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Investigating the design of business english courses through needs analysis:the case of the department of english at INPED in Boumerdes

par Yasmine BOURAI
Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou - Master  2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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Domaine: Lettres et Langues Etrangères. Filière: Langue Anglaise.

Spécialité: Langue est Communication.

Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Master in English


Investigating the Design of Business English Courses through Needs Analysis: The Case of the Department of English at INPED in


Presented by: Supervised by

Bourai Yasmine Adem Karima

Kechir Dalila

Board of Examiners:


Supervisor: ADEM Karima, MAA, UMMTO.

Examiner: FEDOUL Malika, MAA, UMMTO.

Promotion: 2018

Laboratoire de domiciliation du Master : Etude des Langues et Cultures Etrangères.


Every challenging work needs self efforts as well as guidance of olders specially those who are very close to our heart.

I dedicate my humble effort to my sweet and loving parents, to my two and unique brothers Kousseila and Masten and to all my aunts and


I also dedicate this work for two generous and kindhearted persons; my lovely aunt Tassadit and her husband.

Special thanks for my binomial and soulmate Dalila for being a part of

my life.


This present dissertation is dedicated to my brilliant and ever faithful parents Amar and Djouher who have raised me to be the person am


To my sister and my brother for being my guardians in life. To my best binomial Yasmine for being my best friend ever And to all my friends who are always in bad and good times.




We would like to express our special thanks to our supervisor Mrs Adem Karima, for her helpful guidance and ongoing support throughout this study.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the board of examiners for sitting on our panel and taking the time to read our memoire.

Our acknowledgments go also to the ESP teachers and learners of the English department of INPED in Boumerdes as well as the head of the department, Mr Ighil, who greatly helped us in completing the questionnaires and conducting the interview.



Tanemmirt tameqqrant i kra n win/tin i ay-d-yefkan afus n tallelt armi d
taggaran uxeddim agi-ntey
Tanemmirt tameqqrant ladya i massa ADEM Karima yef yiwellihen d yibeddi-
ines yid-ntey s teyzi n tezrawt-agi. Tanemmirt i usqamu ama?rayan ara d-yefken
tikti-nsen yef leqdic-agi-ntey.
Tanemmirt i yiselmaden n « ESP » d yinelmaden n ugezdu n teglizit n « INPED
» n Bumerdes, mebla ma nettu ayella n ugezdu Mass I?IL i ay-i?awnen a?as deg
u?emmer n yimseqsi d useddu n yidiwenniten. Tanemmirt tameqqrant i kra i ay-
yefkan afus n lem?awna deg uxeddim-agi-ntey.



This study is intended to investigate the design of ESP courses through Needs Analysis in the INPED of Boumerdes. It aims at achieving three main purposes. Its aims first at checking whether Needs Analysis has been taken into consideration by the course designers. Second, it investigates the different instruments that are used in order to analyze the needs of the learner so as to design the appropriate courses. Third, it intends to know whether the learners are satisfied with the courses designed to them. To meet this end, the present work relies on Dudley-Evans' theory of Needs Analysis within course design as it shows the importance of combining Needs Analysis with course design. To gather the appropriate data, two data collection tools have been used. First, a written research questionnaire has been distributed to a sample of learners that is composed of 30 learners at the INPED of Boumerdes In addition, a semi-structured interview has been made with 3 teachers and a questionnaire has been administered to 6 of them. In order to analyze the open-ended questions of the questionnaires and the interview, Qualitative Content Analysis( QCA) has been used as a method of interpretation and description of the qualitative data. For the quantitative data, a quantitative method called «the rule of three» has been used in order to generate numerical data. The results reached in this research reveal that Needs Analysis has been taken into consideration by the course designers at INPED of Boumerdes. In addition, these results show the different instruments that are used in order to identify the needs of the learners. Finally, the present study comes to the conclusion that the business English courses that are designed meet the needs of the learners. Thus the learners are satisfied with these courses designed for their specific purpose.

Key Words: ESP, Business English, Needs Analysis, course design.



The National Institute for Productivity and Industrial Development (INPED), has existed since 1967. It is located in Boumerdes and it offers a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where there is encouragement to study. INPED's purpose is to contribute to the social and economical development of Algeria. It provides a Master of Business and Administration (MBA), training and a variety of short and long training courses that are responsive to the requirements of management practice at all levels. INPED offers a wide range of other programs in the domain of management skills (secretarial, documentary and archive technique) and English language (general English and English for specific purposes). The main aim of these programs is to enable managers on the job to enhance their understanding of skills and competences of management in today's complex business environment.


List of Abbreviations

BE: Business English

EAP: English for Academic Purposes

EBE: English for Business and Economics

EFL: English as a Foreign Language

EOP: English for Occupational Purposes

ESP: English for Specific Purposes

EST: English for Science and Technology

GE: General English

INPED: The National Institute for Productivity and Industrial Development

NA: Needs Analysis

TSA: Target Situation Analysis


List of Tables :

Tables 1: Participants' Age .27

Tables 2: Learners' Attitude to English 31

Table 3: Learners' Skills Proficiency ..31

Table 4: The Language skills needed .33

Table 5: Learners' Satisfaction with Business English Syllabus .35

Table 6 : Learners' satisfaction with the Content of Business English Courses .35

Table 7: The time allocated for BE courses ....36

Table 8: Teachers' Encouragement for Authentic Material Use .36

Table 9: Learners' Acquired Abilities at the End of Studies ..39

Table 10: Teachers' Age .....39

Table 11: The Use of Authentic Materials .42

Table12: Evaluation of Learners' Achievement 43

Table 13: Teachers' self-evaluation 44

Table14: Teachers' Opinion about their Teaching Method 45

Table 15: The Implementation of NA before Course Design 46

Table 16: Learners' Level and Learning Needs 47


List of Diagrams

Diagram1: Types of ESP by David Carter 26

Diagram 2: The Importance Given toEnglish ..27

Diagram 3: Learners' Attitude towards English Language Learning at the Beginning of their



Diagram 4: Learners' Starting Level


Diagram 5: Learners' Interest towards Learning Business in English


Diagram 6 : Learners' Current Level in English

. 29

Diagram 7: Learners' Progress at the Institution


Diagram 8: The usefulness Of Business English Courses with Regard to Learners' Needs....32

Diagram 9: Learners' Satisfaction with the Business English Teaching Methods ..33

Diagram10: Learners' Attitude towards the Activities Programmed for their Training.........34

Diagram 11: The Degree of Usefulness Of the Materials Used


Diagram 12: The Objective of Authentic Materials Use


Diagram 13: English Level Development


Diagram 14 : Areas where Learners have Developed their Level


Diagram 15: Learners' Suggestions about the Aspects of English to be focused on


Diagram 16: Teachers' Level


Diagram 17: Teachers' Experience in ESP Teaching


Diagram 18:The Skills that are Given more Importance


Diagram 19: The Teaching Materials Used


Diagram 20: The Role of the Teacher .


Diagram 21: Period of Testing


Diagram 22: Teachers' collaboration with other teachers


Diagram 23: The Form of Business English Classes


Diagram 24: The Instruments Used to Identify Learners' Needs and Wants



Table of Content

Dedication I

Aknowledgment II

Abstract . IV


List of Abbreviations VI

List of Tables .VII

List of Diagrams VIII

General introduction

· Statement of the problem


· Aims and significance of the study


· Research Questions


· Research Hypothesis


· Research design and methodology


· Structure of the dissertation


Chapter one: The Review of Literature




Section one: English for Specific Purposes


1.1 Definition of ESP .


1.2 Types of ESP


1.2.1 English as a Restricted Language


1.2.2 English for Academic and Occupational Purposes



1.2.3 English with Specific Topics .8

1.3 Business English 8

1. 4 Characteristics of ESP 8

1.4.1 Authenticity 8


1.4.2 Purpose-related Orientation 9

1.4.3 Self Direction .9

1.5 The role of ESP Practitioners .9

1.5.1 As a Teacher . 9

1.5.2 As a Course Designer and Material Provider . 10

1.5.3 As a Collaborator ..10

1.5.4 As a Researcher 10

1.5.5 As an Evaluator 11

sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Piètre disciple, qui ne surpasse pas son maitre !"   Léonard de Vinci