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Forest degradation, a methodological approach usingremote sensing techniques: literature review( Télécharger le fichier original )par Jean-fiston Mikwa Ghent University - Master 2011 |
4. ConclusionAs conclusion of this literature review, we can see that a lot f conclusion can be formulated from this literature review. Our literature review had three important parts, the first one helped us to understand the concept of remote sensing, the second one was a brief explanation of the concept of forest degradation and the last one explained different methodologies to evaluate the problem of degradation using remote sensing As a change in forest structure it is not easy to detect the problem through remote sensing, the choice of different approaches depends on a number of factors including the type of degradation process, available (historical) data, capacities and resources and the potentials and limitations of various measurement and monitoring approaches. Mapping forest degradation should not be only a problem of scientist but a social problem putting together interdisciplinary stakeholders, they must have information of the problem in order to quantify the extent of the threat. the preceding discussion the point 3 of this literature review has explored how advancements in remote sensing techniques would help to gather information and to answering most of these questions about all sides of the definition of forest degradation The big challenge is now how those methodologies especially in developing country because of the availability of the satellites imagery, increase in new processing technologies methods, and the cost of spatial information. 20 5. ReferencesAcharya, K., and Dangi, R. 2009. Forest Degradation in Nepal: Review of Data and Methods. FAO Forest Resources Assessment Programme, Rome, Italy Anderson, J.E., L.C. Plourde, M.E. Martin, B.H. Braswell, M.L. Smith, R.O. Dubayah, M.A. Hof ton, and J.B. Blair. 2008. 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