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Simulation numérique du transfert thermique conjugué dans des micro-canaux

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Ilyes HAMLA
Université Menteuri Constantine. Faculté des sciences de l'ingénieur. Département de génie mécanique - Master en génie mécanique 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


In electronic equipments, thermal management is indispensable for its longevity and hence, it is one of the important topics of current research. The dissipation of heat is necessary for the proper functioning of these instruments. The heat is generated by the resistance encountered by electric current. This has been further hastened by the continued miniaturization of electronic systems which causes increase in the amount of heat generation per unit volume by many folds. Unless proper cooling arrangement is designed, the operating temperature exceeds permissible limit. As a consequence, chances of failure get increased.

Increasing circuit density is driving advanced cooling systems for the next generation microprocessors. Micro-Channel heat exchangers (MITE) in silicon substrates are one method that is receiving considerable attention. These very fine channels in the heat exchanger provide greatly enhanced convective heat transfer rate and have been shown to be able to meet the demands of the cooling challenge for the microprocessors for many generations to come.

This work focused on laminar flow (Re=51, 84, 169) within rectangular micro-channel with hydraulic diameter (86um) for single-phase liquid flow. The influence of the thermo-physical -properties of the fluid on the flow and heat transfer is investigated by evaluating thermo-physical properties at a reference bulk temperature. The micro-heat sink model consists of a (10 mm=10000um) long silicon substrate, with rectangular micro-channels, (57um) wide and (180um) deep, fabricated along the entire length. Water at (293k) is taken as working fluid. The results indicate that thermo-physical properties of the liquid can significantly influence both the flow and heat transfer in the micro-channel. The local heat transfer coefficient and averaged NUSSELT number is calculated and plotted for Reynolds number (51, 84, and 169). The results are verified for heat flux (50w/cm2, 90w/cm2, and 150w/cm2). From these results we have taken the next conclusions:

· A combined heat transfer convection-conduction within the micro-channel is simulated according from the analyses of the temperature profiles crossing in the same time the solid and the fluid. The diffuse heat per conduction in the solid before attains the fluid per convection that is vehicular to the exterior.

· The analyses of the Nusselt number show that the fluid receives the big part of its heat in the inlet region of micro-channel, and if the fluid advance in this channel; it heated. So, the difference between its temperature and walls temperature decreased.

· The pressure drops calculated are agreed with the theoretical and classical formulas.

Key words: conjugated heat transfer, viscous dissipation, micro-channels, numerical simulation.


Nomenclature :

Notations latines

Symboles Dénominations Unités


Cp Chaleur spécifique à p=cte J/Kg


Diamètre hydraulique????h = m



????? Accélération gravitationnelle m/s

h Coefficient d'échange moyen W/m2 .K



q0 Densité De Flux Dégagée Par Le Microprocesseur w/cm

T Température de fluide caloporteur k

U, V, W Composantes du vecteur de la vitesse d'écoulement m/s

suivant x, y et z



Vecteur de vitesse

x Largeur du micro-canal m

y Hauteur du micro-canal m

z Longueur du micro-canal m

Notations grecques

a diffusivité thermique m2/s

B coefficient de dilatation thermique du fluide 1/ k

K conductivité thermique du fluide W/m.K


ñ masse volumique du fluide Kg/m

u Viscosité dynamique du fluide kg/m.s

í Viscosité Cinématique du fluide m2/s

???? La dissipation visqueuse J/m3.s


? Opérateur de vecteur Nabla

?2 Opérateur laplacien s-2

p pression N/m2


A surface m

V Volume m



t Temps s

Nombres adimensionnelles

Br Nombre de Brinkman

???????? Coefficient de frottement

Gr Nombre de grashof

Nu Nombre de Nusselt moyen



Pr Nombre de Prandtl

Nombre de Rayleigt Nombre de Reynolds

Ri Nombre de Richardson


f Fluide

i interface

in Entrée

o Sortie

s Solide

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'imagination est plus importante que le savoir"   Albert Einstein