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On the developpement of an expert system for student's evaluation: case of a network course

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Université de Kinshasa - Licence 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Example of the program of an agent

The program Agent-directed-with the help of-table which is bound to for each new perception and return an action to each moment. The program stores a succession of perceptions by using its own private structure of data.

Function Agent-directed-with the help of-table (perception) returns an action

Static variables: perceptions, a continuation, empty initially

Count, a table of actions, indexed by continuations of perceptions, completely definite initially.

To add perceptionI at the end of perceptions

Action? CONSULTATION (perceptions, table)

Return an action

This pseudo code shows the program of a very simple agent which stores the continuation of perceptions and afterwards, compares them with the continuations stored in the table of actions to decide what it must do.

The table explicitly represents the function which defines the program of the agent. To build a rational agent in this way, the designers must carry out a table which contains the actions associated with each continuation with perceptions.

But because of the large dimensions of the tables, it is practically impossible to design agents directed by the help of tables.

Thus, we present the four fundamental types of the programs of the agents which embody the fundamental principles of all the intelligent agents:

· Simple reactive agents

· Reactive agents based on the models

· Agents based on the objectives

· Agents based on the utility.

1. Simple reactive agents

The simplest type of the agent is the simple reactive agent. This type of agent chooses the actions according to current perceptions, being unaware of the remainder of historical perceptions. For example, the Cleaner agent whose function of agent can arise in a partial table hereafter:

Continuation of perceptions


[ A, clean ]

[ A, dirty ]

[ B, clean ]

[ B, dirty ]

[ A, clean ], [ A, clean ]

[ A, clean ], [ A, dirty ]

[ B, clean ], [ B, clean ]

[ B, clean ], [ B, dirty ]

[ A, clean ], [ A, clean ], [ A, clean ]

[ A, clean ], [ A, clean ], [ A, dirty ]

[ B, clean ], [ B, clean ], [ B, clean ]

[ B, clean ], [ B, clean ], [ B, dirty ]

Right-hand side




Right-hand side




Right-hand side




The cleaner agent is a simple reactive agent because it makes its decisions while being based on the state of the current localization. Its program of agent arises as follows:

Function CLEANER_REACTIF_AGENT ([localization, state]) returns an action

If state = dirty return Aspirer

Otherwise if localization = A then return Right-hand side

Otherwise if localization = B then return Left

1. Reactive agents based on the models

The most effective manner for the agents to handle the partial visibility is to store information on these parts of the world which they cannot see. Thus, the agent must maintain a certain type of internal state which depends on the perceived history which can reflect at least the non-observable aspects of the current state. The use of the information of the state interns as time passes requires codifying two types of knowledge in the program of the agent:

Ø The knowledge concerning how evolves/moves the world independently of the agent;

Ø The information on how the actions of the agent affect the world.

This knowledge on how the world functions, whether it is implemented with a simple Boolean circuit or complete scientific theories, is called "model of the world". An agent which uses this model is an agent based on the models.

The structure of a simple reactive agent with state interns arises as follows:

How is currently the world?

Which action do I have to take?


Which effects my actions cause

Rules of production

This structure shows how current perception combines with the state interns old to generate the brought up to date description of the current state. The program of the agent arises as follows:

Function reactive-Agent-with-state (perception) returns an action

Static: state, a current description of the state of the world

Rules, a whole of rules condition-action

Action, the more recent action, initially none

State refresh-state (state, action, perception)

Rule: Rule-coincidence (state, rules)

Action Rule-Action [Rule]

Return action

A reactive agent based on the models, which stores information on the current state of the world by bringing up to date an internal model. Then an action chooses in the same way that the reactive agent.

The interesting part is the one corresponding to refresh-state function, which is responsible for the creation of the new description of the internal state. In addition to the interpretation of the new perception starting from existing knowledge on the state, it uses information relating to the way in which the world evolves/moves to know more about the parts of the world which are not visible; for that reason it must know which is the effect of the actions of the agent on the state of the world.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery