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Atouts et contraintes des périmètres irrigués en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau au Tchad

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Borgoto DAOUD
Institut international d'ingénierie de l'eau et de l'environnement - Master en ingénierie de l'eau et de l'environnement 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The research realised in Droh Gana and Mara localities in about 25km of N'djamena concerned fortunes and constrains of irrigated perimeters on the process of Integrated water resources management in Chad. It happens from august to October 2011 in order to contribute to the process of integrated water resources management in Chad. Two types of data sources are used with the help of discussions, enquiries cards, observations and some tools (double decameter). By analyses and interpretations of these results, the research demonstrates that the perimeters are initiated in order to fight against food insecurity. This fight allowed the initiation of management actions of principles sources of waters in the country.

According to organization, institutions and political frame are developed in order to facilitate irrigations activities and agricultural production process. So, the country passes from the management of big to small irrigated perimeters where the implication of local population is too important.

The technical diagnosis demonstrate that water pumping station and many other works existed just by memory because of the interruption of activities within the perimeter. These interruptions derived from management difficulties to witch people confront. So, many experiences have been acquired. The main objective of the project was to bring out the population to their self-autonomy and functioning relate to water management and for the entire perimeters.

Constrains link to the stakeholder's behavior and the socio-economic factors have no contribute to the processes of management initiated and so they are not able to show the economic interest of water management. The lack of implication of the women in this management is also a factor. This implication can evaluate and range the priority needs. With the actual institutional and political frame (creation of programs and projects), the problem of water resources utilization in the Chad must be resolved by reinforcing the capacity of the stakeholders and also by taking in to consideration the entire role of watershed management in geopolitical aspects.

The question of integrated water management needs some actions in the field where all the experiment gained by people and government are valorized.

Key words :

1 - Irrigated perimeter

2 - Small perimeter

3 - IWRM

4 - Water resources

5 - Water shed


BT : Bassin de tranquillisation

CP : Canal Principal

CS : Canal Secondaire

CILSS : Comité Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel

CBLT : Commission du Bassin de Lac Tchad

DGRH : Direction de Génie Rural et de l'Hydraulique Agricole

DCO : Demande Chimique en Oxygène

EMHV : Esters Méthyliques d'Huile Végétale

FAO : Food and Agricultural Organisation

FCFA : Franc de la Communauté financière Africaine

FMI : Fond Monétaire International

FIDA : Fond International du Développement Agricole

GMP : Groupe moto pompe

GPA : Groupement de Production Agricole

GTZ : Office Nationale de la coopération Technique

IIED: International Institute for Environment and Development

HMT : hauteur manométrique totale

ITRAD : Institut Tchadien de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

ONASA : Office National de Sécurité Alimentaire

ONDR : Office National pour le Développement Rural

ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale

OP : Organisation de producteurs

PNS : Programme National de Sécurité Alimentaire

PROADEL : Projet d'Appui au Développement Local

PVERS : Projet de Valorisation des Ecoulements de surface

PPI : Petits Périmètres Irrigués

PPV : Petits Périmètres Villageois

PAM : Programme Alimentaire Mondial

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld