These are pages that allow you to either view the contents of the
portal, or to download the documents available or to follow the available links
to other sites operating in the same field.
3.1. Link page
The figure below presents the useful link pages

Figure 13: Useful links
The page is made of three main parts: category, link and
description. Therefore, by clicking on the link the user is automatically bring
on another page.
3.2. Article page
This page show the actuality of sustainable development in our
country trough text accompany by picture or eventually video.
3.3. Document page
Here we have a collection of document related to our topic
which can then be downloaded illustrated by the figure below.

Figure 14:
The numbers on the figure represents:
1- Document type
2- Link button to download the document
The library can contain document which can be downloaded
through the download button.