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Image to image translation with generative adversiale networks (translation of satelite image to Google maps image )

par Abel Azize Souna and Ilyes Chaki
Université Hassiba ben Bouali de Chlef  - Licence informatique 2022

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Deep Neural Network Variants

Feed-forward neural networks: it is the most basic form of neural networks where the flow only occurs from the input layer, they only have one layer ,or at most one hidden layer,in this architecture there is no back-propagation technique,they are usually used in face recognition applications1.4

Figure 1.4: feed forward neural network / Source[14]

Radial basis function neural networks: this networks have preferably two layers,the relative

distance from any point to the center is calculated and the same is passed to the next layer 1.5


1.1 Machine Learning

Figure 1.5: radial basis neural network [20]

Multi layer perceptron(MLP): these networks usually have more than three layers with fully connected nodes this architecture is usually used for classifying data and speech recognition and various other applications 1.3

Modular neural networks: this architecture is a combination of smaller networks that serve to achieve a common target ,which is very helpful in breaking a big problem into small pieces 1.6

Figure 1.6: modular neural network / Source[19]

Recurrent Neural Network: This architecture is unique for it's use of loops where the output of one neuron is fed back to the same neuron as an input allows the predicting of the output and the creation of small state memory which is useful for video and audio applications 1.7

1.2 Natural Language Processing

Figure 1.7: recurrent neural network / Source [3]

1.2 Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a sub-field of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. The goal is a computer capable of "understanding" the contents of documents, including the contextual nuances of the language within them.

Definition 1.5


1.2.1 What is Language?

Noam Chomsky gives the following definition to languages: Definition 1.6

language is the inherent capability of native speakers to understand and form grammatical sentences. A language is a set of (finite or infinite) sentences, each finite length constructed out of a limited set of elements. This definition of language considers sentences as the basis of a language. -Noam Chomsky-



1.2.2 Why Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing helps computers communicate with humans in their natural language,NLP makes it possible for computers to read text, hear speech and interpret it.


1.3 Computer Vision Communication

communication can be defined as the act of interaction between two entities , in the context of Natural Language processing it's the interaction between humans and machines

1.3 Computer Vision

1.3.1 what is computer vision

inspired by the architecture of the vision systems in humans and animals ,we create computer vision by using a sensing device and a interpreting device as illustrated in figure 1.8 in the scope of

Figure 1.8: computer vision architecture / Source[7] this project we will focus on the interpreting part.

· Note traditional Multi layer perceptron network have are fully connected ,means each node is connected to every and each neuron in the next and previous layer with can lead to an explosion in the number of weights when the number offeatures is height ,this will be a problem when we apply it on computer vision. each pixel in an image will be a feature ,in an grey scale 256*256 image will produce 65,536 feature meaning millions of weights ,this will only increase exponentially when we add RGB images with more dimensions,for this exact purpose we use Convolution neural network(CNN).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway