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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

· C) The USA's military interventions

The USA a hyperpower with no equivalent. They consider the world as their belongings. nation States, geographical boundaries, political structures mean nothing for them. They behave as policemen of the Planet. From 1890 to 2001, the USA undertook 134 interventions in the world. The first focus of US intervention was on East Asia (Korea, Vietnam...) ; the second was on Eastern Europe ; the third phase was in Latin America and the fourth phase focused on the Middle East and on west Asia, starting with Palestine and Iran and moved on in the 1990's to Iraq, and at the beginning of the 21st century to Afghanistan. All their military interventions had negative consequences. In Chile (1973), the USA allegedly toppled Salvador Allende, the democratically elected President, and installed the dictator Augusto Pinochet. Allende was assassinated, and the country was crushed by the dictator. The other striking example is Grenada (1983), where the USA intervened militarily to protect their interests. Innocent citizens of these countries were slaughtered, imprisoned and tortured. Even the former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali22(*) criticized the USA's military policy. He said that the USA manipulate the world for the benefit of their own interest. He even declared that when it suits the US, they use the UN to seek legitimacy for their actions, to build coalitions and impose sanctions on « rogue states ».

· D) The USA and the worldwide policy

In this world, nothing seems to move without America's involvement. They are the only nation or power that can resolve the political issue in some countries ; without USA ratification, the Kyoto Treaty on carbon dioxide emissions is not worth the paper it is written on ; without an American nod, nothing moves at the WTO or the world Bank, and without America, the UN ceases to be a United Nations Organisation. Howerver, what is striking in American Policy is their incoherence. They are at once judge and jury. It is the display of such standards that has made America a global figure of hate. For instance, USA have imposed sanctions on countries that seek nuclear weapons, and yet they have the world's largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and are the only country in the world ever to have used the atomic weapons in war. Moreover, while they force other countries to abandon their nuclear plans, they continue to develop their own programme, developing and designing nukes and restarting nuclear tests ; then the United State of America declared that elections should be free and fair, yet they routinely intervene in the elections of other countries, the US have supposedly perverted elections and interfered with the democratic process of 23 countries to ensure a favourable outcome23(*). The United State of America demand discipline, while they are undisciplined and undemocratic. Besides, their behaviour is deeply intolerable. At the end of the Gulf War, the USA targeted civilian infrastructures : water treatment, flood-control system... to keep their civilized image the USA removed the civilians casualties from television screens. They also criticize some countries about the management of their resources, while Americans continue to trash their own environment on increasing emissions of global warming gases such as carbon dioxyde.

Through all these examples we realize that the USA, are so self-contained, so self-confident, so proud that they do not really see their real feature, who they are really. It became obvious when Bush called Bin Laden « assassin ». But the people are not totally blind because they call Bush the « butcher ».

* 22 Unvanquished : a UN-US saga

* 23 William Blum, in his book Rogue State 

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Piètre disciple, qui ne surpasse pas son maitre !"   Léonard de Vinci