study the relationship that exists between
them. This notwithstanding, it has been brought to our notice that there has
been a debate on whether the relationship existing between risk and return is
positive, negative or curvilinear (Fiegenbaum et al, 1996). Bear this in mind
that as far as issues in finance are concerned, they will always be looked at
from at least two different points of view because of the difference between
the classical school of thought and the behavioural school of thought.
Statistics has proven that most investors are risk averse.
This idea serves as a backbone for looking into the positive relationship
existing between risk and return. This is judging from the point that most low
risks are mostly associated with low return and vice versa (Fisher and Hall,
1969) thereby leaving investors with the problem of choosing the option that
best maximises their abilities (Schoemaker, 1982).
Never the less, this positive relationship of risk and return
has been supported by many classical financial theories including CAPM, MPT and
EMH and this can be supported by the upward sloping curves of the Security and
Capital Market Lines in Figures 1 and 2. Haslem loc also supported the fact
that there is a positive relationship between risk and return, where he stated
that «the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) posits that return and
risk are positively related, higher return carries higher risk» and
this was as well strongly supported by Vaitilingam et al 2006. Using the
portfolio theory as a guide for investment decisions, it was suggested that the
greater the risk the greater the expected return. This is because, according to
Lumby 1988, the basis of the relationship between risk and return has always
been justified on grounds that investors are generally risk-averse.
According to Bowman (1980 and 1982), and after carrying out
exclusive research and sampling from different industries, Bowman resulted in
suggesting the existence of considerable variance with the classical finance
theories in relation to risk and return in what became known as the Bowman
paradox or the risk and return paradox. It has been evident from his
findings that most of the time, when there happen to be a negative relationship
between risk and return, that implies investors must have swapped from being
risk-averse to risk-seekers and this can be experienced in any institution
whether the institutions are performing well or not. This therefore implies
there really do exist a negative relationship between risk and return.
2.5 Types of Risks within Financial Institutions
The main objective of financial institutions is to maximise
shareholders value by mobilizing deposits and lending to firms and clients
having investment projects. Financial institutions always try to make things
possible for the income to exceed the interest paid on deposits, borrowings as
well as all operating costs. In an attempt to pursuit the aforementioned
objective, financial institutions are faced with a number of
risks of which some include credit risks, liquidity risks, interest rate risks,
foreign currency risks, operational risks (mistakes and fraud committed by
staffs), technological risks (power and equipment failures that lead to data
loss), product innovation risks (new products failing), competitive risks,
regulatory risks (sanctions for violations of regulatory norms), etc.
Note that of all the risks types mentioned above, the two
most important risks however are the interest rate and the credit risks. This
is because problems in these areas often lead to liquidity crisis and bank
failures. As such, if an institution happens to face an increase in the
interest rates on its liabilities and at the same time, fails to increase its
interest rate charged on loans to its clients due to competition, then the said
institution can become compromised.
Similarly, if an institution results in a series of bad loans
that cannot be recovered, its viability can be threatened. Nevertheless, most
of the other risks do not usually pose fatal threats. As a result, many of the
other risks would need to be combined in order to trigger a crisis. Because
risk is considered to involve elements such as feelings of control and
knowledge, it is understood that risk perceptions are influenced by
socio-cultural factors including trust and fairness. Statistics have proven
that the business world (market) is never perfect, that explains the reason of
the introduction of the SWOT(Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Treats)
analysis since any imperfection caused by any individual will merely be used as
an opportunity for some body else (Chromow and Little, 2005).
Some economists claim that one of the causes of the outbreak
of the 2007-2009 global financial crises was as a result of some risks taken by
financial institutions and banks. As such, because of this crisis, banks have
become reluctant to lend to other banks because they are not ready to pay the
price for any risk what so ever within the financial sector. As a result of
this behaviour, it will be ideal to get an in-depth knowledge of the different
risks types existing within financial institutions. Some of the risks faced
within financial institutions include:
· Systematic (undiversifiable)
risk: this risk type is caused by changes associated with systemic
factors. As such, this risk type can only be hedged but cannot be diversified.
This risk type come in many different forms, for example, changes in interest
rates and government policies.
· Credit risk: This risk arises as a
result of the debtor's non-performance. This may arise either from the debtor's
inability or unwillingness to perform in the pre-committed contract manner.
This is because many people will be affected, that is, from the lender who
underwrote the contract to other lenders to the creditors as well as to the
debtor's shareholders. Credit risk is diversifiable but difficult to perfectly
· Counterparty risk comes from the
non-performance of a trading partner. This may be as a result of the
counterparty's refusal to perform due to adverse price movement caused by some
political constraint that was not anticipated by the principals.
Diversification is the main tool for controlling counterparty risk.
· Operational risk is the risk
associated with the problems of accurately processing, settling, taking and
making delivery in exchange for cash. It also arises in record keeping,
computing correct payments, processing system failures and complying with
various regulations. As such, individual operating problems are small but can
easily expose an institution to outcomes that may be very costly.
· Legal risks are endemic in financial
institutions. This is in the sense that financial contracting is separate from
legal ramifications of credit risk, counterparty risk as well
as operational risk. New statutes and regulations can put
formerly well established transactions into contention.
2.6 Definition and Meaning of Risk Management
Risk management has today become a virtual issue for
financial institutions because some schools of thought claim that lack of
proper risk management practices has been a key factor in the present financial
crisis. Generally speaking, risk management is referred to the process of
measuring, analysing, controlling and assessing risks as well as developing
strategies to manage these risks. Some of the strategies used in managing these
risks include transferring the risks to other parties, avoiding the risks,
diversifying the risks, etc. Note that financial risk management focuses on
just risks that can be managed using financial instruments. All businesses
whether big or small do have risk management teams. Sometimes these risk
management teams need to use a combination of the risk management strategies to
be able to manage their risks.
There are certain principles that must be identified with
risk management. As a matter of principle, risk management should result in
value creation in any business, be part of any decision making process, be
systematic and well-structured and be very transparent. The processes of risk
management include the identification of the risk, planning what risk
management strategy/strategies to use, mapping out the basis upon which the
risks will be evaluated, a definition of a framework within which the
`job/task' will be carried out, a development of the analysis of the risks
involved in the process and finally implementing the risk management
strategy/strategies to be used.
Once the risk management process has been completed, that is
to say after the risks have been identified and assessed, all risks management
techniques fall into one or more of these categories-avoiding, transferring
(for example insurance companies), reducing and retaining (accepting and
budgeting). These risk management teams are always faced with a number of
risk options including that of designing a new business
process from the start with adequate built-in risk control measures.
In essence, we will like to define the role played by risks
within financial institutions, identify when these risks should be managed and
when they should be transformed (if possible), as well as the procedures that
must be followed for any successful risk management activity of any financial
institution. So far so good, it has been argued that risk is an essential
factor within the financial sector. It therefore implies that active risk
management has a major place in most financial institutions. In the light of
this, what techniques/procedures can be used / implemented in limiting and
managing these risks?
The answers to these questions are straight forward. It is
obvious that if management is to control risk, it has to establish a set of
procedures in order to achieve this goal. Note that for each risk type, a
four-step procedure is established and implemented to define, measure and
manage risk. This will go a long way to assist decision makers to manage risk
in a manner that is consistent with management's goals and objectives. These
steps include:
· Standards and reports-that is, the creation
of a standard setting and financial reporting method. These two activities are
the back bone of any risk management system. Therefore consistent evaluation
and rating is essential for management to understand the true embedded risks in
the portfolio and the extent to which these risks can be reduced if not totally
· Position rules-imposed to cover exposures to
counterparties and credits. This applies to traders, lenders and portfolio
managers. This is so because, in large organizations with thousands of
positions maintained and transactions done (on a daily bases), accurate and
timely reporting is quite difficult though it is perhaps the most essential.
· Investment guidelines (strategies)-these
guidelines and strategies for risk taking in the immediate future are outlined
in terms of commitments to particular areas of the market and the need to hedge
against systematic risk at a particular time. Guidelines offer advice to the
appropriate level of active risk management.
· Incentive contracts and compensation-this
explains the extent to which management can enter into incentive compatible
contracts with line managers and make compensation related to the risks borne
by these individuals, as such, the need for elaborate and costly controls is
lessened. These incentive contracts require accurate cost accounting analysis
together with risk weighting. Notwithstanding this difficulty, well designed
contracts align the goals of managers with other stakeholders.
Risk management need to be an integral part of any
institution's business plan. Decisions to either enter or leave or
concentrate on an existing business activity require careful assessment of both
risks and returns. These risk management procedures must be established so that
risk management begins at the point nearest to the assumption of risk. By
implication, any trade entry procedures, customer documentation as well as
client engagement methods of normal business activities must be adapted to
maintain management control and eliminate needless exposure to risk. As if this
is not enough, data bases and measurement systems must be developed in
accordance with the way the business is conducted. Moreover, for any accurate
daily business reports, trades must be recorded, entered and checked in a
timely fashion. This helps during an overall effective risk management system
put in place by senior management.
There exists three successive levels within any organization
corresponding to the levels at which risk is considered to have been
typically managed. The senior management system
used in checking and evaluating business as well as individual
performances, need to be sure that these three levels of risks are attained.
Level I aggregates the standalone risks within a single risk
factor such as credit risk in a commercial loan portfolio.
Level II aggregates risks across different risk factors within a
single business line for instance the combination of assets, liabilities and
operating risks in a life insurance.
Level III aggregates risks across different business lines such
as banking and insurance. The diagram below summarises the risk management
process within financial institutions. Figure 4: Risk Management

2.7 Reasons for Risk-taking in Financial
In spite of the dangers associated with risk-taking and the
procedures involved in measuring and managing these risks, some if not all
financial institutions still take on to these risks. The question now wondering
in our minds is why these institutions need to take on those risks. In order to
answer this question, it will be good for us to look into the reasons for
financial institutions taking risks. Because this will help us to better
understand the need for taking such risks.
It will be ideal to begin by discussing the place of risks
and risk management within financial institutions. This can be done by
stressing on why `risk' matters and what approaches can be taken to eliminate
or reduce these risks. Understanding these, will very much help managers and
investors who are faced by these challenges within the financial sector.
The prime goal of every manager is that of profit
maximisation. This implies managers ought to maximize their expected profits
regardless to the variability of the reported earnings. However, today, there
is a growing literature on the reasons for managerial concern over the
volatility of financial performance within financial institutions. This is
justifiable with the following reasons because any one of these reasons is
sufficient enough to motivate management to concern itself with risk and embark
upon careful assessment of both the level of risk associated with any financial
product as well as any potential risk mitigation. Managerial self-interest, tax
effects, the cost of financial distress and capital market imperfections are
all potential risk mitigation techniques.
Note that managers have limited ability when it comes to
diversifying their investment. This fosters risk aversion as well as a
preference for stability. The progressive tax system takes care of the tax
effects. This is because, with this system of taxation, the expected tax burden
is reduced by reduced volatility in reported taxable income. Financial distress
on its own is
costly and the cost of external financing increase rapidly
when the financial institution viability is in question. Accepting the fact
that the volatility of performance has some negative impact on the value of
these financial institutions, leads managers in considering some risks
mitigation strategies. Some of these include:
· Risks being eliminated by simple business
practices- here the practice of risk avoidance involves actions to reduce
the chances of idiosyncratic losses by eliminating such risks that are
superfluous to the institution's business purpose.
· Risks being transferred to other
participants-there are some risks that can be eliminated or reduced
through the technique of risk transfer.
· Risks being actively managed-here there must
be good reasons existing for using further resources to manage risks. This is
because risk management is central to its business purpose.
In each of the above cases, the goal of the institution is to
get rid of the institutions' risks that are not essential to the financial
services provided. Financial institutions take such risks because they know how
to deal with them either through eliminating, transferring or actively managing
the risks. Remember, risks and returns are directly proportionate, the higher
the risk the higher the expected return. All in all, precaution is taken that
the risk is absorbed and the risk management activity monitors the business
activity efficiently as far as risk and return are concerned.
2.8 Definition and Meaning of Financial Regulations
Financial regulation is often reactive with new regulations
sealing up leakages in the financial system usually caused by a crisis. As a
result of this, it is recommended that regulators should focus on the principal
issues that the regulation is intended to address.
Financial regulations are laws and rules governing financial
institutions such as banks and investment companies. Financial regulations
aim at maintaining orderly markets, enforcing
applicable laws, prosecuting cases of market misconducts,
licensing providers of financial services, protecting clients, promoting
financial stability and maintaining confidence in the financial system.
However, note that the principal aim of financial regulation is to protect
investors who may not be able to protect themselves if left on their own. All
these centre on the fact that the recurrent theme in every regulatory report on
the causes of the global crisis is the role of lax risk management controls
within financial institutions. As such, current financial regulation helps in
policing the amount of risk that can be incurred by a financial institution and
how that institution manages that risk. The regulatory activities range from
setting minimum standards for capital and conduct to making regulatory
inspections to investigating and prosecuting misconduct.
Some prominent key advisers (economists, journalists and
business leaders) including President Barack Obama have succeeded in
introducing a series of regulatory proposals. They also succeeded in mapping
out a number of steps that need to be taken in revamping these regulatory
systems dealing with financial institutions. Some of these regulatory proposals
include consumer protection, expanded regulation of the shadow banking system
and bank financial cushions. These are bent on minimizing the impact of the
current global financial crisis as well as to try to prevent its recurrence in
the nearest future.
The present financial crisis portrayed the inadequacies of
financial regulations both at the national and global levels because they
failed to license and supervise the financial services providers at all times.
A case in point is the boom and collapse of the shadow banking system which
according to Krugman, was the core of what happened to cause the crisis. He
argued that the shadow banking system expanded to rival conventional banking in
importance. As such, politicians, as well as some government officials should
have realized they were recreating the kind of financial vulnerability looked
upon in the 1930s as one of the causes the Great Depression. This implies these
government officials should have responded by
extending some regulations and financial safety so as to
protect the new institutions. Therefore, financial regulations should have at
least been imposed on all banking-like activities. As if that is not enough,
the IMF Managing Director (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) also added that the
financial crisis originated as a result of failure on the part of financial
regulations to guard against excessive risk-taking in the financial system.
Never the less, excessive regulation has also been cited as a possible cause of
the crisis. For instance, the Basel II accord has been criticized for requiring
banks to increase their capital when risks rise which might result in their
decreasing lending when capital becomes scarce. As such, the financial markets
only survived after extensive and costly public rescues from the governments
and some big banks.
2.8.1 Financial Regulations Methods and
Basel II financial regulation method is the most commonly used
type of financial regulations. Basel II is the second of the Basel Accords
which are a set of recommendations on banking and regulators issued by the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The purpose of Basel II is to
create an international standard that banking regulators can use when creating
regulations on how much capital banks need to put aside to guard against the
different types of financial and operational risks. Supporters of Basel II
believe that such an international standard can help to protect the
international financial system from the types of problems that might arise if a
major bank or series of banks should collapse. Bear in mind that this Basel II
accord made sure the issues of risk measurement as well as risk management
within financial institutions were tackled.
One of the most difficult aspects of implementing an
international agreement such as Basel II is the need to accommodate
different cultures, different structural models and the already existing
regulations. Bear in mind that regulators can't leave capital decisions totally
to the
banks because if they do so they will not be doing their jobs
and the public's interest will not be served as well. The Basel II framework is
intended to promote a more forward-looking approach to capital supervision,
that is, one that encourages banks to identify the risks they may face today
and in the future and to develop their abilities in managing those risks. As
such, Basel II is intended to be more flexible and better able to evolve with
advances in markets and risk management practices.
Following Moody's statistics, it was evident that the CDO
market in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) grew up to 78% in 2006.
This growth was driven by banks in a bid in adjusting to the Basel II
regulation. This Basel II regulation forced many banks in 2006 to reexamine
their risk exposure so as to limit the amount of capital they will be holding
against investments, Crompton, 2007. Crompton looked at securitization and CDOs
as means of banks moving some of the risks of their balance sheets into
investors hands. All of these centre on Basel II because it has focused its
attention on economic capital as well as driving the project market into
securitization. This is because securitization is assumed to offer easier
access to mortgage assets for investors thereby making things difficult for
direct holders of home mortgage loans to procure because of the uncertainty
existing in the credit quality of the loans and the problems associated with
servicing them. The Growth of CDOs
Table 1: Estimated Size of the Global CDO Market by the
end of 2006.
Estimated amount in billions of USD
Figure 5: Estimated Global CDO Market Size

Source: Thomson Financial
From the graph above, it is clear that between 2002 and 2006,
the CDO market size experienced a steady growth increase. The issuance of the
CDOs market experienced a significant increase of about 78% in the year 2006.
During this period, most of the CDOs tranches obtained the highest level of
credit rating which is the triple A (AAA) rating considered to be the safest by
the credit rating agencies. The growth in the CDOs market is as a result of
innovation such as the creation and implementation of the Basel II regulation.
Thanks to this innovation, the CDO market became one of the most profitable
markets for investment banking. The CDO market is now moving towards the
direction of on demand credit risk whereby an investor can specify a product's
risk/return ratio and the bank merely originates and then distorts this
risk/return ratio of the portfolio and delivers a new product to its client.
The above mentioned points greatly contributed to the growth of the CDO markets
between the years 2002 and 2006 and thereby creating some value to its
investors, customers as well as the shareholders hence influencing the
investment decision-making process.
2.9 Definition and Meaning of Value Creation
Value creation is the primary objective of any business
entity. It is obvious that most successful organisations understand that the
purpose of any business is to create value for its customers, employees,
investors as well as its shareholders. Because the customers, employees and
investors are linked up together, no sustainable value can be created for one
unless for all of them. The first point of focus should be that of creating the
value for the customer, remember, customers are always right. Value creation
for customers will help in selling the services provided. This can only be
achieved when the right employees are employed, developed and rewarded as well
as when investors keep receiving consistent attractive returns. However, from a
financial point of view, value is said to be created when a business earns
revenue which surpasses expenses.
Value creation simply put occurs when there is an additional
value being added to the bottom line of a business thanks to the creation and
use of new methods to maximize the shareholders wealth. Value creation from the
customer point of view entails the provision of services that customers will
find consistently useful. In today's business world, such value creation is
typically based on constant process innovation as well as constantly
understanding the customers needs with the ever changing business world. This
can be achieved thanks to the commitment, energy and imagination of the
employees. In order for these employees to work effectively and committed, they
need to be motivated and the best way of doing this is by creating values for
the employees as well.
Value creation for employees will include employees to be
treated respectively, the provision of continuous training and development as
well as the employees participating in decision making processes. Bear this in
mind that this only happens when managers decide to define their company's
interests broadly enough to include the interest of everybody-from the
employees to the customers.
Contrary to the above, things go sour when managers decide not
to focus on any value creation strategy but rather make decisions that will in
the long run decrease the value of their businesses. This always happens when
the managers decide to conceive the self-interest conception. This is because
sometimes they decide to ignore employees' satisfaction, learning, research and
development effectiveness. Consequently, when these are ignored, the outcomes
are horrible because it will definitely result to low employees morals and
performances with their associated effects.
2.9.1 Value Creation Strategies
There are different methods leading to value creation in
companies and financial institutions. The real value creation - long term
growth and profitability - occur when financial institutions decide to develop
continuous stream of services that offer unique benefits to their customers.
This implies, in order for an institution to maintain an industry leadership
position, the institution must establish a sustainable process of value
creation. The ability of developing resources and effectively matching them
with opportunities is the brain behind any well established institution's value
to customers, and the basis of its valuation by shareholders. Note that this
value creation process in turn is built on the capabilities and motivation of
the institution's employees. No doubt some experts recommend that value
creation should be treated as a priority for all employees and institutions
decisions. This is because if value creation is put first, managers will know
where and how to grow. Also, understanding what creates value will help
managers to stay focused. For example, if a customer's value is that of
consistent quality and timely delivery then what will be expected of from the
manager will be skills, systems and processes that will produce and deliver
quality services in time.
In today's business world where nearly everybody is faced with
choices, the main challenge for all businesses is to develop and sustain a
uniquely and attractive proposition for both customers as well as employees.
All the same, the most difficult challenge is doing this in such a way that
will result in value creation. This therefore implies managers will
continuously be on their feet because they will need to be constantly asking
themselves what is to be done that will be different from their competitors and
how that will result to value creation? By putting this in place therefore
implies you making for yourselves better managers and creating an environment
that attracts only people who adhere to very high business performance
standards. This more often than not, results with you having more managerial
talents than your competitors thereby enabling you to achieve higher levels
profitable as well as sustainable growth. Lloyds TSB is an
example of a financial institution that has made value creation drive to their
growth for over decade because at one point in time, they decided to put value
creation first.
2.10 The Decision-Making Process
Decisions are not arrived at in a vacuum; they rely on
personal resources and some complex models that sometimes do not relate to the
situation. This process most of the time encompasses the specific problem faced
by the individual as well as extending to their environment. The
decision-making process can be defined as the process of choosing a particular
alternative from a number of alternatives. According to Mathews, 2005, it is an
activity that follows after a proper evaluation of all other alternatives.
However, the Normative Theory of Decision-Making tries to
explain the whole idea about the decision-making process and what economists as
well as other finance scholars think of it. This theory aims at explaining the
actual behaviour of an agent focusing on a rational decision-maker whose aim is
that of maximising utility. Applicable to this theory are three economic
conditions of risk, certainty (known possible outcomes) and uncertainty
(unknown probability distributions). Nonetheless, it is highly argued today
that people are highly rational utility maximizers who measure the likely
effect of any action on their wealth before deciding. Thanks to the normative
theory and the implementation of financial models such as rational
decision-making, risk-aversion and uncertainty, the normative theory of
decision-making has come under scrutiny.
Making a proper decision involves a trade-off between the risk
involve in the decision and the expected return, no doubt there is a
positive shape of both the Security and Capital Market Lines in Figures 1
and 2 encouraging the fact that investors should be motivated to take
higher risk at least by the promise of a higher expected return
although at the same time, this will greatly be determined by the investors'
behaviour and attitude towards risk.
As already discussed, most finance theories are based on a
number of assumptions of which some include the fact that investors are
rational, objective and risk-averse in their behaviour towards risk, and all
these come into play in the decision-making process. By being rational implies
the reward for an individual's decision is affected by the decisions made by
others. Therefore if everything else should remain equal, then all individuals
faced with the same situation will make the same decision. Therefore, the
optimal choice of the individual is therefore dependent on what they believe
others actions are. Cabral 2000 describes this situation as an interdependent
decision-making process. Here investors turn to view their actions as being
right or wrong depending on the action of others.
The normative decision making theory is of the opinion that
individuals try to maximise their utility. This is because, they make
economically rational decisions, they can assess outcomes and calculate the
alternative paths of these outcomes. This is usually done in a bid of choosing
the action that will yield the most preferred outcome.
However, any decision making process is dependent on the
individual's attitude and behaviour towards risk with regards to gains and
losses. Generally, attitude towards risks when it concerns gains are much more
valuable than attitude towards losses. Therefore, making a proper decision
involves a trade-off between the risks involve in the decision and the expected
Nonetheless, the main assumption of the classical finance
school of thought centres on the fact that investors are risk-averse.
Risk-aversion is important because it helps us to have a clew as to how
investors confront risks and how they behave thereafter. Another assumption of
the classical financial theory is that the utility function remains constant
overtime and
between situations. As such, if faced with a problem,
individual's turn to choose the less risky alternative, at the same level of
expected return (Friedman and Sevage 1948), implying therefore that being a
risk-averse utility maximizer, investors will turn down any investment option
that present a 50/50 lose/gain risk for all initial wealth level (Rabin and
Thaler 2000).
2.11 Behavioural Factors Influencing Investment
It has been observed that the behaviour of investors is more
dynamic. This behaviour has been a call for concern for numerous researchers in
different backgrounds especially within the behavioural and social sciences.
However, while sociologists try to explain investors' behaviour by looking at
the impact of their social environment, psychologists concentrate on individual
characteristics of the investors and economists focus on the rationality and
irrationality of investors in the investment decision-making process. All these
are geared towards the point that, contrary to the classical finance school of
thought, investors are not economically rational and utility maximising.
Behavioural finance is defined by Lintner (1998) as:
«the study of how humans interpret and act on information to make
informed investment decisions? while Olsen (1998) on his part asserts that
`behavioural finance does not try to define rational? behaviour
or label decision making as biased or faulty; it seeks to understand and
predict systematic financial market implications of psychological decision
Behavioural finance challenges most of the assumptions of the
EMH. It shows that human decision- making process is subject to a number of
factors. The behavioural finance scholars use the findings of the so-called
Psychology of Choice and Judgement which is considered by them to be the first
pillar of the Behavioural Decision Theory. The heuristic factors (the
most important findings of the Psychology of Choice and Judgement) claim that
the decision making process is not always strictly rational. Here, when all
relevant information is collected
and objectively evaluated, the decision maker tries to take
shortcuts. Heuristics can therefore be viewed as rules of
thumb where decisions are made in situations involving high degree of risk
and uncertainty. These shortcuts are mostly derived from some past experiences
and they most of the time lead to wrong directions and poor decisions being
arrived at. This is because, in trying to adopt these shortcuts in the
decision-making process, relevant facts which should normally be included are
being ignored. Typical examples of illusions resulted from the use of
heuristics in the decision-making processes include
overconfidence, gambler?s fallacy and availability bias.
Overconfidence can be described as the belief in
oneself and one's abilities with full conviction. This has to do with the way
decision-makers believe in their predictive skills and abilities. In some
cases, it leads investors to overestimating their predictive skills thereby
conceiving the belief that they can `time' the market. The reasons for the
existence of overconfidence within experts in their decision-making
process include the failure to contemplate that human make mistakes, failure to
pay attention to how technology systems perform as a whole, failure to predict
how people response to safety procedures and the exhibition of
overconfidence in existing scientific knowledge. Investors turn to
exhibit to the heuristic of overconfidence when they consider
themselves not vulnerable to a specific risky activity.
Anchoring involves a decision making process of
thought. This is to say people solve problems by selecting an initial reference
point. This occurs when we create a value scale based on recent observations.
Once the reference point has been created, there is the tendency that we turn
to adjust to correct the solutions that differ from the initial conviction. The
anchoring bias is very complex because it is like an addiction so much
so that even when the individual realise that they are anchoring, they
will still find it hard to quite. Massimo (1994) summarises the whole
heuristic idea of anchoring in the following words:
«revising an intuitive, impulsive judgment will never
be sufficient to undo the original judgment completely. Consciously or
unconsciously, we always remain anchored to our original opinion, and we
correct that view only starting from the same opinion».
Gambler?s fallacy occurs when an individual assumes
that a departure from what happened in the long term will be corrected in the
short term. Here, people turn to have every poor intuition about the behaviour
of random event thereby expecting a reversal of the event to occur more
frequently than it actually happened. Secondly, people always turn to have
strong reliance on the representativeness.
Availability bias is a human cognitive bias which
causes the individual to overestimate the probabilities of an event associated
with memorable occurrences. This causes people to base their judgement and
decisions on the most recent and meaningful event they can remember. A case in
point is one getting involved in a car accident in the course of the week. It
is obvious for the person to drive with some degree of care and caution for
some time. But with the passage of time, there is a likelihood that the
person's driving will go back to the original state. As a result of this
availability bias, investors turn to focus primarily on the short term
events relating to the immediate past and completely disregarding the long term
events. Unfortunately, availability bias can result in investors
developing a false sense of security as it can cause people to think that
events which have great media attention are more important and pertinent, which
is not always the case.
In addition to the above, sometimes in order to make some
investment decisions, these investors need to be risk-tolerant. The
prospect theory tries to explain how behavioural factors influence
risk-tolerance during the investment decision-making process. With the
prospect theory, value is assigned to gains and losses with the
weights of the decision being replaced by probabilities. This theory best
explains why investors are often more attached to
insurance and gambling. The theory came up with
the conclusion that investors usually weigh the probable outcomes when compared
with certain outcomes.
This prospect theory looks at different states of mind that
are expected to influence the individual in the decision-making process and
include concepts such as regret (emotional reaction worn by people
upon making a mistake), loss aversion (associating greater mental
penalty with loss) and mental accounting (attempting to arrange the
business into separate accounts).
2.12 Assets Influencing Investment Decision-Making
In spite of the in-depth idea of risk and return, risk
management, financial regulations and value creation towards investment
decision-making discussed above, some prominent economists still suggest that
they are some assets within the financial markets that help in influencing
investment decisions-making processes. Some of these include:
2.12.1 Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)
CDOs are investment grade securities which are backed by
bonds, loans as well as other assets. Note that CDOs do not specialise in just
one debt type rather they are more of non-mortgage loans or bonds. With CDOs,
the different debt types are often referred to as `tranches' with each tranche
having different maturities and risks associated with it. Bear in mind that the
higher the risk the higher the CDO to be paid. These CDOs are very unique in
that they represent different types of credit risks and debts. No doubt, they
are being looked at as structured finance vehicles aimed at issuing multiple
classes of liabilities as well as rating debt tranches having different credit
risk/return profiles.
With CDOs, the securities are divided into different classes of
risk because the interest and the principal payments are being made with
reference to the risk class with the most senior
classes being looked upon as the safest securities. Some
investors warned that CDOs are assumed to be spreading risks through
diversification rather than reducing risks of the underlying assets. As a
result of this, one of the reasons for the outbreak of the present financial
crisis was the failure of the credit rating agencies in adequately accounting
for large risks when they were rating these CDOs.
According to Moody's Investors Service, the growth of the CDO
markets never accelerated until in the early 2000s when these CDOs were
introduced. They got to their peak in the first half of 2007 although it was so
short-lived because statistics show that from the first half of 2007 to the
second half of the same year, the CDO issuance is assumed to have dropped by
50% . This drastical drop was considered to have resulted from liquidity
problems especially as investors disappeared leaving residential
mortgage-backed securities to deteriorate (Steven, 2008). Below is a table
summarising the global CDO market issuance data for the period of 2006-2007.
Table 2: Global CDO Market for 2006-2007
Total Issuance in millions of USD
Figure 6: Global CDO Market for 2006-2007

Source: Thomson Financial
Looking at both the table and the graph, it can be observed
that the global CDO issuance was increasing steadily between Q1-06 and Q1-07.
It got to its peak during the first quarter of 2007 but this was so short lived
because by the fourth quarter of the same 2007, the global market has dropped
drastically. Because of what was experienced in the first quarter of 2007,
academicians as well as economists have regarded CDO as one of the most
important new financial innovations of the past decade no doubt it has
registered an increasing number of appeal from many asset managers and
investors. This is so because, the CDOs enabled the originators of the
underlying assets pass on credit risks to other investors and institutions,
thereby making it possible for investors to be forced to understand the
in-depth of how the risk for CDOs is being calculated. As if that is not
enough, when the CDOs is being issued,
the issuer (typically an investment bank), earns a commission
done at the time of the issue as well as a management fee during the life of
the CDO.
Note that for any CDO transaction to be effected some
participants need to be present. These include investors, underwriters
(structurers and arrangers of CDOs- assigning different interest rates to
different securities with more risky classes of securities bearing higher
interest rates so that investors can be attracted to those securities),(Chromow
and Little, 2005), asset managers, trustee and collateral administrators as
well as accountants and attorneys with each having different functions and
interests. Banks were allowed to participate only at the beginning of 1999
following the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (also known as the Financial Services
Modernization Act). This is because this Act helped in opening up markets
within the banking industry, securities companies as well as insurance
According to Steven, 2008, balancing risk perception,
monitoring the performance of underlying assets, getting investors to return to
the market and finding liquidity again are some of the things that need to be
restructured in the CDO for it to survive. The growth of the CDO was as a
result of investors' demand although the issuing of these CDOs were reduced in
2008 because investors had disappeared and liquidity problems began thereby
portraying CDOs as greater risks indicators.
CDOs offer returns that are sometimes 2-3 percentage points
higher than corporate bonds with the same credit rating. Because of this
discrepancy, CDOs have been criticized and looked up to as some sort of complex
instruments which are difficult to value. No doubt some economists refer to
CDOs as financial weapons of mass destruction thereby blaming them for making
the 2007-2009 credit crises more severe than it should have been and led to the
subsequent failure of some big financial institutions such as Lehman
There exists so many different types of CDOs of which some
include: CLOs (collateralized loan obligations)- these are mostly CDOs that are
backed up primarily by leveraged bank loans; SFCDOs (structure finance
CDOs)-CDOs backed by structured products; CBOs (collateralized bond
obligations)-CDOs backed by fixed income securities; CSOs (collateralized
synthetic obligations)-implying CDOs backed by credit derivatives, etc as well
as there are some CDOs backed by commercial real estate assets, corporate
bonds, insurance, etc. With all these different types of CDOs, bear in mind
that as of the year 2007, 47% of these CDOs were backed by structured products,
45% were backed by loans and just less than 10% were backed by fixed income
CDOs are known to vary in structure as well as the underlying
assets although the basic principle is the same. It is evident that the growth
of the CDOs plus the increasing appetite of the CDOs managers for more debt
securities are having an important impact in the real estate debt markets
(Chromow and Little, 2005). Apportioning different credit rating levels to the
different tranches of CDOs makes things easier to be understood since it will
be easier for institutional investors to make their investment decisions. This
is in the sense that with credit rating agencies rating an asset with AAA
signifies the asset is very safe. Therefore, with investors bearing this in
mind, they will be able to sell the most risky assets to those they know can
withstand high risks while the safest (AAA-rated) assets would be held by the
more risk-averse investors.
This credit rating is done so as to get the exact size of
classes and this is done with the help of credit rating agencies such as
Standard and Poor's and Moody's. These agencies rate the highest/safest class
with AAA although this class has the lowest interest, followed by the AA
assets. Note that the lowest priority classes are either not rated at all or
referred to as the junk class (Chromow and Little, 2005). Because of this
increased demand for AAA assets, the lower quality securities that were issued
against the initial package of mortgages needed to be
repackage with similar securities from other packages thereby
resulting in the creation of new AAA securities referred to as portions of the
CDOs since investors used to rely heavily on these securities while the credit
rating agencies do their valuations.
Contrary to the above, this process does not work well all the
time. Investors have learnt to believe that assets with a triple `A' are always
the safest. Unfortunately, this was not the case all the time. These credit
rating agencies did rate some toxic assets with AAA, which was therefore
misleading. Hence one of the causes of the global financial crises was as a
result of this mistake done by these credit rating agencies. This is because
investors hurried up to these assets thinking they were safe not knowing that
they were toxic assets whose financial values have significantly fallen.
2.12.2 Credit Default Swaps (CDSs)
CDS is one of the most common credit derivatives and these
credit derivatives are considered as instruments used in moving risk over from
one party to another. This is because they are simple in structure and have
very flexible conditions whereby banks as well as investors can easily use in
hedging their exposure to credit risk. CDS exchanges streams of payments for
agreement in repaying the specified notional amount (face value of an
asset/instrument used in calculating payments made) if there is a default
payment on the loan caused by a `supposed' third party. Bear in mind that, the
protection buying price with a CDS is strictly based on basis point spreads
(the annual amount the protection buyer must pay the protection seller over the
length of the contract expressed as a percentage of the notional amount) with
the basis point being just 0.01% of the contract's notional value of the
supposed deal because 1 basis point=0.01%. Note that the premium is usually
quoted in basis points per year of the contract's notional amount whose payment
is made quarterly. For instance, consider the CDS spreads of the risky
corporation to be 25 basis points, that is, 0.25% remembering that 1 basis
point=0.01%, then an investor wanting to buy a $10million
worth of protection from a triple `A' bank, must be ready to pay the bank
$25,000 per year and these payments continue until the CDS contract expires or
a default occurs. How CDSs Work
CDSs allow the contracting partners to trade or hedge the risk
that an underlying entity defaults. Here, the protection buyer pays a yearly
premium until the contract matures. In return, the protection seller assumes
the financial loss in case the underlying security becomes insolvent. As a
result of this, a CDS contract resembles an insurance policy whereby one side
assumes the risk and the other pays an insurance premium. When signing the
contract, the protection buyer and seller agree upon a premium which will
remain constant until the contract matures and which compensates the protection
seller for bearing the risk.
A typical CDS contract, is bounded with some terms and
conditions usually documented under a confirmation referencing the credit
derivatives definitions as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives
Association (ISDA). In the confirmation, we will have the reference entity
specified, be it a corporation or sovereign body generally being identified
with outstanding debts plus a reference obligation, usually unsubordinated
government bond. Within the confirmation there is a specification of the
calculation agent responsible for making the determinations as to successors
and substitute reference obligations as well as performing the various
calculations and the administrative functions regarding any transaction.
As if that is not enough, in the CDS confirmations, all credit
events giving rise to payment obligations by the protection seller and delivery
obligations by the protection buyer are being specified. Some of these credit
events include bankruptcy with reference to the supposed reference entity and
its failure to pay with respect to its direct loan debt. The contract's
effective date and scheduled termination date is always referred
to the period over which the

default protection extends. The following diagram illustrates a
summary on how CDS works.
Figure 7: A Summary on How CDS Works
Protection Buyer No credit event: no payment
Credit event: payment Protection
Protection Seller

Reference entity
From the diagram above, it is clear that there is a
relationship between the protection buyer and seller whereby a premium is paid
to the seller. The seller in return is protected because he has an option of
repaying or not depending on the state of the financial market. All of these
are sealed in the presence of a reference entity which is usually a corporation
or a government. CDS simply put, is a contract of protection between two
counterparties-the protection buyer and the protection seller. Note that the
protection buyer is the one responsible for making the payments to the
protection seller but in case of a default, the seller pays the par value of
the bond in exchange for any physical delivery of the bond. CDS Netting
As far as any CDS contract is involved, the protection buyer
as well as the protection seller of credit protection takes on counterparty
risk in which it is spelt out that the protection buyer needs to take the risk
which the protection seller will default in future. There exists this `double
default' that only pops up when the triple A bank and the risky corporation
default at
the same time thereby resulting in the protection buyer losing
his protection against default by the supposed reference entity. At the same
time, if either the triple `A' bank defaults but the risky corporation does
not, then the protection buyer might need to replace the defaulted CDS but
doing so at a very high cost.
Contrary to the above, the protection seller sometimes take
the risk assuming the protection buyer will default on the contract thereby
depriving the protection seller of any expected revenue stream. The protection
seller and protection buyer both have different ways of handling the risks. The
protection seller limits his risks by buying protection from another party
hence hedging its exposure. If the original protection buyer drops out as a
result of this, the protection seller doubles his position by either unwinding
the hedge transaction or by selling a new CDS to a third party. Pending on
market conditions the price at the time may be lower than that of the original
CDS thereby implying a loss to the protection seller and vice-versa.
For instance let's consider an investor buying a CDS from a
triple `A' rated bank having a risky corporation as the reference entity. In
this case, the protection buyer of the protection is the investor who will make
regular payments to the triple `A' rated bank-the protection seller of the
protection. Note that should the risky corporation default on its debt, the
investor will eventually receive a one-time payment from the triple `A' bank
terminating the CDS contract.
The first ever existed CDS was in the early 1990s although the
market only increased at the beginning of 2003 up to the end of 2007 and fell
by the end of 2008. The increase of these CDSs during this period is because
the CDSs help in completing markets to investors since they provide effective
means to hedge and trade credit risk. This is achieved by the CDSs allowing
credit risk to be hedged separately from interest rates. Also, CDSs allow
financial institutions to manage their exposures better thereby making it
possible for investors to
benefit from enhanced investment. In addition to this, CDSs
spreads provide a valuable market-based assessment of credit conditions. The
strong growth of this CDS market is because of financial institutions' desire
of better managing credit risk and of traders gaining exposure to the credit
markets. All in all, the main reason behind the growth of the CDS markets
during this period was because most banks used the CDS spreads as a measure of
their credit risk as well as their risks management tool (buying credit
protection through CDS). CDSs were used as trading tools as well as a means of
allocating risks efficiently.
The major reason for the fall of the CDS markets by the end of
2008 was as a result of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. As if this is not
enough, it is argued that the enhanced transparency in CDS would instead result
in lowering the risks of excessive market reactions. A case in point is the
collapse of Lehman Brothers which provided a vivid example on how insufficient
transparency may result to market reactions overshooting.
Table 3: The ISDA Market Survey for CDSs
Notional amounts (in billions of US dollars), semiannual data,
all surveyed contracts, 2002- 2009
CDS Outstanding (billions of USD )
Figure 8: Increase in CDS Markets

Source: ISDA Market Survey
The graph above illustrates an increment in the CDS markets.
The increase was as a result of how investors used these CDSs for many reasons
such as hedging and trading risks as well as in managing their exposures.
Most of the time, credit events are referred to as defaults
and they include events such as failure to pay, restructuring and bankruptcy.
In situations where the reference entity defaults, the triple `A' bank pays the
investor the difference between the par value and the market price of the
specified debt obligation. This is mostly referred to as cash settlement.
The major difference existing between insurance and CDS is
that insurance contracts provide indemnity against losses suffered by policy
holders while the CDS contracts provide equal payout to all holders, using the
agreed, market-wide method of calculation. As if that is not enough, with
insurance contracts, all the risks involved needed to be disclosed whereas
CDSs they are no such requirement. The CDSs protection sellers
are not required to maintain any capital reserves to serve as guarantee payment
of claims unlike the insurance companies where it is a necessity.
Defaults are usually referred to as credit events since they
entail events such as failure to pay, restructuring and bankruptcy. Statistics
show that most CDSs range between $10 to $20 million with maturities varying
between 1 and 10years. Most of the time, the bond holders buy protection so as
to hedge their risks of default thereby making CDS to be similar to credit
insurance though different from some other governing regulations. Naked CDSs
CDSs are considered as `naked' when they allow traders to buy
CDSs who neither own the underlying bond nor is otherwise exposed to the credit
risk of the reference entity. Hence making it possible for investors to be able
to buy and sell protection without owning any bonds. Usually, the buyer of the
naked CDS protection tries to exploit the arbitrage opportunities that are
taking advantage of the differences in the risk pricing between the bond and
the CDS markets and trying to benefit from the rise in credit risk. Naked CDSs
are considered as not serving any useful purpose and are therefore looked upon
as to be dangerous. They do not help in either price discovery or in any
liquidity because they might instead affect the funding cost.
The most important and obvious argument against naked CDSs is
related to their moral hazard. This usually arises when it is possible to
insure without an `insurable interest'. This therefore implies they do not
create any values. They influence the interest level of original transactions
which can be compared to taking out life insurance on someone else's life.
Naked CDSs increase leverage which usually comes at low costs to the default of
the reference entity. This implies they can substantially increase the losses
that come from defaults.
Therefore naked CDSs should be forbidden because they do not
have a purpose in the society and the society does not benefit from them. With
naked CDSs, only one party is the winner while the others lose.
To an extent, these naked CDSs contributed to the out break of
the present global financial crises. This is because they involved a lot of
gambling with no social or economic benefit. As a result of this, naked CDSs
have played an important role in destabilising the financial system. Note that
these naked CDSs constitute a large part of all CDS transactions and CDS as
whole is being associated with insufficient transparency. The collapse of the
Lehman Brothers was as a result of this insufficient transparency portrayed by
these CDSs. The problems encountered by Lehman Brothers and its eventual
collapse were the onset of the present global financial crisis. Uses of CDSs
Investors use CDSs to speculate on changes in the CDSs spreads
of single names thereby creating a more competitive market place where the
prices are kept down for hedgers. Investors do belief that any entity's CDSs
spreads are either too high or too low compared with the entity's bond yields.
With the help of CDSs spreads, investors can speculate on an entity's credit
quality because it is generally belief that CDSs spreads increase as
creditworthiness declines and vice-versa. CDSs are known to be used to
structure synthetic CDOs. This is in the sense that, instead of owing loans, a
synthetic CDO gets credit exposure to a portfolio of fixed income assets
without owning those assets through the use of CDS.
Most of the time, CDSs are used in managing risks of default
arising from holding debts. For instance, let's consider a bank hedging its
risks on a borrower being at default on a loan by entering into a CDS contract
as a protection buyer. If the loan happens to go into default, the proceeds
from the CDS contract will eventually cancel the losses on the underlying
2.13 Conclusion
The review of the existing literature has revealed that the
whole notion on financial regulations, risk management, value creation, risk,
return and investment decision-making is so complex. This is therefore viewed
differently by the different schools (classical and behavioural) of finance.
According to the classical school of thought, risk is purely objective. The
investment decision-making process is dependent on the risk and return
trade-off and this is also largely dependent on the investor's attitude towards
risk which might be risk-averse (hate risk), risk-neutral (risk tolerant) or
risk-seeking (risk lovers). This either accounts for the existence of a
positive relationship between risk and return, or a negative relationship or a
curvilinear relationship. The review equally reveals that the process of
decision-making is as well dependent on some socio-psychological illusions
collectively referred to as the heuristic factors and the prospect
theory. However, there is no existing research reveal by the review of the
existing literature that has tested the extent to which a blend of the
classical and behavioural finance theories can influence the investment
decision-making process.
3.1 Introduction
All in all, a research is looked at as an art of investigation
in search of pertinent information regarding a specific topic, hence making it
possible for a researcher to take into account all available information at his
disposal. It is therefore the art of investigating into the truth. It is a
systematic approach to finding answers to certain (research) questions. This
therefore implies that a good a research needs to be logical, systematic and
replicable. It is being suggested that a good business research should require
some sound reasoning, (Cooper and Schindler, 2008). According to Bryman and
Bell, 2003, a good research should have a systematic approach with concepts
being generated and defined, with ideas within a particular study content
communicated. This chapter centres on discussing and providing justification
for the methodology used as well as also exploiting some of the already
existing flaws.
3.2 Research Philosophy
The research philosophy is considered the main aspect
influencing the way in which a researcher views the world and undertakes his
research strategy (Saunders et al 2007). There exist two schools of thought
within the content of research in social sciences regarding the research
philosophy-the positivism school implying that the researcher is
working within an observable social reality. This best suits researchers
carrying on research that has to do with the implementation of scientific
methods used in testing social problems, researchers dealing with qualitative
and quantitative information and statistical data (Smith et al 2008). According
to Smith et al, 2008, the point of focus of every research should centre on the
identification of casual explanations.
The positivism school looked at the existence of the
socio-psychological factors which might influence the investment
decision-making process alongside financial regulations, risk management and
value creation as well as the extent to which all these influence the
investment decision-making process.
The other school of thought talks about studying through
gaining an insight through the discovery of meaning by way of improving
people's understanding as a whole. This school of thought is known as the
interpretivism. According to Husserl, 1965, the
interpretivists belief that the world can not be objectively
determined but rather socially constructed. According to the
interpretivists, the promotion of values of qualitative data in the
pursuit of knowledge is what matters most. It is with this uniqueness plus its
assumption of the fact that by placing people within their social content, that
made Hussey & Hussey, 1997 to conclude that there is a greater opportunity
in understanding what conception people have regarding their own activities. As
such, the interpretivists try in providing a platform for a better
understanding on how investors make sense out of the world around them. Note
that this research will be a blend of both schools of thought.
3.3 Research Approach
Reading from Saunders et al, 2007, it is evident that the
general research approach adopted just for study purposes is based mainly on
the philosophical stance which is adopted for the research with the
deductive approach normally based on positivism and the
inductive approach on interpretivism. Contrary to the
deductive approach which focuses on the formulation of the hypotheses
and the use of statistical methods in the data analysis process, the
inductive approach helps in establishing links between the research
objectives as well as assisting in the production of reliable and valid
findings. Note that the deductive approach will be used in presenting
the findings and conclusions.
3.4 Choice of Method
According to Trow, 1957, the application of the philosophical
assumptions of positivism and interpretivism to this study is
an indication that this study took a pluralist methodological stance. This is
so because this study focuses on understanding, interpreting, describing and
explaining how financial regulations, risk management and value creation
influence investment decision-making combine with some socio-psychological
For the purpose of this study, we will be using the
secondary and tertiary methods of data collection. Reading
from Saunders et al, 2003, secondary data is a form of data that has
been collected for use for other purpose(s) but can still be used in answering
the designed research questions. In other words, these are can be referred to
as ready-made materials. These are often used in providing foundations for
present day studies by helping in the investigation and provision of some
already existing theories in classical and behavioural finance that relate to
the study. While secondary data is mostly gotten from textbooks,
newspapers, journals and magazines, tertiary data is gotten from the
internet and encyclopaedias.
4.1 Purpose of the Chapter
This chapter will focus on the presentation of the results
obtained from the findings. These results will be analysed by bringing out the
difference between the classical and behavioural schools of finance as well as
testing the hypotheses. Also, within the content of this section, we will be
explaining how the concept of behavioural finance best explains and contributes
to the outbreak of the present global crisis. Note that the analysis and
results are dependent upon the findings of this study. In this chapter, the
results of the findings will be described and presented.
4.2 Description of Findings-Classical Finance Vs
Behavioural Finance
Statistics has proven that risk plays a very important role in
investment no doubt it is considered to be a very important topic in
investment. This is because an understanding of risk and how it is measured is
cardinal to the development of investment strategies and the subsequent making
of investment decisions. As pointed out by Blume (1971), risk constitutes a
controversy amongst different financial theories which can all be classified
under the classical and behavioural schools of finance. Based on these
differences, this section of the study will be responsible for the on going
debate on the existing views of the risk concept.
Levy and Sarnat (1972) stress on the fact that some already
existing classical financial theories such as the CAPM, MPT and EMH are all
moving towards the direction of risk being a uni-dimensional concept since its
measurement is so purely objective. Based on this, they try in providing very
basic description of the classical finance school of thought's approach towards
risk as follows:
«Subsequently, various economists have tried to
evaluate investments with the aid of two (or more) indicators based on the
distribution of returns. Generally one index reflects the profitability of the
investment while the other is based on the dispersion of the distribution of
returns and reflects the investment?s risk. The most common profitability index
used is the expected return that is the mean of the probability distribution of
returns; the risk index is usually based on the variance of the distribution,
its range and so on». (p.303)
Following what Levy and Sarnat mentioned above, it is evident
that risk has to do with; the standard deviation where by the volatility of the
return can be measured with the beta coefficient responsible for comparing the
volatility of the different security and portfolio within the market with that
of the market as a whole. Risk is most often than not evaluated following the
different variations of returns of an investment with reference to its expected
return, hence confirming the fact that risk is a double sided coin. The main
reason behind risk centres on the fact that risky investments stand better
chances of higher expected returns unlike a risk-free investment. This is
because it is assumed that during decision-making, investors try to make
decisions with possible outcome being associated with specific expected
As such, there are two categories of risks as far as the
classical financial theories are concern-systematic risk also known as
non-diversifiable risk, is the risk type that can not be eliminated hence it is
associated with the entire market. On the other hand, we have the
unsystematic risk which is entirely associated with particular
companies, thereby making this risk type unique and diversifiable (Bodie et al,
Within the content of the classical financial investment
decision theories, it is assumed that individual investors behave in a rational
manner and make optimal decisions when confronted with judgements regarding
risk and uncertainty.
In addition to the above, this research equally revealed the
fact the behavioural finance scholars just as the name `behavioural' try to
provide an absolute understanding of the behaviour of investors in general. As
a result, they look into the general idea on risk and investment from all
fields of life no doubt it is mostly referred to as an interdisciplinary field
which developed from all subjects in life be it sociology, psychology, finance
as well as behavioural economics hence greatly influencing some investment
This boils down to the fact that behavioural finance, unlike
classical finance, takes a completely radical view when it comes to the subject
of decision-making. As if that is not enough, behavioural finance researchers
claim that investors do not need to always seek the highest return for a given
level of risk at any given point in time as assumed by MPT.
In the course of our study, it was realised that unlike the
classical financial school of thought, the behavioural financial school of
thought views the decision-making process to be a rationality bounded process.
This is fully supported by Bajeux-Besnainou and Ogunc, 2003 when they stated
«Satisficing? is an optimization methodology that
involves emotions, adaptive learning and cognitive biases. Simon calls for
individuals to satisfice?, that is, to optimize until it is close
enough in the traditional sense of optimization. By contrast, the traditional
way of optimizing is a maximization of a utility function subject to budget
constraints, as in the classic economics framework». (p.119)
Contrary to the views of classical finance, with behavioural
finance, it is assumed that an important aspect in investment decision-making
process is subjective to aspects perceived by risk investors. No doubt they
look at risk to be multidimensional unlike it being unidimensional therefore
implying a blend of accounting and financial variables. Looking at risk at a
greater in-depth, it has revealed that individual attitudes towards risk are
far from being

Other Factors:
Investment Decision-Making
Financial Regulations
Risk Management
Value Creation
logical. This is so because in real day to day decision-making
situation, people are faced with the need to address risk in situations that
they have never come across and which they might never encounter thereafter,
thus the reliance on statistical techniques is sometimes largely irrelevant and
can hardly have any impact on their decisions. As a result, behavioural finance
stands a better chance of providing very convincing explanations for the causes
of the global financial crisis.
All in all, through out our study, we realised that everything
on the investment decision-making process centred on these two schools of
finance. Both schools stressed on the fact that some aspect of risk needs to be
taken in order to expect any form of return, therefore investors need to take
on to the risk in order to create an expected return.
4.3 Discussion of Findings
From the study so far, it is evident that the investment
decision-making process is influenced by financial regulations, risk management
and value creation combined with some other socio-psychological factors as
shown in the figure below.
Figure 9: Factors Influencing Investment
From the assumptions of the CAPM and MPT theories, this study
revealed that investors are risks-averse in their behaviour in making
investment decisions although these investors can be risks tolerant sometimes
thereby portraying the fact investors still have different perceptions in their
attitude towards risk. This is because personal qualities have a lot to do when
it comes to determining the likelihood of losses and exposure to loss.
Regarding the impact of other factors influencing the
investment decision-making process, this study also revealed that investors are
influenced by socio-psychological factors which include a number of cognitive
illusions grouped into heuristic factors and the prospect
theory (as explained in chapter two). Within the content of this study, it
was revealed that all the factors are important in influencing the investment
decision-making process. This study also revealed that the near collapse of
some big financial institutions and massive public rescue packages proved that
the continuing operation of the banking system is impossible without the state
guarantee especially in times of crisis.
In chapter two of this study, we were able to bring out the
different risks types existing within the financial sector and how these risks
can be managed and why financial institutions need to take on such risks in the
first place. It was also realized that there exists a relationship between
financial regulations, risk management and value creation and how they all have
a common goal which is being geared towards making investment decisions for the
This study also revealed that the global crisis to a large
extent is as a result of investors and financial institutions' attitude towards
risk control. From our understanding of behavioural finance, it is evident that
behavioural finance provides very convincing explanations regarding the causes
of the global financial crisis. Therefore most of the causes of the present
financial crisis can be identified with factors within the content of the study
of behavioural
finance. As such, the biggest proof of the strong influence of
behavioural factors/finance to the amplification of the crisis was the collapse
of Lehman Brother.
The root cause of the 2007-2009 global financial crises was
the liquidity shortfall in the US banking system caused by the overvaluation of
certain assets which unfortunately led to the collapse of some very large
financial institutions. As a result of this, the confidence that used to reign
in financial institutions began to shake thereby resulting to a reduction in
the value of shares as well as a fall in share prices for large, small and
investment banks between July 2007 and March 2009. This made it possible for
the interbank lending services to be disrupted because banks stopped trusting
other banks and the trust in the whole financial system started failing, (Shah,
2009). According to Taylor, 2009, the 2007-09 global financial crises became
severe as a result of the sudden and an unprecedented surge in the interbank
rates. No doubt he argues that the surge in these interbank rates was as a
result of counterparty risk hence banks became reluctant to lending to other
banks because of fear of the perception that the risk of default on loans had
increased implying an increase in the market price for such risks. This strange
behaviour of banks caused other banks to suffer from the combination of
liquidity, balance sheet pressures as well as becoming concern about the
solvency of their counterparties, and hence became reluctant to provide other
banks with funding as well. These banks were left with no other option than to
get up and dance as the music was playing because it became obvious that if
bank A is being refused a loan, it will definitely refuse to loan out to B and
C likewise B and C. Therefore, the inter-bank loans' market either became very
expensive (high interest rates) or dried up completely. This unwillingness of
banks to loan to each other implied that the credit markets were gripped by an
irrational panic and this scared away potential lenders because they assumed
they will never get back their money.
It is widely accepted and acknowledged that excessive liquidity
and overconfidence was one of the main causes of the massive credit
expansion which unfortunately resulted to the present
financial crisis. One of the reasons for the supposed credit
expansion was that the market actors were suffered from short memory and became
increasingly irrational and overconfidence that liquid markets could
continue indefinitely, but unfortunately it did not turn out as anticipated
because this overconfidence in the markets was further refuelled by
financial innovations such as the development of funding calls on behalf of the
banks, keeping of securities as collaterals and creation of CDOs. As a result
of this down turn in the markets and because of overconfidence, (the
concept of overconfidence is explained in chapter two of this study as the
belief in one's skills and abilities) in early 2007, mortgages were extended to
borrowers with even dubious credit histories. Because the investors were
overconfident with what they were doing, mortgages were given out to people
with dubious credit histories which eventually let to the outbreak of the
crisis. This of course had to unfortunately spread over to other parts in the
western world whereby other mortgage borrowers became scared of the fact that
the rising housing prices would last forever and had to rush to jump onto the
property wagon because they did not want to be left behind.
Another major cause of the 2007-09 crisis was the lost of
confidence in the credit rating agencies. This is because, before the outbreak
of the crisis, the credit rating agencies used to be looked upon as the
backbone behind any effective operation within credit markets and any
activities associated with them. Investors used to use credit rating done by
these credit rating agencies in valuing and pricing credit products. When it
became obvious that some AAA rated assets by these credit rating agencies were
to face large write-downs, investors began losing faith in these credit rating
agencies. Consequently, since these investors were no longer willing to rely on
the ratings done by these credit rating agencies, they were unable to perform
their credit analyses, therefore they had to withdraw. The act of these
investors withdrawing implied that the recycling of bank assets to fund
business expansion became almost
impossible thereby resulting in a serious liquidity crunch since
banks also became reluctant to loan out money to other banks.
4.4 Conclusion
This study to a large extent, succeeded in establishing a
relationship between financial regulations, risk management and value creation
bearing in mind that these are not the only factors influencing the investment
decision-making process. It was revealed in this study that financial
regulations, risks management and value creation are the most influential
factors influencing investors in the investment decision-making process
although there are some other socio-psychological factors alongside. This study
also revealed that the behavioural school of finance is in support of the
observation that if the `music is playing you have to get up and dance'. Note
that the risks involved and the expected return need to be clearly established
first before any investment decision can be made. Therefore, it is the starting
point in the investment decision making process.
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the findings and analysis in the other
chapters together with the review of the existing literature brought out in
chapter two will be use for conclusions and in establishing whether or not
there exist a relationship between financial regulations, risk management and
value creation within financial institutions. This chapter should also be able
to tell whether the research questions were answered as well as confirming
whether the objectives of this study were achieved. In this section of the
study, some recommendations will also be made which can be helpful for future
5.2 Overall Assessment of the Aims and Objectives
This study was aimed at understanding how financial
regulations, risk management and value creation together with other factors
influence the investment decision-making process of financial institutions.
This section of the study will examine the aims and objectives of the study as
well as proving whether or not these aims and objectives were attained. This
goes alongside making sure that the research questions asked at the beginning
of this study have been answered. If these questions have been answered, then
it justifies that the aims and objectives of this study have been attained.
In chapter two of this study, the meanings of financial
regulations, risk management and value creation were explained. Also the
reasons for financial regulations, risk management and value creation were
brought out. In addition to that, the methods of financial regulations, risk
management and value creation were brought to light. Still within the contents
of chapter two, the different types of risks affecting the performance of
financial institutions and how these
institutions manage these risks were explained. By
implication, it is obvious that the finding was able to provide answers to all
the research questions raised at the beginning of this study as well as meeting
the aims and objectives of this study.
5.3 Conclusion
The global crisis has proven that systemic threats posed by
irresponsible practices within the financial services industry can cause the
collapse of the international financial system. Owing to the behavioural
factors discussed above, any proposed reforms may prove insufficient to prevent
excess risk-taking. Owing to the above, this study suggests the creation of a
new global regulatory consensus with respect to redrawing the current model of
the national as well as international financial regulations. Under the
suggested model, the high risk/ high return activities will be monitored and
banking institutions involved in higher risks activities would be obliged to
buy excessive liquidity insurance as well as having limited access to cheap
funding basis. Arguably, the combined outcome of any suggested measures would
result to a safer banking industry and better customer services.
The consequences of the financial crisis on the global economy
and the fragility of the global financial system have proved beyond doubts that
doing much of the same is a gamble which western governments will not
like to participate. Therefore this is the right time to advance regulatory
reforms seeking to replace the `failed' model of the financial regulations with
a new one that will be able to liberate the creative forces of the market as
well as containing the social costs. The following diagram provides a summary
of this study.
Figure 10: Summary

Other Factors:
Financial Regulations
Investment Decision-Making
Risk Management

Value Creation
All in all, financial regulations are cushions struggling to
limit investment decisions which do not comply with the law. Value creation is
the primary objective of any business entity and is geared towards adding an
additional value to the already existing bottom line. With all these in place,
the risk management team trying to comply with the government and its financial
regulations as well as creating value within its institution implies that there
exist a relationship between financial regulations, risk management and value
creation. The question being asked by this risk management team is whether it
is actually worth taking such risks.
The diagram above tells us that the investment decision-making
process within financial institutions is made possible with the combination of
financial regulations, risk management, value creation and other factors
(behavioural factors). Note that, any thing done within any business be it in a
financial sector or elsewhere is directed towards investment decision-making as
shown in the diagram above.
5.4 Recommendations
In spite of the fact that there has been a number of studies
conducted on financial regulations, risk management and value creation on how
investors behave towards making investment decisions, there is no existing
research on how these factors combined with risks and return can influence the
investment decision-making process. It is hoped that this research will help
create this awareness. Some of the recommendations arrived at as a result of
this study include the following:
1. This study suggests that financial regulations should work
within the scope of their aims and objectives of licensing and supervising
providers of financial services at all times, protecting clients, promoting
financial stability and maintaining confidence within the financial system.
This is because with these put in place, these financial regulations will be
able to eliminate the shadow banking operations. As such, this will go
a long way in rebuilding the confidence and trust lost in financial
institutions as a result of the outbreak of the global crisis as well as
preventing the recurrence of another crisis in the nearest future.
2. It is evident that one of the causes of the 2007-2009
global financial crises was as a result of poor credit rating by the credit
crating agencies. It is evident that this credit rating industry/market is
still highly oligopolistic since it is dominated by just three main credit
rating agencies namely: Standard and Poor's, Fitch and Moody's. This implies
this industry is suffering from lack of tight competitions and incentives. I
think it is time for more credit rating agencies to come into the business
scene so that the methodologies can be scrutinized as well as giving room for
some tight competition within the industry. Also, it is proposed that these
credit rating agencies be registered. These registered agencies will need to
appoint at least three independent directors and
these directors should be able to disclose the methodologies
used in producing these ratings including the rating criteria.
3. It is also recommended that some changes be made to the
Basel framework thereby making capital requirements more counter-cyclical and
forcing banks to reserve larger amounts of capital in good times. This is
because should this be implemented, it will go a long way to undoubtedly
improve the Basel framework and help to reduce financial institutions' leverage
which according to IMF was one of the major causes of the 2007-2009 global
financial crises. However, this can only be effective only if the current
business model in the financial industry is altered because just a higher
capital ratio is not strong enough to prevent the re-occurrence of the
4. Value creation is the primary objective of any business
entity as such; most successful businesses understand that the purpose of any
business is that of value creation for its customers. In order for this to be
achieved, it is recommended that the right employees are employed, trained,
developed and rewarded.
5. It also recommended that any successful risk management
process must be able to identify the risks types, the risk management
strategies to be used, evaluate the risks, define a framework and then
implement the strategies.
6. Because risk management is an integral part of any
institution's business plan, it therefore implies any decisions leaving or
entering an already existing business activity must require a careful
assessment of risks. As such, it is suggested that financial institutions
should improve their internal systems devoted to risk evaluation, pricing and
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Appendix 1:
ISDA Market Survey
Notional amounts outstanding, semiannual data, all
surveyed contracts, 1987-present
Notional amounts in billions of US dollars, adjusted for
Interest rate swaps
Cross-currency swaps
Interest rate options
Total IR and currency
Credit default swaps
Equity derivativ es
Outstandi ng
Outstandi ng
Outstandi ng
Outstand- ing
Outstand- ing
Outstand- ing
$ 181.50
$ 43.50
$ 225.00