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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy



Most Americans take it as self-evident truth that the American way of life is the best ever devised in the history of humanity. It comes as a shock to discover that the rest of the World thinks otherwise ; that America is an object of much fear and loathing.

The USA's Foreign Policy reveals much continuity. Exceptionalism and the messianic spirit, which characterize it are as old as the English North American colonies. Subsequently, American diplomacy became characterized by the repetition of the same deplorable mistakes : US colonialism and economic imperialism ; American domination of weaker economies. So, some countries saw their legitimate aspirations dwarfed by the USA's power and self-interest. Wars, rebellions were logical consequences. Symbolically, the collapse of the W.T.C heralded the fact that the USA have to rethink their Foreign Policy. The concept of Manifest Destiny that justified expansion are now old-fashioned.

We have crossed the threshold of the 21st century to greater mutual danger, with a more awful toll of human pain and suffering than seemed possible. In the months and years ahead America faces a challenge as important as the military one. The USA will have to break their age old habits and rethink their role in the World. The USA will have to convince not just the leaders but the populations.

Hatred is no basis for a secure world. In all the violence that dominates the World only one thing seems clear. We all have a responsibility for the predicament and dangers facing the World. We all have a duty to think, act and work together ; there is work to be done within each society to eradicate hatred and build the possibility of peaceful cohabitation.



A) Ouvrages de référence

q Jenkins, Philip. The United States. New York : Palgrave 1997

q Ricard, Serge. The Manifest Destiny of the United States in the XIXe century. University Paris IV Sorbonne : Capes/Agregation d'anglais CNED, 1999

q BBC News Worldwide Ltd 2001. The day that shook the World. Great Britain : BBC NEWS, 2001

q Mauk, David and Oakland, John. American Civilization. New York : Third Edition, 2002.

q Colombani, Jean Marie. Tous Américains ? Paris : Fayard, 2002

q Sardar, Ziauddin and Wyn Davies, Merryl. Why do people hate America. Cambridge : Icon books, 2002

q Mc Fadden, Robert . A nation challenged. Jonathan Cape : New York 2002.

q Chomsky, Noam. Pouvoir et terreur. Serpent à plume 2003.

B) Articles de journeaux et magazines

1) The New York Review

q Dworkin, Ronald. The Threat to Patriotism. The New York Review. February 28, 2002.

q Fritzgerald, Francis. George W. Bush and the World. The New York Review. September 26, 2002

2) U.S News

q Walsh, Kenneth T. Now it's Bush's War. U.S News. September 24, 2001.

q Walsh, Kenneth T. I will not yield, I will not rest. U.S News. October 1, 2001


q Hirsh, Michael and Barry, John. How to strike back. Newsweek. September 24, 2001

q Gutman, Roy. America's new friend. Newsweek. November 19, 2001

q Fuyama, Francis. Their target : the modern World. Newsweek. Special issue, 2002

q Mcguire,Styker and Meyer, Michael. Europe. Newsweek. February 10, 2003

q Theil, Stefan and Meyer, Michael. Europe barks, but does it bites ?

Newsweek. June 3, 2002

q Mcguire, Striker and Meyer, Michael. Is this the new World order ?

Newsweek. March 17, 2003

q Kuntzman, Gersh. Let's make love not war. Newsweek. March 17, 2003

q Zakaria, Fareed. Why America scares the world and what to do about it. Newsweek. March 24, 2003

The Daily Telegraph

q Delves, Philip. Anthrax. The Daily Telegraph. October 13, 2002


q Cloud, John. What is Al-Qaeda without its boss ? TIME. November 26, 2001

q Crumley, Bruce. Follow the money.TIME. November 19, 2001

q Mc Geary, Johana. The Taliban troubles. TIME. October 1, 2001

q Cloud, John. Can we stop the next attack ? TIME. March 11, 2001

q Ripley, Amanda. The hunt for Bin Laden. TIME. November 26, 2001

q Joffe, Josef. Ganging up on . TIME. June 3, 2002

Le Point

q Henry Levy, Bernard. Enquête au coeur d'Al-Qaeda, le vrai ennemi. Le Point. Vendredi 25 Avril 2003

C) sources Internet

q September 2001 timeline :

q World Socialist web site :

http ://

q America and the World as America :

q US News :

q TIME :

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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