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Prise de décision intuitive dans un environnement virtuel.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Mickael ESKINAZI
Université Catholique de Paris - Psychologie 2016

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Introduction :The purpose of the present research was to study the effects of non-conscious information presents in natural environment, on intuition in virtual environment. Therefore, the study hypothesizes that there is continuity between this two environments through intuition and non-conscious somatic reaction. Instead of giving the instructions to switch the attention on the problem's resolution, we have immersed the participant in an environment with clues before the instruction. Therefore, the clues were neutral for the participant and without meaning. If we follow the previous researches about priming, we would suggest that clues from natural environment have activated a field of representations from the background interface. When the participant had to make decisions, we suppose that this activated field, through somatic reaction, guide the decision-making and create an intuitive feeling. Intuition could be this continuous line, which creates fluidity between different environments. Moreover, similarity in implicit memory between the catogories of non-conscious clue and the problem's solution in virtual environment could produce the intuition feeling.

Main hypothesis suggest that visual and olfactory primes in natural environment could enhence intuition and influence the verbal decision through somatic markers.

Methodology : A total number of 23 healthy students who volunteered for the study were randomly assigned to one of two conditions : control (N=11) and experimental (N=12). They were exposed to a naturalistic visual environment via a Head Mounted Display. The visual environment was a real urban scenario pre-recorded on vi-deo.It was filmed in the 1st district of Paris between the Louvre museum and the Paris Opera. All participants were immersed in the virtual environment where they had to resolve an intuitive problem. The semantic category of the solution was linked with the semantic category of the primes.

Results :Intuitive answers were significatively different between the prime's groupe and the control's group. Primed participants gave more intuitiv answers that non-primed participants. Moreover, the amount of electrodermal variation and the temperatures's average were significatively more higher in primed group compared with control group.

Conclusion :The results suggest that the similarity between the clues in the natural environment and the solutions in the virtual environment could produce the intuition feeling. This intuition feeling could influence the decision through somatic markers.

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus