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On the developpement of an expert system for student's evaluation: case of a network course

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Université de Kinshasa - Licence 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

I.1.4. Intelligent agents

I.1.4.1. Agents and their environment

By definition, an agent is something able to perceive its environment with the help of the sensors and to act on this environment with the help of the effectors. The figure I.1 illustrates the way in which the agents interact with their environment:





Figure I.1. Interaction between the agent and its environment

I. Example:

A human agent has got eyes, ears and other sensory organs (sensors), and the hands, the feet and other parts of the body to act (effector).

The word perception is used in this context to indicate that the agent can receive entries at any moment. The continuation of perceptions of an agent reflects the complete history of what the agent received. In general, an agent will take a decision in a given moment given according to the complete continuation of perceptions until that moment. In mathematical terms we can say that the behavior of the agent is given by the function of the agent which projects a given perception on an action.

The function which describes the behavior of an agent can be presented in the form of a table. In view of an agent, on which we wants to test, we can build this table by taking into account all the sequences of perceptions and by determining which action the agent realizes in response; the table is an external characterization of the agent. Initially, the function of the agent for an artificial agent is implemented in the program of the agent.

I.1.4.2. the concept of rationality

A rational agent is the one who acts correctly. So, to act correctly means to do something which is correct; it's what allows the agent to obtain better results (to succeed). There is therefore the necessity of determining the way of measuring the successthe means of measuring the success.

1. Measurements of output

Measurements of output include the criteria which determine the success in the behavior of the agent. When the agent is located in an environment, it generates a sequence of actions in accordance with perceptions which it receives. This continuation of actions is the one which makes that its habitat passes by a succession of states. If the continuation is that wanted, then the agent will have acted correctly.

But there is not a single adequate measurement for all the agents. In general, it is better to conceive measurements of utility in agreement with what we want in the environment, more than in accordance with how we believe that the agent should behave.

2. Rationality

Rationality in a given moment depends on four factors:

o The measurement of performance which describes the criterion of success;

o The knowledge of the environment accumulated by the agent;

o The actions which the agent can achieve;

o The continuation of perceptions of the agent until this moment.

This leads us to the definition of the rational agent:

In each possible continuation of the perceptions, a rational agent will have to undertake actions which maximize its measurement of output, while being based on the evidences brought by the sequence of perceptions and on knowledge that the agent stored.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui vivent sont ceux qui luttent"   Victor Hugo