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Stories & video games : investigating narratives through playpar Quentin FAUCHIE Université de Bordeaux Montaigne - Master Etudes Anglophones 2022 |
ConclusionThrough the analysis of several video games, we have determined the narratives layers characterized by a narrative duality, which considers the game (designers), the player, and the latter's interaction with the game, and one specific narrativity fashioned along the interaction with a game community, either inside or outside the game. In order to comprehend the narrative relation between the game, the player and the play, we established our theoretical framework around narrative design and player's agency. Aiming to trace a rather direct link between narratives and gameplay, we investigated Hades' storytelling. It led us to assume that the game's rhetoric is based on the player's repeated interaction. We determined that the gameplay intertwines with the narratives: the act of play create a narrative tension that compels the play to keep playing (the gameplay loop). The story unfolds through the game inherent mechanics, a storytelling through progression. We then studied further the characteristics of the narrative duality through the prism of the open world design. The purpose was to widen the theoretical framework by examining the narrative conceptualization within a vast possibility space. It allowed us to understand the intrinsic relation between the designers and the player when the latter was put in a free navigable space. Through our own immersion in Sea of Thieves, we explored emergent narratives and concluded that the act of play not only lets the story unfold, but also allows the player to become author of their own. The game's story interlocks with the player's own; players play within the game boundaries and stretch them along their own narrative goals. Finally, after expanding our framework further with a deep analysis on the avatar, its immersive properties, and its influence regarding the player's perception of the virtual, we focused our interest on the MMORPG, specifically on FFXIV. It expanded our comprehension of emergent narratives, notably through the player's personal experience fashioned within the «endgame.» Most of all, we ascertain the narrative scope entailed by a social environment. Through interactions intertwined between the game and a whole community, players create interpersonal narratives, notably through social emergence. The game reinforces the player in the position of the author, who therefore craft both a personal story and a story that is part of a community whole. 110 The participant observation methodology established for Sea of Thieves and Final Fantasy XIV allowed us to obtain substantial data regarding the virtual world in which players partake in various activities. It strengthened our overall ability to approach the games and understand their whole narrative experience within a freely navigated world. The result of the overall observation confronted to players' own experience sampled from Reddit's and forums posts, provided compelling results. Especially regarding the narratives formed through the social dimension entailed by the community, whether it is inside or outside the games themselves. Although, it must be acknowledged that the data extracted from Reddit and the forums merely represent a fraction of the samples; it supports the analysis at hand without providing much else. Moreover, the collected data essentially concern «positive» shared reaction. In future research it could be relevant to not only drastically increase the number of samples, but also to encompass every kind of experience players may have shared. Cross-referencing the data would then provide more substantial data, for instance on elements that may demonstrate negative impact on the narrative experience. Furthermore, the investigation on the MMORPG only scratches the surface of its narrative scope, notably regarding the emergent narrative. For one thing, FFXIV is a popular MMORPG among many others: research on a wider range of MMORPG could extend our general comprehension of these virtual worlds. Additionally, the linguistic aspect would surely be one important component to examine. FFXIV and many other MMORPGs host players from different countries, with different spoken language. Thus, the game design takes into account the communication inter-linguistic; FFXIV for instance allow to display the language spoken, and use a system of auto-translation for specific terms. Further research towards linguistic relation to narrative experience might prove insightful. Moreover, the observations mainly focused on English-speaking players. Another avenue would be to question the narrative conceptualization over one's related culture and language. Ultimately, the overall methodology whose inquiry mostly took the digital ethnography approach, demonstrated the lack of experience in executing it. Also, the whole thesis looks upon the narratives as a whole single unit; in a future work, it should be compelling to focus on specific narrative device, like the sound design, a now-major narrative component. Nevertheless, the entire research for this thesis was conducted in the hope they could contribute, even a little, to the game studies. Stories and narratives in video games are fascinating subjects. Though the work done here is one among many that explored them, they still call for further studies which would deepen our comprehension of this fascinating medium. 111 112 Annex: Sea of Thieves related posts sampled Source Post URL 113 114 Annex 2: Final Fantasy XIV related posts sampled 115 116 Work Cited Primary sources Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt RED. CD Projekt, 2020. Divinity: Original Sin II. Larian Studios, 2017. 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