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Design and implementation of a web portal on sustainable development in Cameroon

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Yvon Berthet SONAGOU TAKAM
Université de Bamenda -ENSET- - DIPET II 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


I, SONAGOU TAKAM Yvon Berthet hereby declare that I am the sole author of this dissertation. I authorize the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (H.T.T.T.C), Bambili to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research.

I understand the notion of plagiarism, and I am aware of university policy on this.

I certified that this dissertation reports original work by me during my university project, except for the paragraphs, sentences, titles and subtitles already referenced (see References, webography or bibliography) on this work.





I hereby certify that this dissertation entitled Design and implementation of sustainable development web portal in Cameroon has been carried out by M. SONAGOU TAKAM Yvon Berthet, with registration number 13T0788 in the Department of Computer Sciences, and of the option Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (H.T.T.T.C) Bambili, University of Bamenda.

The work is therefore approved for a contribution to scientific knowledge and literacy presentation for the award for the «Higher Technical School Teacher Post Graduate Diploma (DIPET II) option Information and Communication Technology».

Date: Date:

Supervisor: Head of Department:



To the memory of my Father TANKAM David




At the end of my dissertation, I would like to thank all those people who madethis possible and an unforgettable experience for me:

· I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. DADA Jean-Pierre, my supervisor, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge, for providing me with all the necessary facilities for the research.

· I place on record, my sincere thank you to M. ATANGANA Romain,Head of Department, for the continuous encouragement.

· I am also grateful to the Teachers of the Department for sharing their expertise, for their guidance and encouragement extended to me.

· I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Pr. AKUME Daniel AKUME, Director of the H.T.T.T.Cfor the availability of all the resources of his institution to our formation.

· I also thank my parents for the unceasing encouragement, financial support and attention.

· I would like to thankmy classmates and friends who have supported and encourage me through the duration of the dissertation project.

· I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all, who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand in this venture.



This dissertation, entitled «Design and implementation of sustainable development web portal in Cameroon " is intended as a solution to problems of communication between the actors of sustainable development in our country since the establishment of such a development model requires communication and information tools powerful and reliable. Thus this work was completed at the H.T.T.T.C ofBambili during the academic year 2014-2015.

Accordingly, the construction of such an application required a design phase which is made using the MERISE method leading to the selection of tools to help us achieve our web application. The web portal for sustainable development thus constructed provides to Cameroonians anews service, a library, a system of external hyperlinks, a forum service, a members area with internal mail, an internal search engine, a Google custom search just like a content proposal system..

Keywords: Web portal, sustainable development, web, web application.


sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous voulons explorer la bonté contrée énorme où tout se tait"   Appolinaire