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The contribution of rwandan health insurance in economic development of rwanda( Télécharger le fichier original )par Dusabimana Athanase Umutara Polytechnic University - Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Economics) 2012 |
5.5. SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER RESEARCHThe study that was intended to examining the contribution of mutual health insurance on the economic development of the beneficiaries in Ruganda sector had not covered the whole population. This research cannot claim to be as exhaustive as many readers may expect it to be. This was due resources constraints. In the future, some closely related studies can be conducted. The following are some of them: a. The impact of commonly based health insurance on the economic development compared with some beneficiaries' beliefs towards health insurance, b. The relationship between economic development and mutual health insurance scheme, c. The effect of improved healthcare services on the economic development, d. The contribution of reduction of the real costs of health services on the economy. Moreover, the future research should focus on the standardization of mutual health insurance schemes for these to contribute effectively on the economic development of the beneficiaries. BOOKS Barry M. (1963) You Need to Be A Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business» Third edition; Wadsworth publishing company Belmont, California. Jutting J (2001) The Impact of Health Insurance on the Access to Healthcare and Financial Protection in Rural Developing Countries, Fourth Edition, Washington, DC. Michael Todaro and Stephen Smith (2001) Economic Development, Tenth Edition, New York. JOURNALS Atim C (1999) Social movements and health insurance: a critical evaluation of voluntary, non-profit insurance schemes with case studies from Ghana and Cameroon. Social Science and Medicine 48, 881-886. Carrin G (2003) Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes in Developing Countries: Facts, Problems and Perspectives. Discussion Paper no.1. World Health Organization, Department Health System Financing, Expenditure and Resource Allocation (FER), Geneva. Carrin, G. 1987. «Community Financing of Drugs in Sub-Saharan Africa.» International Journal of Health Planning and Management 2: 125-45. Criel B (1998) District-Based Health Insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 10 no 8 pp 799-811 august 2005 Davies P & Carrin G (2001) Risk-pooling: necessary but not sufficient. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, 587. G. Carrin et al. Community-based health insurance in developing countries 810 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd in Gujarat, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 80,613-621. Perrot J & Adams O (2000) Applying the Contractual Approach to Health Service Delivery in Developing Countries. Discussion article. WHO, Department of the Organisation of Health Services Delivery, Geneva. Schneider P, Diop F & Bucyana S (2000) Development and Implementation of Prepayment Schemes in Rwanda. Partners for Health Reform Technical article no. 45. Toonen, Jurrien. 1995. «Community Financing for Healthcare: A Case Study from Bolivia.» Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute. REPORTS WHO (2000) Health Systems: Improving Performance. The World Health Report 2000. WHO, Geneva. World Bank (2003) The World Development Report 2004. Making Services Work for Poor Beneficiaries. World Bank, Washington, DC. Ministry of health Poverty Reduction Annual Progress Report (2009-2010:56) ELECTRONIC REFENCES http://www.minisante.gov.rw/ accessed on August 2012 http://www.minaloc.gov.rw/ accessed on August 2012 http://www.google.com accessed on July and August 2012 |