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June 23, 2001 Welch Squelched (Welch reduced to silence and resignation by the insensitivity of the Commission ; but as by the progressive conscience as the deal with H is not so interesting)
July 5, 2001 Europe' S Fearless Diplomat (intelligence and competence of Monti, in spite of its arrogance)
* «The Anatomy off the Ge-Honeywell Disaster» in Times, July 8, 2001 http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,166732,00.html (excel article general practitioner)
* «How the sheriffs of Brussels» in the Expansion March 23, 2003 http://www.lexpansion.com/art/17.45.58382.0.html negotiates (on the operation and the methods of my Merger Task force)
* «Monti' S world» in Businessweek, March 25, 2002 http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/02_12/b3775015.htm (on the capital role of Mr. Monti)
CARNEY daN, «Bush' S Trustbusters Need Another Name,» in Business Week, September 13, 2002. www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/ sep2002/nf20020913_3027.htm (on the «flexibility» of the Bush administration as for the recording of fusions in the United States)
COLVIN Geoffrey «Welch' S Swan Song, Take Two? It' S never safe to assumes Jack Welch has run out off surprised» in Fortune July 2, 2001 http://www.fortune.com/fortune/investing/articles/0,15114,373132,00.html
FITZ-GIBBON Jorge «GE' S political ties worry environmentalists » one TheJournalNews.com http://www.thejournalnews.com/pcb/gejuice.html (on the «dram TEAM» of GE lobbyists)
FORD Peter «HAVE is blocking US major merger» in The Christian Science Monitor June 21, 2001 http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/2001/06/21/p1s1.htm (on the surprise of the Americans vis-a-vis being able it of regulation of the Commission on américano-American fusions)
GOLDHABER Michael D. «Antitrust law- US and British firms life for HAVE antitrust work» in the Legal Times April 22, 2002 www.global-trade-law.com/Article.EU-US % 20Antitrust % 20 (LT % 204.29.02) .htm (on the increasing presence of the American cabinets in Brussels)
HAUL Briony «Hope lives one» one BBC online, June 22, 2001 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1402399.stm (after the first difficulties)
HEGMANN Gerhard, Rüdiger KÖHN, und Birgit JENNEN Ge-Honeywell entzweit Flugkonzerne «in Financial Times Deutschland, June 18, 2001, www.ftd.de/ub/in/1073080-i.html (on the debates of branch)
ROWLEY James « EU' S Ge-Honeywell Demands Product off Total Antitrust Policy » one BloombergNews.com, June 21, 2001, http://quote.bloomberg.com/cgi-bin/fgcgi.cgi?ptitle=Latest%2520Columns&touch=1&s1=blk&tp=ad_topright_bbco&T=markets_fgcgi_content99.ht&s2=ad_right1_bbco&bt=blk&s=AOykcUhWFRVUncyBH (on the pressure exerted in 1997 at the time of Boeing fusion/McDonnell-Douglas)
SERWER Andy «Street Life: In Rare Skeptic Takes One the Cult off GE: Does Is there have CEO gold company more lionized than Welch gold GE?» in Fortune February 9, 2001 http://www.fortune.com/fortune/print/0,15935,372622,00.html (critical on the statute and the changeable personality of J. Welch)
SORKIN Andrew Ross «U.S. Businesses Turning to Europeans for Antitrust Help» in The New York Times June 19, 2001 http://www.manishin.com/pressdocs/nyt2/19EURO.html
WILCOX Joe «Microsoft faces tougher battle in Europe» one News.com July 3, 2001 www.news.com.com/2100-1001-269434.html?tag=prntfr (on GE like precedent favorable to an examination of the case Microsoft by the European authorities)
Documents of cabinets of RP or agencies of communication :
* for Cabinet Al «GE/H : European Commission US blocks Merger one Eve off independence day " Bulletin of October 2001 www.allenovery.com/asp/pdf/ Ge-Honeywell % 20 % 20Oct % 202001.pdf (remarks on the insufficient respect of the European procedures and the difference in methods of influence)
* for the Cabinet Crowell&Moring «General Electric-Honeywell: The EU' S Prohibition» Be 2001 www.crowell.com/content/expertise/europeanpractice/europeaninsight/20012 (strategy of the Commission analyzes and on the need for knowing the Community procedures)
MITCHENER Torch for the European Association off Communication Agencies, «Rules, regulations and Total Economy are increasingly being set in Brussels», April 23, 2002 http://www.eaca.be/documents/conference/WSJ_EUregulateUSA.doc (on the attention to be carried to the authorities of the EU)
Various documents:
* for Socialfunds.com «GE Shareholders Want Disclosure one Political Spending», April 26, 2000 http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article232.html (on the GE contributions to the election campaigns) (public lobby targeted on the responsible investment)
LOWENBERG Samuel «US lobbyists struggle in Brussels» in the Columbia Newspaper 2002
MARDSEN Chris for World Socialists' Website « the US ones and the EU divided on the repurchase of Honeywell by General Electrics » June 21, 2001 http://www.wsws.org/francais/News/2001/juin01/21juin01_honeywell.shtml
PETERSON Alan for Worldhighways.com «It' S.A. small world» http://www.worldhighways.com/opinion/zz10.htm (on the fact that the Americans are shocked to see the trios functions concentrate in a made Commission people subjected to lobbying, contrary to the legal procedure in the United States) (professional lobby on the highway building sites)
www.cleanupge.org (lobby anti-GE and in particular very virulent on J. Welch, given on the contributions to the election campaigns of G.W.Bush)
A.3. Count
1. The untraceable compromise between GE/H and commission on the questions of antitrust
1.1. Presentation of the actors
1.1.1. Honeywell and Michael Bonsignore
1.1.2. General Electric and Jack Welch
1.2. Fusion GE/H
1.2.1. Strong stakes and an enthusiastic decision for fusion
1.2.2. A North-American procedure without clashes
1.3. Negotiations of setting in conformity
1.3.1. Objections of the Commission
1.3.2. Insufficient proposals
2. The strong influence campaign installation by GE/H
2.1. A formal and structural context underestimated by the American consortium ?
2.1.1 Competitors in the air transport air
2.1.2. The air transport air as a whole
2.1.3. The American domestic policy
2.1.4. The tendency in the judgments of the Commission
2.2. Strategy of GE/H : to impose its power
2.2.1. Delays and lightness vis-a-vis the procedure
2.2.2. Scientific and academic disputes
2.2.3. Personal and political disputes
2.2.4. Diplomatic and commercial disputes
2.2.5. Answers of the Commission
2.3. Notice : evolution of the partnership GE/H
3. Operational analysis : occasion of a study on the perception of the lobbying in Europe by the American actors by the prism of prohibited fusion GE/H
3.1. Policies American and European of competition
3.1.1. Divergences of principles
3.1.2. Differences in process : two traditions of negotiation
3.2. Traditions American and European of lobbying
3.2.1. Legal co-operation
3.2.2. Difference in measurement and difference in means
3.3. An awakening for the Americans
3.3.1. Importance of the business for the United States
3.3.2. These prohibitions and the authority of the Commission will be growing
3.3.3. Strategic need finally included/understood To increase the presence and the knowledge of Brussels and its logics Methodology : need for one lobbying to European and a European existence