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E-Tourism in Europe The E-CRM and ITCs adoption issues: how to retain customers?( Télécharger le fichier original )par Myriam LABIDI ESC Toulouse - Master in Marketing, Communication and Management 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHYStefan Klein and Dimitrios Buhalis, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000, Edited by Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Springer-Velag Wien, New York; 2000; ISBN 3-211-83483-4; 518pp This book is a collection of papers published by the Seventh International Conference on Information Technology and Tourism, organised by the International Federation of Information Technology and Tourism (IFITT), which was held in April 2000 in Barcelona. The first part of the book describes the application of natural language processing and the intelligent interfaces for tourist. . Other highly technical papers examine conceptual and theoretical issues concerning the application of computer systems, information technology and management science to tourism research. It also evaluates the opportunities and challenges created. Some papers examine managerial and organisational issues focusing on information management and the impact of ICTs on tourist and tourism organisations. Considering that most of the tourism SMEs have been developing Internet-based online services, several papers deal with this issue. Even if some papers were sometimes too technical, the book is very broad in focus. I was very interested in the papers presenting case studies and practical examples for tourism marketing and tourism information technology. What makes the book highly valuable and useful is the variety of the sources meaning that the papers were written by research laboratories, local, national and multinational business or social bodies. In addition, the authors had different academic backgrounds such as computer science, information systems, business, hospitality, tourism management, economics or marketing. As a result, the book provides a great amount of new ideas and research findings Robert Lanquar, Robert Hollier, Le marketing touristique, Paris, PUF, coll Que sais-je 6th updated edition, 2001, 125pp "Que sais-je" is a higly valuable collection giving a complete overview of the subject it deals with. I often use this book collection during my studies considering that it gives reliable information and a real insight of the subject. It is usually written in a very clear style. Thanks to this book I really understood what is specific about tourism marketing, what are the main issues, how destination organisations are dealing with tourism products The book begins with a short historic and definition of concepts. The fist chapter determines the specifities of the tourism product, the collection of data and its analysis. It describes how market researches and how customer segmentation are done. The second chapter deals with all the aspects of the promotion examining information, public relations and advertising in the tourism sector. The third chapter deals with the selling process, examining the different distribution channels, the commercial offer toward the professionals and the customers. As a conclusion, the author examines the "integrated marketing" approach by describing the operational process, the choice of partnership and the budget choices. Dr Ravi Kalakota, Marcia Robinson, e-Business 2.0 Roadmap for Success, Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series, , November 2000, ISBN 0-201-72165-1 First of all, it was very interesting to read a book written by two authors who have experienced themselves the migration from a traditional business model to an e-business model by working with leading companies. They give a clear picture of the benefits and challenges that e-business companies have to face. They also identify the fundamental design principles for building a successful e-business blueprint. Second of all, the book deals with the strategy which allows industry leaders and upstarts companies to take maximum advantages of the latest technological trends. The authors reveals how successful companies have implemented focused e-business strategies to build cutting-edge enterprises that serve and retain customers, and integrate better selling chains. I really appreciate the practical perspective of the book as it gives a lot of case studies and some clear and helpful schemes. The second chapter helps me to understand the customer-oriented trends and e-service trends. The sixth chapter makes me understood the basics of Customer Relationship Management, the CRM architecture and its trends. Then, the seventh chapter helps me to understand the process which transform customer contact into revenue considering from a selling chain perspective. Zongciing Zhou, Ph.D. E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism, WTO, 1st Edition (2004) The travel professional who wants to stay on the cutting edge will find this to be a great resource. Employing the concepts, ideas and technologies discussed in this book will dramatically improve customer service and marketing in this age of technology. This book which targets professionals provides an extensive review of the Internet as an agent of change in hospitality and tourism information technology and commerce. To that purpose, it uses pratical examples and case studies. It contains essential information about business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce models It also provides marketing schemes and strategies used by various sectors of the industry. A discussion of e-commerce answers questions about reliability, privacy and security as they relate to Internet transactions. Travel professionals will benefit from a detailed review of the Internet's impact on various sectors of the industry including travel agencies, airlines, hotels, cruise lines, bed and breakfasts, online travel stores and more. In addition, the glossary of terms, the chapter highlights help to get a clearer picture of the subject. It also leads to valuable resources available on related Web sites. From a theoretical perspective, the book discuss the future use of technology in the industry.
This report targets the tourism organisations which would like to enter the E-Business field. It is a very practical book and I really appreciated that perspective indeed. First of all, the report explains the concepts of E-Business and Customer Relationship Management. It gives an overview of the changes in the value chains and of the evolving role of DMOs. Second of all, the report provides practical guidelines which are built on a step-by-step basis and illustrated with case studies and examples. These practical guidelines are intended to help DMOs to respond to the challenges they have to face by developing E-Business systems, and specifically by developing the best Web sites for their consumers, intermediaries, travel media and tourism businesses. Considering the structure of the industry and the challenges which must be faced by SMEs in the adoption of ICT and Internet, I found very interesting that the book is focusing on SMEs tourism suppliers. In addition, it aims to help in the development of E-Business strategy for all type of organisation in the tourism industry. It gives an overview of the relevant E Business applications and services, offers a step-by-step guide for the implementation and points out the critical success factors always accompanied with detailed case studies. This report helped me to understand the issues regarding the technological changes, how it impacts the organisation itself. The main This report prepared by the World Tourism Organization Business Council targets the professionals (public and private sectors) of the tourism industry. It is a very practical guide of the new information and promotion technologies. The report begins with the analysis of the influence of the Internet on the tourism product, focusing on the claim of tourism supply. Then, the report examines the changes in consumers' expectations for the major tourism generating countries caused by the Internet. It also deal with the new players of the travel and tourism industry. It explains who they are and the reasons why they have entered the market. It specifically describes tge key features and best practices of Destination Marketing Organization Web Sites. To that purpose 25 Web Sites were evaluated and 6 case studies were undertaken. The historical review of the Online Travel Distribution gave me an overview of the evolution of the e-tourism. The Destination Marketing Organization Case studies and the first Appendix of 25 best practice Web sites was higly valuable in order to understand how to built efficient Web sites in the tourism industry. I really appreciated the practical perspective of this book as it is built as a guide for professionals of the tourism industry. It helps me to understand the challenges and impacts to be faced by the tourism industry in the so called information age. Dr Anastasia Constantelou, Emerging Trends in Customer Relation Management Using ICT: the Travel Industry, Socio-economic Trends Assessment for the digital Revolution, Issue Report N.22, October 2002 I found this report highly interesting as it focuses on the use of ICTs in the tourism organisation and management of customer relations. It also elaborates the potential evolution of the ICTs. This report uses the results of an exploratory study which was conducted with 18 companies in Germany, Greece, Italy, France and the UK. Detailed interviews were conducted in the summer 2002. The structured interview questionnaire was divided into five sections which were looking at the functional changes, the organisation changes, the impacts of change and the drivers, barriers and perspectives from the introduction of e-CRM. The findings of this report establish that even though the majority of surveyed companies value e-CRM, few of them have actually been engaged in mature, long term planning e-CRM adoption and use. According to this report, the real challenge is to realise productivity gains in the automation of the back office operations. The implementation of technology-based CRM solutions is not the main issue to handle. In fact, the associated organisational and cultural changes within the companies are the keys which enable CRM to contribute to productivity and profitability. World Tourism Organization, Survey of Destination Management Organisations Report April 2004 This large-scale research of Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) has been undertaken for the World Tourism Organization by Tourism Enterprise and Management (TEAM). This research was carried out on a global basis. This benchmark survey aim is to track the development and activites of DMOs organisations. The study includes specific data relating to the size and scale of DMOs as well as their opinions on key issues and the role of international organisations like the WTO. Of the 550 DMOs approached, 44% responded, mostly through an on line survey. To me the most interesting was that this report identifies core marketing and product development activities, information collection and reservations roles undertaken by the DMOs. The report establishes that the use of knew media' activities will represent an increasingly important aspect of the DMOs marketing. This anticipated growth includes CRM, Email Marketing, the use of IT systems and Real time Web reservations services. The study also focuses specifically on the degree to which DMOs had adopted and implemented an e-business strategy.
The European Commission, Enterprise Directorate General, launched the e-Business W@tch to monitor the growing maturity of electronic business across different sectors of the economy in the enlarged European Union This report is the second Sector Impact Study on electronic business in the tourism industry published by the e-Business W@tch in the 2003/04 period. It builds on the first study from May 2004 which mainly presented the quantitative picture, focusing on the results of the e-Business Survey 2003. This study analyses in more detail specific issues which were found to be particularly relevant for the sector at stake. The analysis is supported by case studies and statistical results from the 2003 survey. The conclusions of the report are very interesting as it summarises the main business implications for firms in the sector stemming from ICT and e-business, and assess the main drivers and impediments for the future 7 www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/ict/policy/watch/index.htm or www.ebusiness-watch.org development of electronic business in the sector. Finally, the study points at ICT related policy challenges, starting with considerations about the overall implications of ICT for policy and leading to more sector specific aspects. |