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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


America's rules of the World affects directly and indirectly the lives of every individual, community and nation.

In order to understand why people hate America, let us consider the USA's way of life, economic system, military interventions and at last its policy.

· A)The American way of life

George Ritzer11(*), argues that American culture has acquired too much power in the process of replicating itself in the rest of the World. He even compares American culture to a virus. In fact there is hardly a place in the World where one can not get a hamburger12(*). The hamburger is a particular source of hatred of America. It has spread standardisation throughout the world, and places USA's own values on a global pedestal. America even relates to the rest of the World in terms of double standards, hence the reason why America is hated.

American fast-food, music, films infect the culture of other nations, that focus their efforts on imitating the USA's films. This pattern of replication stifles native creativity. The « virus » of American culture and lifestyle replicates so readily because it is founded on a promise of abundance. And given the fact that so many people like their lifestyle, it is no surprise that Americans feel that their way is the best and the only way. People are so blinded by the American that they do not even realize they have lost their free will, they only adapt. Some nations are so bombarded with Americans films, that to survive their film industry starts to ape Hollywood, and their industry almost dies. Our world which is dominated by « free market » is also a world under tutelage of American culture. Some countries like France are determined to protect their culture. In fact, as Claude Ossard13(*) said « it will be suicidal for France not to protect its cultural products ». But if France has enough power to protect its culture, some countries can not. In a way American-led globalisation seeks to replace other culture with theirs. Of course, there are always exceptions to general rules. The Iranian film industry has thrived largely because Hollywood products are not allowed into the country. In agriculture, José Bové14(*) is opposed to the practice of feedings hormones to cattle to artificially speed up their growth. The Americans use this practice and flood France as well as other countries with their law price meat. So it cause the bankcruptcy of local agriculture, in fact local produces become marginalised at worst totally suppressed. In general, given the dominance of the USA, local cultures acquire the image of inferiority. In other words, the production of indigenous culture acquires the sense of backwardness. American-led globalisation decimates the cultures of the World, however they resolutely refuse to open their doors to anything foreign. Continued evasion can only result in more hatred abroad and more retaliation at home.

According to Steeve Fuller15(*), it will be wrong to think American-led globalisation as a form of cultural imperialism. The idea of cultural imperialism implies a much more planned and directed impact on the native culture16(*). It would mean that people are told or forced to give up their traditional customs and adopt Western ones. However it is not at all that happens, because the people themselves play an important role in the spreading of American culture. To make it clear, Fuller compares the « Mc Donaldisation » of the World to their military strength. In fact their military strength is used to deter foe countries to fight them, while they never forced no one to adopt their way of life. However, Fuller does not acknowledge the proliferation of burgers has had all the same devastating effect on the World. The natives adopt the practices of American culture.

* 11 Professor of sociology and the author of The Mc Donaldization of society.

* 12 The hamburger so Mc Donald is a metaphor for American way of life and corrosive influence in the world.

Like the hamburger, the idea of A merica has a number of ingredients : there is the most powerful government on Earth and the influence of its policy on countries and people beyond America ; there is the enormous power of US corporations that their invests outside ; the American view that put forward individualism.

* 13 Producer of the Oscar-nominated « Amelie Poulin »

* 14 co-author of The world is not for sale.

* 15 An A merican Academic who occupies the chair of sociology at the University of Warwick.

* 16 Ideological warfare.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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