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On the developpement of an expert system for student's evaluation: case of a network course

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Université de Kinshasa - Licence 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

I.2.6. Systems of production

a) Systems of production of the rules

One of the most popular types of the expert systems currently is that based on the rules. The rules are popular for various reasons:

· Modularity: This makes easier to encapsulate knowledge and to extend the expert system starting from an increasing development.

· Means of explanation: It is simple to build means of explanation with rules because the antecedents of a rule specify exactly what is necessary to activate it. By keeping the register of the rules which discharged, a means of explanation can present the chain of reasoning which led to a certain conclusion.

· Similarity with the human cognitive process: While being based on the work of Newell and Simon, the rules appear as a natural model in the way in which the human ones solve the problems. The Representation IF... THEN rules facilitates the explanation of the specialists concerning the structure of the knowledge which one tries to obtain from them. Other advantages of the rules are described in Beam-Roth (85).

The rules are a type of production whose origins go back to the Fifties. Had with the importance of the systems based on the rules, it is worth the sorrow to examine the development of the concept of the rule. This will give a better idea on why the systems based on the rules are so useful for the expert systems.

b) Systems of production of Post

The system of production was used initially in symbolic logic by Post, which gave the origin to its name. It checked the significant one and surprising result that unspecified mathematical system or logic could be written like a certain type of system of the rules of production. This result established the great capacity of the rules of production to represent larger classes of knowledge instead of being limited to some types. Under the term to rewrite rules, these one are also used in linguistics like a manner of defining the grammar of a language. The languages of computer are usually defined by using the form Backus-Naur (BNF) rules of production.

The basic idea of Post was that unspecified mathematical system or logic represented only one whole of rules which specified how to change a succession of symbols into another. I.e., being taken an action pursuant of entry, the antecedent, a rule of production could produce a new continuation, the consequence. This idea is also valid with programs and expert systems in which the initial continuation of the symbols is consisted by the input data and the continuation of exit is a transformation of what was introduced.

Here is a simple case, let us suppose that the chain of entry is "the patient has the fever", the chain of exit could be "take an aspirin". Note that there is no significance which binds the two chains. I.e. the handling of the chains is based on syntax and not on the semantics or the comprehension of what fever, patient or aspirin mean. Human knows what these chains in terms of the real world mean, but a system of Post production is only one manner of transforming a chain into another. A rule of production for this example could be:

Antecedent ? Consequence

Does the patient have the fever? Let him take an aspirin;

Where, the arrow indicates the transformation of a chain into another. This rule can be interpreted in terms of the more familiar notation IF... THEN in this manner:

IF the patient has the fever then let him take an aspirin

The rules of production can also have multiple antecedents. For example:

The patient has the fever and

Is the fever with more than 39 ? let him see the doctor

Note that the special connector "and" does not form part of the continuation; it states simply that the rule has several antecedents.

A system of production of Post consists of a group of rules of production, as the following ones (the figures between brackets are there for ends of analysis):

(1) Doesn't the car start ? let revise the battery

(2) Doesn't the car start ? let revise the fuel

(3) To revise the battery and if the battery is bad ? to replace the battery

(4) To revise the fuel and if there is no fuel ? let fill the fuel tank

expert system.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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