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Design and implementation of a web portal on sustainable development in Cameroon

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Yvon Berthet SONAGOU TAKAM
Université de Bamenda -ENSET- - DIPET II 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


This work is for all people, Cameroonian or not interested by sustainable development.

It intends to create a web portal for the following :

- An information space;

- An online library with downloadable documents;

- A page for useful links;

- A registration and connection space;

- The ability to registered user to propose content;

- Discussion space or forum with private space for registered members;

- The capacity of members to send private message inside forum;

- A specialized search engine;

- An administration space for the webmaster to update the website, and to manage the forum.


By putting in place a web portal of sustainable development we may improve communication and information amongst all the actors and person interested by sustainable development in our country. This subject is also an opportunity to master the tools and languages related to web programming.

For educational community it can be a tool for improving knowledge and exchanging of point view.


To conclude this study the definition of key concepts comes as of first need.

· Sustainable development

The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development in its 1987 report Our Common Future defines sustainable development as the : "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Under the principles of the United Nations Charter the Millennium Declaration identified principles or pillars and treaties on sustainable development, including economic development, social development and environmental protection. Broadly defined, sustainable development is a systems approach to growth and development and to manage natural, produced, and social capital for the welfare of their own and future generations. The concepts of sustainable development and sustainability derive from the older forestry term "sustained yield", which, in turn, is a translation of the German term "nachhaltigerErtrag" dating from 1713. Sustainability science is the study of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental science. There is an additional focus on the present generations' responsibility to regenerate, maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.

Sustainable development is defined as development process that balances ecological, economic and social and establishes a virtuous circle between these three poles: it is a development, economically efficient, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable. It is respectful of natural resources and ecosystems, life support on Earth, ensuring economic efficiency, without losing sight of the social purposes of development such as the fight against poverty, against inequality, against exclusion and search for equity. A strategy for sustainable development must be winner of this triple point of view, economic, social and ecological.

Sustainable development requires that human decisions and behavior in reconciling what appears to many irreconcilable, manage to expand their vision: it requires to open our time horizon over the long term, that of future generations and our spatial horizon in taking into account the well-being of everyone, whether a resident of the South or the North, a nearby region of the city or neighbouring district.

Different domains have been identified for research and analysis of sustainable development. Broadly defined, these include ecology, economics, politics and culture as used by the United Nations and a number of other international organizations. As a working definition, sustainability can be defined as the practice of maintaining processes of productivity indefinitely (natural or human made) by replacing resources used with resources of equal or greater value without degrading or endangering natural biotic systems.

Sustainable development is based on research integration and alignment of sectorial policies set imposes joint processing of economic, social and environmental effects of any policy or human action. Such an approach requires integration of multi-partnership approaches and interdisciplinary. Its success is based on partnership and cooperation between actors from different disciplines (economics, sociology, ecology) from different sectors (transport, water, waste, natural environment, social development) and different environments (entrepreneurial, associative, institutional, administrative, commercial, trade union), acting at different territorial levels, from international to local level.

Sustainable development is in fact based on a new form of governance, where the mobilization and participation of all actors of civil society in decision-making should take precedence over the mere exchange of information. Sustainable development aims to promote participatory democracy and restore civic approach. Access to information and transparency are prerequisites.

· Internet

Internet is a world system of interconnection of network, using a standardized whole of protocol of transfer of data. It is therefore a network of network, composed of million networks as well public, private, university, commercial and governmental. Internet transports a broad spectrum of information and allows the development of applications and services varied like the electronic mail, the instantaneous messenger and the World Wide Web.

Internet having been popularized by the appearance of the World Wide Web, both is sometimes confused by the public. The World Wide Web is however only one of the applications of Internet.

The access to Internet can be obtained through an Internet service provider via various means of communication: either telegraphic (ADSL, optical fiber to the residence), or without wire (WIMAX, by satellite).

· World wide web

The World Wide Web, commonly known as the Web, sometimes the Web, literally the "web (spider) World" is a public hypertext system operating on the Internet that provides access with a browser, uploaded pages in sites. The image of the web has hyperlinks that link web pages together.

The Web is only one of the Internet applications, with email, instant messaging, Usenet. The Web was invented several years after the Internet, but the Web has made the mainstream media attention to the Internet. Since the Web is often confused with the Internet; in particular, the word is often used Canvas very ambiguously.

The World Wide Web is and has been designated by many synonymous names and acronyms: WorldWideWeb, World Wide Web, World-wide Web, Web, WWW, W3, Web of Spider World, World Wide Web, Web.

The name of the original project was WorldWideWeb. The words were quickly separated into World Wide Web to improve readability. The name World-Wide Web was also used by the Web inventors, but now recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium name separates the three words without a hyphen. Spelling World Wide Web and the Web abbreviation are now well established.

Surfing the web is like walking into an endless jungle. We never see the end so there websites, and found it absolutely everything.

Anyone can publish information on the web.

· Web site

According to Wikipedia a website is a set of related web pages typically served from a single web domain. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a Uniform resource locator. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

A website can be defined as a set of linked websites together by hyperlinks, accessible through the Internet using a web address (URL) from the same domain name. Sometimes the term is used website, which is equivalent (Internet is the network which supports the web, but the shade is not of fundamental importance in this case).

A website consists of web pages as' they are in a computing resource available on the Internet and read by a web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer). In general, when talking about web page, we think of a html document containing text, images, videos or any other type of resources. However, a simple image with a URL (therefore accessible through the Internet) may be considered by extension as a web page. The web is primarily based on the connection between multiple pages that make references to each other. This is called hypertext links (or hyperlinks). We find these links in the navigation menus or in the body of web pages.

It is possible to make connections between the pages of a website in the same way we can to point these links to web from other websites pages. We talk in a case of internal links in the other external links.

· Web portal

The web portal term draws its origin from Latin Medieval "portale", meaning the main entrance of the city.

Portal sites are websites whose primary purpose is to provide users with resources and services related to a theme, a profession, a geographic area or community.

Resources may be links to other sites reference discussion forums or blogs, but can also consist of editorial content specific to the gate. These services can be of different types: Engine Specialized searches; email.

The term portal is a good metaphor to describe these web portals to a "dedicated universe."

We still define a web portal as a web site trying to offer the broadest pallet of information and possible services in only one site. It is a web site which offers a single door of entry on a broad range of resources and services (electronic mail, forum of discussion, spaces of publication, search engine) centered on a field or a particular community. The users have most of the time the possibility of being register and to connect later on and use the whole of services suggested to them. A web portal provides also services such as the capacity for the user to personalize his workspace. The user thus has access to the activity of current purse, the weather report, the profiles of other users who use the gate, and several types of information according to the individual interest of the user.

We can distinguish 02 main classes of web portals: vertical web portals constitute an entrance point specialized in a specific place of the market or a domain of industry, it is the case of Horizontal web portal is used like a platform for several organizations and covers a variety of information in various sectors ( for example).

So, according to Wikipedia we have many types of web portal: personal portals, government web portals, cultural portals, corporate web portals, stock portals, search portals, tender portals, hosted web portals, domain-specific portals.

The web portal is distinguished from the web directory on two aspects:

- It does not offer only links to third party websites from one category but offers related services and editorial content it owns.

- Allows usually (but not always) the user to register in order to be able to customize its interface and use the associated services.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Des chercheurs qui cherchent on en trouve, des chercheurs qui trouvent, on en cherche !"   Charles de Gaulle