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The role of financial institutions in value chain finance in the global south

par Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
Technical University of Munich - Master of science Agricultural Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2. Objectives

Recent work has focused on evaluating the access to finance at the farmers' level (Gamage, 2013), however, there is limited evidence on the role of Financing Institutions (Meyer R. L., 2002), in particular, in new approaches such as Agricultural Value Chain Finance. This master's thesis aims to build a database of financial institutions that fund agriculture in the Global South. A number of different financial institutions are included in the database, including a range of institutional types and banking experience, as well as the services offered by each institution. Following that, a descriptive analysis of the data from these institutions will describe the basic features of the data. This analysis will provide simple summaries of data and draw conclusions from it. A later study can use this database to conduct the online questionnaire with these FIs. This will enable research staff to determine the methods that financial institutions use about credit screening, scoring, and agricultural value chain financing. A part of this thesis involves analyzing the existing questionnaire and preparing the basis for the design of the questionnaires [Annex C]. From this database, a cluster analysis using R will be able to draw conclusions about lending to farmers and credit for value chain participants. The aim of this study is to provide robust evidence regarding the similarities and differences between financial institutions when it comes to offering rural services to their clients.

1.3. Research questions and hypothesis

The present study will focus on the role of financial institutions in implementing value chain finance in the Global South. This study will address the following questions:

1) What are the key underlying characteristics of credit provision of different types of financial institutions in the Global South?

2) What is the extent to which financial institutions promote gender issues and offer digital solutions?


3) What kind similarities and differences can be observed between financial institutions? As a result, the present work highlights the subsequent main hypotheses H1, H2 and H3:

H1: Various trends can be seen on the basis of the variables concerning the provision of credit by different types of financial institutions in the Global South.

H2: Only a few financial institutions deal with gender issues and offer digital solutions

H3: Financial institutions show several similarities and differences in credit provisions, gender programs, and digital solutions.

1.4. Expected results from the research

The expected outcomes of this study are:

i. A database of financial institutions which fund agriculture in the Global South.

ii. Data-driven evaluation of financial institutions' services in the Global South

iii. An agenda for agricultural finance policy recommendations

1.5. Organization of the thesis

Throughout this study, six sections are discussed. The following part is a literature review which covers theoretical perspectives about agriculture finance, AVCF definitions and challenges, and a review of available papers, as well as agricultural credit determinants. In the third section, we describe the study, the way the database was built, and the statistical methods used. The fourth section focuses on the design of the survey. In part five, we examine the results of our descriptive and cluster analyses. Lastly, the fifth part summarizes the findings, discusses them, and makes policy recommendations. The Annex «C» contains the survey.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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