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Design and implementation school management system

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gérard Rutayisire
National University of Rwanda - Degree of Bachelor in Information Technology  2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


4.1.1 Home Page of SMS

Figure 14: Home Page of SMS

Source: SMS

The figure above shows how the system looks at its home page. This is the interface for everyone who can access the system.

4.1.2 The Login Page

Figure 15: The Login Page

Source: SMS

The figure below is the page where is the login utility. Here there is authentication for users. The user must specify his/her Username and password then login as Administrator to perform the required tasks.

4.1.3 Administration Page

Figure 16: Administration Page

Source: SMS

This the page where the user, secretary or Administrator will works. He/She can add students, add course, schedule the course, add student, and edit all features. It is the page where all tasks of the system can be performed it appears after login.

4.1.4 Page for course scheduling

Figure 17: Page for course scheduling

Source: SMS

The figure above shows the planes courses

4.1.5 Page of form for scheduling course

Figure 18: Page of form for scheduling course

Source: SMS

Course scheduling form: Here the school's secretary can plan the course. Edit it and delete if necessary. The course may be planned by trimester where the start date and end date is mentioned.

4.1.6 View teachers

Figure 19: View teachers

Source: SMS

The figure above shows the list of available teachers at KIS, they can be modified as the manager wishes or updated due to any change that can occur.

4.1.7 Registering new teacher

Figure 20: Registering new teacher

Source: SMS

The figure above shows the way to register new teacher, I shows the details of teacher, personal identification and educational level.

4.1.8 List courses to edit or delete some of them

Figure 21: List courses to edit or delete some of them

Source: SMS

The figure above shows how you can add or delete a course from a list. 4.2 Hypothesis Verification

At the end of the work the hypothesis of the project were accomplished as suggested by the researcher. The Hypothesis was to demonstrate that the implementation of the management system of a school will improve the quality of services in Kigali International School, creating an automated application to plan and manage the delivery of courses. Finally the prototype has been created and can be used.



The main objective of this study was to provide a solution to the problem at school Kigali International School, in its many difficulties in managing teachers, courses and students.

This objective was successfully achieved for a practical solution it is possible to implement SMS at Kigali International School. But due to the limited time it is still a prototype which once improved can be successful for such Kind of schools.


As the Methodology used in this project is the prototyping the researcher recommends the following:

For further researchers to continue to create similar product for differents schools in Rwanda using web based application tools. To improve the security they can use Java applets

For KIS, the researcher recommend this school to provide the requirements in matter of equipments in other to setup the product at its level so that to shift for new prototype can be made while this product is in production.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Aux âmes bien nées, la valeur n'attend point le nombre des années"   Corneille