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La micro- finance dans l'adoption de nouveaux paquets technologiques de production de riz dans le département des Collines au Bénin

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Léonie KOUMASSA
Université d'Abomey- Calavi (Bénin ) - Diplôme d'ingénieur agronome 2007

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Agricultural producers visit many institutes in the search of credit to finance their agricultural activities. Also, the demand of the agricultural credit to invest in exploitations through powerful technological choices is always present. The importance of the topic conducts us to work about micro-finance and new technological package's adoption of rice production in the district of Collines. The two specific objectives which support this research are:

- to determine the role of the credit on new technological package's adoption of rice's production.

- to analyze the adaptability of the financial services available in the area under study to the improved rice production.

To achieve these goals, two assumptions were tested. It is about:

- the access to the credit facilitates the adoption of new technologies by the rice producers.

- the terms of credit offered by the micro-finance structures are not adapted to the requirements of rice production.

The study was conducted in eight (8) villages of Colline's district and has consisted in an investigation on rice growers in the area and on the MFI (Micro-Finance Institutions) intervening there as well. On the whole, 155 rice growers and 21 MFI intervening in the area study were surveyed.

In order to evaluate the role of the credit in the adoption of the new technological packages, a model of multinomial logistic regression on the determinants of new technological package's adoption of rice was used. For this model, 4 levels of adoption of the technological packages of rice production were distinguished. There are:

Adoption 0: The lack of use of improved varieties of rice and of fertilizer and of herbicide for rice production.

Adoption 1: The use of at least one improved variety of rice without the use of fertilizer and herbicide;

Adoption 2: The use of at least one improved variety of rice plus the application of only one type of fertilizer without the use of herbicide;


Léonie KOUMASSA : Thèse d'Ingénieur Agronome, Décembre 2007

Contribution de la micro-finance à l'adoption de nouveaux paquets technologiques de production de riz dans le département des Collines

Adoption 3: The use of at least one improved variety of rice plus the application of the two types of fertilizer without the use of herbicide;

Adoption 4: The use of at least one improved variety of rice plus the application of the two types of fertilizer and the herbicide;

It comes out that, the access to credit determines the new technological package adoption with a significant threshold of 5%.

So, factors like sex, number of people working with the grower on field, the number of people fed by the grower, household size of rice grower and the social status, are determinant in the adoption of the new technological packages of rice production.

With regard to the analysis of the adaptability of the credit terms to the needs for adoption of technological packages, the operating chart of rice production integrating the new technological packages was carried out. The tests of comparison between the guarantees required and those available producer's level, between the expiries of refunding practised and those adequate and between the amounts granted and those necessary were carried out.

This revealed that local interest rates are compatible with the needs for financing rice production when the producers apply the new technological packages. On contrary, the amounts of credit granted by the MFI, the expiries of refunding applied as well as the guarantees required do not satisfy the needs of rice growers in the adoption of the new technological packages.

With regard to all these considerations, it would be interessant for MFI of the area under study, to offer within this framework standardized financial products which take into account the needs of rice growers for the adoption of the advised technological packages.

Key words: Technological Package, Adoption, Micro-finance, Credit, Rice, District of Collines.


Léonie KOUMASSA : Thèse d'Ingénieur Agronome, Décembre 2007

Contribution de la micro-finance à l'adoption de nouveaux paquets technologiques de production de riz dans le département des Collines

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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